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Releases: dotnet/HttpRepl


27 Oct 23:12
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A nice little batch of updates in this release as we get towards the 5.0 release in a couple of weeks:

  • NEW: Added a httpClient.proxy.useDefaultCredentials preference that enables working with proxies that require default credentials for authentication (#305)
  • NEW: The tool will now provide a notice to any user who specifies VS Code as their default editor, telling the user they should add the -w or --wait argument to the editor arguments preference (#310)
  • NEW: Added a --verbose option to the connect command. When that option is provided, the connect command will display more detailed information about its attempts to find and process the OpenAPI Description document via the other arguments and options presented to the command (#373)
  • CHANGE: We've removed the help {url} form of the help command in favor of displaying the same information using the list command with a verbose flag (ls --verbose or dir --verbose) (#70)
  • FIX: We fixed an issue where arguments of commands with more than one form (e.g. the list command, which can be either ls or dir) are not parsed correctly (#409)
  • FIX: We fixed an issue where the formatting of HTTP request methods was inconsistent in the list command with the recursive option (#410)

Available via nuget


23 Oct 05:32
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This release includes one change:

  • FIX: We fixed an issue with the help command that caused it to show an error or incomplete information (#403)

Available via nuget


14 Oct 18:46
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In addition to updating the repo to use the latest .NET 5 SDKs (first RC1, then RC2) the primary thing this release adds is telemetry.

One focus for our post-5.0 work is going to be the usability of our existing commands and command syntax. We're working closely with customers to gather feedback, but we'd also like to get a feel for how the tool is being used "in the wild".

For more information on the telemetry we're collecting, take a look at the telemetry page of the repo. Like other .NET CLI tools, you can opt-out from the telemetry using the method outlined on that page.

Available via nuget.


10 Sep 22:31
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A small update with just one change to accommodate the upcoming .NET 5 RC1 release:

  • CHANGE: Automatically strip "/swagger" from the root url passed to the connect command. This enables a more seamless default F5 experience with the latest dotnet new webapi template (#386)

Available via nuget.


19 Aug 23:14
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In this first preview release of 5.0.0, we're excited to give you a first look at the new parsing capabilities enabled by our use of OpenAPI.NET. The big news here is that we can now handle a much wider range of OpenAPI description documents than the custom parser we previously used could handle. That includes full support for YAML descriptions as well as the existing JSON format support.

Here's the full changelog for this preview:

  • ADD: Support for YAML OpenAPI descriptions (#347)
  • REMOVE: We no longer support v1 Swagger descriptions. Please see the issue for more information. If this presents a problem for you, file an issue and let us know your scenario (#347)
  • FIX: We fixed an issue where using the windows clipboard history to paste into the REPL would cause invalid input (#374)

Available via nuget.


19 Aug 22:09
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Final release of 3.1.0. No additional changes after the two prerelease builds. Please see those release notes for details:

Available via nuget.


02 Aug 04:35
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Adding one additional bug fix to the 3.1 release:

  • FIX: Extra spaces between parameters should not cause command parsing to fail (#365)

Available via nuget.


04 Jul 23:38
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Our first pre-release build of the work we're doing for 3.1, which is mostly a bug fix release.

  • FIX: Don't duplicate headers when sending a body with the request (#237)
  • FIX: Show friendlier error messages when specified default editor is not found (#213)
  • FIX: Allow the AltGr key to be used for character input (#226)
  • FIX: Handle more character encodings when available (#238)
  • CHANGE: The --swagger option on the connect command is now deprecated, with the preferred option being --openapi. We will consider removing --swagger in 4.0, but for now it is still available (#346)
  • CHANGE: Drop support for .NET Core 3.0 (since it is out of support) and add support for .NET Core 3.1 (LTS version) and .NET 5 (#348)
  • ADD: Add openapi.json and /openapi.json to the well-known search paths (#248)

Available via nuget.


23 Sep 16:35
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First official release of HttpRepl!

To install on a machine with .Net Core 2.1 or higher:

dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl

For full information on the features of HttpRepl and how to use it, please see the documentation.


10 Sep 20:18
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Updated preview release.

  • Updated the in-app documentation for the ui command to reflect the changes made in #209.

Available via NuGet.