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0.14.0 Update sample-player. Fixes #35. Fixes #36
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danigb committed Oct 2, 2016
1 parent 1a7cf96 commit d140bfe
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Showing 4 changed files with 163 additions and 9 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

[0.10.4] Update sample-player (`gain: 0` option is not ignored, `start` and `play` are the same function)
[0.10.1] Update sample-player: add adsr individual parameters to options. New `started` event.
- Add support to MusyngKite soundfonts.
Expand Down
165 changes: 159 additions & 6 deletions dist/soundfont-player.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ function mapBuffers (buffers, toKey) {
}, {})

/* global AudioBuffer */
'use strict'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ function SamplePlayer (ac, source, options) {
* @namespace
var player = { ac: ac, out: out, opts: opts }
var player = { context: ac, out: out, opts: opts }
if (source instanceof AudioBuffer) player.buffer = source
else player.buffers = source

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ function SamplePlayer (ac, source, options) {

var opts = options || EMPTY
when = when || ac.currentTime
when = Math.max(ac.currentTime, when || 0)
player.emit('start', when, name, opts)
var node = createNode(name, buffer, opts) = track(name, node)
Expand All @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ function SamplePlayer (ac, source, options) {
* @see player.start
* @since 0.3.0
*/ = function (n, w, o) { player.start(n, w, o) } = player.start

* Stop some or all samples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,6 +958,7 @@ function SamplePlayer (ac, source, options) {

function isNum (x) { return typeof x === 'number' }
var PARAMS = ['attack', 'decay', 'sustain', 'release']
function envelope (ac, options, opts) {
var env = ADSR(ac)
Expand All @@ -966,7 +967,8 @@ function envelope (ac, options, opts) {
if (adsr) env[name] = adsr[i]
else env[name] = options[name] || opts[name]
env.value.value = options.gain || opts.gain
env.value.value = isNum(options.gain) ? options.gain
: isNum(opts.gain) ? opts.gain : 1
return env

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1017,7 +1019,7 @@ module.exports = function (player) {
* ])
player.schedule = function (time, events) {
var now =
var now = player.context.currentTime
var when = time < now ? now : time
player.emit('schedule', when, events)
var t, o, note, opts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,4 +1212,155 @@ function getValue(start, end, fromTime, toTime, at){
(function(e){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=e()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],e)}else{var t;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){t=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){t=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){t=self}else{t=this}t.midimessage=e()}})(function(){var e,t,s;return function o(e,t,s){function a(n,i){if(!t[n]){if(!e[n]){var l=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!i&&l)return l(n,!0);if(r)return r(n,!0);var h=new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'");throw h.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",h}var c=t[n]={exports:{}};e[n][0].call(c.exports,function(t){var s=e[n][1][t];return a(s?s:t)},c,c.exports,o,e,t,s)}return t[n].exports}var r=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var n=0;n<s.length;n++)a(s[n]);return a}({1:[function(e,t,s){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(s,"__esModule",{value:true});s["default"]=function(e){function t(e){this._event=e;;this.receivedTime=e.receivedTime;if(this._data&&this._data.length<2){console.warn("Illegal MIDI message of length",this._data.length);return}[0]&240;[0]&15;switch(this._messageCode){case 128:this.messageType="noteoff";[1]&127;[2]&127;break;case 144:this.messageType="noteon";[1]&127;[2]&127;break;case 160:this.messageType="keypressure";[1]&127;[2]&127;break;case 176:this.messageType="controlchange";[1]&127;[2]&127;if(this.controllerNumber===120&&this.controllerValue===0){this.channelModeMessage="allsoundoff"}else if(this.controllerNumber===121){this.channelModeMessage="resetallcontrollers"}else if(this.controllerNumber===122){if(this.controllerValue===0){this.channelModeMessage="localcontroloff"}else{this.channelModeMessage="localcontrolon"}}else if(this.controllerNumber===123&&this.controllerValue===0){this.channelModeMessage="allnotesoff"}else if(this.controllerNumber===124&&this.controllerValue===0){this.channelModeMessage="omnimodeoff"}else if(this.controllerNumber===125&&this.controllerValue===0){this.channelModeMessage="omnimodeon"}else if(this.controllerNumber===126){this.channelModeMessage="monomodeon"}else if(this.controllerNumber===127){this.channelModeMessage="polymodeon"}break;case 192:this.messageType="programchange";[1];break;case 208:this.messageType="channelpressure";[1]&127;break;case 224:this.messageType="pitchbendchange";var[2]&127;var[1]&127;this.pitchBend=(t<<8)+s;break}}return new t(e)};t.exports=s["default"]},{}]},{},[1])(1)});

}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
'use strict'

var REGEX = /^([a-gA-G])(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(-?\d*)\s*(.*)\s*$/
* A regex for matching note strings in scientific notation.
* @name regex
* @function
* @return {RegExp} the regexp used to parse the note name
* The note string should have the form `letter[accidentals][octave][element]`
* where:
* - letter: (Required) is a letter from A to G either upper or lower case
* - accidentals: (Optional) can be one or more `b` (flats), `#` (sharps) or `x` (double sharps).
* They can NOT be mixed.
* - octave: (Optional) a positive or negative integer
* - element: (Optional) additionally anything after the duration is considered to
* be the element name (for example: 'C2 dorian')
* The executed regex contains (by array index):
* - 0: the complete string
* - 1: the note letter
* - 2: the optional accidentals
* - 3: the optional octave
* - 4: the rest of the string (trimmed)
* @example
* var parser = require('note-parser')
* parser.regex.exec('c#4')
* // => ['c#4', 'c', '#', '4', '']
* parser.regex.exec('c#4 major')
* // => ['c#4major', 'c', '#', '4', 'major']
* parser.regex().exec('CMaj7')
* // => ['CMaj7', 'C', '', '', 'Maj7']
function regex () { return REGEX }

var SEMITONES = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
* Parse a note name in scientific notation an return it's components,
* and some numeric properties including midi number and frequency.
* @name parse
* @function
* @param {String} note - the note string to be parsed
* @param {Boolean} isTonic - true if the note is the tonic of something.
* If true, en extra tonicOf property is returned. It's false by default.
* @param {Float} tunning - The frequency of A4 note to calculate frequencies.
* By default it 440.
* @return {Object} the parsed note name or null if not a valid note
* The parsed note name object will ALWAYS contains:
* - letter: the uppercase letter of the note
* - acc: the accidentals of the note (only sharps or flats)
* - pc: the pitch class (letter + acc)
* - step: s a numeric representation of the letter. It's an integer from 0 to 6
* where 0 = C, 1 = D ... 6 = B
* - alt: a numeric representation of the accidentals. 0 means no alteration,
* positive numbers are for sharps and negative for flats
* - chroma: a numeric representation of the pitch class. It's like midi for
* pitch classes. 0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D ... It can have negative values: -1 = Cb.
* Can detect pitch class enhramonics.
* If the note has octave, the parser object will contain:
* - oct: the octave number (as integer)
* - midi: the midi number
* - freq: the frequency (using tuning parameter as base)
* If the parameter `isTonic` is set to true, the parsed object will contain:
* - tonicOf: the rest of the string that follows note name (left and right trimmed)
* @example
* var parse = require('note-parser').parse
* parse('Cb4')
* // => { letter: 'C', acc: 'b', pc: 'Cb', step: 0, alt: -1, chroma: -1,
* oct: 4, midi: 59, freq: 246.94165062806206 }
* // if no octave, no midi, no freq
* parse('fx')
* // => { letter: 'F', acc: '##', pc: 'F##', step: 3, alt: 2, chroma: 7 })
function parse (str, isTonic, tuning) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') return null
var m = REGEX.exec(str)
if (!m || !isTonic && m[4]) return null

var p = { letter: m[1].toUpperCase(), acc: m[2].replace(/x/g, '##') }
p.pc = p.letter + p.acc
p.step = (p.letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7
p.alt = p.acc[0] === 'b' ? -p.acc.length : p.acc.length
p.chroma = SEMITONES[p.step] + p.alt
if (m[3]) {
p.oct = +m[3]
p.midi = p.chroma + 12 * (p.oct + 1)
p.freq = midiToFreq(p.midi, tuning)
if (isTonic) p.tonicOf = m[4]
return p

* Given a midi number, return its frequency
* @param {Integer} midi - midi note number
* @param {Float} tuning - (Optional) the A4 tuning (440Hz by default)
* @return {Float} frequency in hertzs
function midiToFreq (midi, tuning) {
return Math.pow(2, (midi - 69) / 12) * (tuning || 440)

var parser = { parse: parse, regex: regex, midiToFreq: midiToFreq }
var FNS = ['letter', 'acc', 'pc', 'step', 'alt', 'chroma', 'oct', 'midi', 'freq']
FNS.forEach(function (name) {
parser[name] = function (src) {
var p = parse(src)
return p && (typeof p[name] !== 'undefined') ? p[name] : null

module.exports = parser

// extra API docs
* Get midi of a note
* @name midi
* @function
* @param {String} note - the note name
* @return {Integer} the midi number of the note or null if not a valid note
* or the note does NOT contains octave
* @example
* var parser = require('note-parser')
* parser.midi('A4') // => 69
* parser.midi('A') // => null
* Get freq of a note in hertzs (in a well tempered 440Hz A4)
* @name freq
* @function
* @param {String} note - the note name
* @return {Float} the freq of the number if hertzs or null if not valid note
* or the note does NOT contains octave
* @example
* var parser = require('note-parser')
* parser.freq('A4') // => 440
* parser.freq('A') // => null


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