This document outlines the development roadmap for the OpenYurt project.
- Add Cloud Native IOT Device Management API definition.
- Support IOT Device Management that comply with cloud native IOT API
- Support autonomy feature in node pool level.
- Support manage configmap in node pool with unique setting.
- Upgrade openyurt components to support Kubernetes 1.18.
- Add basic Pod network recovery mechanism to handle edge node restarts.
- Improve
user experience. - Add minimal hardware requirement and system requirement info of OpenYurt.
- Support IOT Device Management integrated with EdgeX Foundry that comply with cloud native IOT API
- Yurt-tunnel support more flexible settings for forwarding requests from cloud to edge
- Add local storage statics collection and report
- Support Pods that use
access kube-apiserver run on edge nodes without modification. - Improve OpenYurt user experience(yurtctl init/join/reset)
- Support service to bound east-west traffic within a nodePool
- Launch OpenYurt Experience Center to support end users to learn openyurt easily.
- Support Ingress controller at NodePool level.
- Local storage supports multi-devicepath
- Add YurtAppDaemon for managing workloads like DaemonSet at NodePool level.
- Add YurtCluster Operator(A declarative way for kubernetes and openyurt conversion)
- Update Docs and homepage website
- Adapt kubernetes v1.22+ version
- Release edge network project raven
- inter-pods and service communication across public network
- integrate yurt-tunnel component into raven
- Support more features for edge device
- define
for integrating IOT systems seamlessly - improve Yurt-Device-Controller version and stability
- support EdgeX TLS version
- define
- Improve OpenYurt Experience Center
- support github id as user name to register
ControlPlane SIG
- Provide NodePool Governance Capability
- Support to use Helm charts to intsll OpenYurt (#824)
- Improve OpenYurt Experience Center
- support deploy EdgeX Foundry on the edge site
- Rename UnitedDeployment to YurtAppSet (#735)
- Update english version docs for homepage docs.
detail info:
DataPlane SIG
- support WireGuard backend (#13)
- support SLB as public network exporter for gateway (#22)
- support kube-proxy ipvs mode (#16)
- add reconciliation loop to check route entries and vpn connections periodically. (#10)
- support distribute route path decision (#14)
- merge YurtTunnel into raven
detail info:
- define
for integrating IOT systems seamlessly - support enable security features for EdgeX instance by yurt-edgex-manager
- Added the definition of equipment Command and data processing process Pipeline.
- Manage Benchmark based on OpenYurt+EdgeX cloud native device