This example shows how to create a simple custom MuJoCo model and train a reinforcement learning agent using the Gymnasium shell and algorithms from StableBaselines.
To reproduce the result you will need python packages MuJoCo, Gymnasium and StableBaselines3 with the appropriate versions:
pip install -r requirements.txt
A simple ball balancing environment was implemented as a starting point. The observation consisted of 10 values (position and speed for rotating the platform along two axes and moving the ball along three axes). Each step the agent received a reward of 1 until he fell off the platform or the episode ended (500 steps by default). The Soft Actor Critic algorithm learned an acceptable policy in 150,000 steps.
The model in MJCF format is located in the assets folder. Place the xml file of your own model there. Configure it with the necessary joints and actuators.
By running the file, you can test all actuators, as well as the physics of the model in general, in a convenient interactive mode. To do this, run the following command:
python --path path/towards/your/xml/file
- Create your own environment class similar to BallBalanceEnv.
In the
method, replace the model path with your own, and insert your observation shape intoobservation_space
(size of observation). -
In the
method, define the reward for each step, as well as the condition for the end of the episode. -
In the
method, define what should happen at the beginning of each episode (when the model is reset). For example, initial states, adding noise, etc. -
In the
method, return your observations, such as the velocities and coordinates of certain joints.
In the file, create an instance of your class (instead of BallBalanceEnv). Then you can choose a different algorithm or use your own, now your environment has all the qualities of the Gym environment.
In the file you can test your agent by specifying the path to the model saved after training. You can also create a GIF from frames (commented code) :)