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lotsaram edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 3 revisions


This process creates a view that can be used for exporting, copying or zeroing out numbers.

Use Case: Intended for development/prototyping or production.

  1. Create a view to zero out data.
  2. Create a view to use as a source for exporting or copying.

Naturally, a valid cube name (pCube) is mandatory otherwise the process will abort.
The pFilter parameter contains the dimenson and elements to be used for filtering:

  • The format of the pFilter parameter is as follows delimiters of :, & and +: Dim1: Elem1 + Elem2 & Dim2: Elem3 + Elem4.
  • The dimension parameters do not need to be given in the index order of dimensions in the cube.
  • The dimension name is specified as the first member of the delimited string of elements.
  • If consols are skipped the N level children of any consolidated filter elements will be used.
  • Spaces are ignored so use them to make your filter more readable.
  • pTemp: This parameter will control whether to make the view temporary (value 1) or if the view will be permanently retained (value 0).

Process Parameters

Parameter Data Type Default Prompt Text
pLogOutput Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Write parameters and action summary to server message log (Boolean True = 1)
pCube String REQUIRED: Cube Name
pView String REQUIRED: Name of the View
pFilter String OPTIONAL: Filter: Year¦ 2006 + 2007 & Scenario¦ Actual + Budget & Organization¦ North America Operations
pSuppressZero Numeric 1 REQUIRED: Suppress Zero Data (Skip = 1)
pSuppressConsol Numeric 1 REQUIRED: Suppress Consolidations (Skip = 1)
pSuppressRules Numeric 1 REQUIRED: Suppress Rules (Skip = 1)
pSuppressConsolStrings Numeric 0 REQUIRED: Suppress Strings on Consolidations (Skip = 1) (Default = 0)
pDimDelim String & REQUIRED: Delimiter for start of Dimension/Element set
pEleStartDelim String ¦ REQUIRED: Delimiter for start of element list
pEleDelim String + REQUIRED: Delimiter between elements
pTemp Numeric 1 OPTIONAL: Make View Temporary (1=Temporary)
pSubN Numeric 0 OPTIONAL: Create N level subset for all dims not mentioned in pFilter

Full Process Dependencies

Process ExecuteProcess RunProcess
}bedrock.hier.sub.create Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.exclude Y N
}bedrock.hier.sub.create.bymdx Y N

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