Changelog for reva 2.26.0 (2024-10-21)
The following sections list the changes in reva 2.26.0 relevant to
reva users. The changes are ordered by importance.
- Fix #4880: Kept historical resource naming in activity
- Fix #4874: Fix rename activity
- Fix #4881: Log levels
- Fix #4884: Fix OCM upload crush
- Fix #4872: Return 409 conflict when a file was already created
- Fix #4887: Fix ShareCache concurrency panic
- Fix #4876: Fix share jail mountpoint parent id
- Fix #4879: Fix trash-bin propfind panic
- Fix #4888: Fix upload session bugs
- Fix #4560: Always select next before making CS3 calls for propfinds
- Enh #4893: Bump dependencies and go to 1.22.8
- Enh #4890: Bump golangci-lint to 1.61.0
- Enh #4886: Add new Mimetype ggp
- Enh #4809: Implement OCM well-known endpoint
- Enh #4889: Improve posixfs stability and performance
- Enh #4882: Indicate template conversion capabilties on apps
- Bugfix #4880: Kept historical resource naming in activity
Kept historical resource naming after renaming in activity for shares and public links.
- Bugfix #4874: Fix rename activity
We fixed the activity when file with file-id gives move activity instead of rename.
- Bugfix #4881: Log levels
We changed the following log levels:
when getting received
- Bugfix #4884: Fix OCM upload crush
We fixed an issue where a federated instance crashed when uploading a file to a remote folder.
Fixed the cleanup blob and meta of the uploaded files.
- Bugfix #4872: Return 409 conflict when a file was already created
We now return the correct 409 conflict status code when a file was already created by another
- Bugfix #4887: Fix ShareCache concurrency panic
We fixed an issue where concurrently read and write operations led to a panic in the ShareCache.
- Bugfix #4876: Fix share jail mountpoint parent id
Stating a share jail mountpoint now returns the share jail root as the parent id.
- Bugfix #4879: Fix trash-bin propfind panic
We fixed an issue where a trash-bin propfind
request panicked due to a failed and therefore
resource reference lookup.
- Bugfix #4888: Fix upload session bugs
We fixed an issue that caused a panic when we could not open a file to calculate checksums.
Furthermore, we now delete the upload session .lock file on cleanup.
- Bugfix #4560: Always select next before making CS3 calls for propfinds
We now select the next client more often to spread out load
- Enhancement #4893: Bump dependencies and go to 1.22.8
- Enhancement #4890: Bump golangci-lint to 1.61.0
- Enhancement #4886: Add new Mimetype ggp
Adds a new mimetype application/vnd.geogebra.pinboard (ggp) to the app-registry
- Enhancement #4809: Implement OCM well-known endpoint
The wellknown
service now implements the /.well-known/ocm
endpoint for OCM discovery.
The unused endpoints for openid connect and webfinger have been removed. This aligns the
wellknown implementation with the master branch.
- Enhancement #4889: Improve posixfs stability and performance
The posixfs storage driver saw a number of bugfixes and optimizations.
- Enhancement #4882: Indicate template conversion capabilties on apps
We added information to the available app providers to indicate which mimetypes can be used for
template conversion.