Known Issues
- Black splash screens on iOS 16.5+ simulators
The splash screen on iOS simulators are sometimes black if you are not using a developer certificate. Splash screens will still appear on older simulators (such as iOS 15.5) or if you are doing a release build.
See more dotnet/macios#18469 - Always-visible scrollbars on iOS
The iOS scroll view does not always size correctly and you may always see a scrollbar.
See more #17224 - Installing .NET MAUI workload fails with signing errors
Make sure you're using the latest RC1 SDK.
What's Changed
- New duplicate image errors
After updating to RC 1, you may see an error about duplicate files (such as with image resources) and this is because previously we did not check for duplicates and the image that was selected was arbitrary. From RC 1, we are now checking to ensure there are no duplicates. Make sure that if you have globs including images, you are not also including images again and insteadUpdate
:<ItemGroup> <MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\*" /> <!-- this will causes an error: --> <MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\myimage.svg" Color="Red" /> <!-- this will NOT result in an error: --> <MauiImage Update="Resources\Images\myimage.svg" Color="Red" /> </ItemGroup>
- Changes to the way RIDs work
Although not directly affecting .NET MAUI apps/libraries right now, there was a change to the way the RIDs work in .NET 8 RC 1: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/compatibility/sdk/8.0/rid-graph
MAUI Product Fixes
- [ios] fix memory leak in Editor by @jonathanpeppers in #16348
- [ios] fix memory leak in Entry by @jonathanpeppers in #16349
- [Core] attribute SolidColorBrush for the XamlC processor by @StephaneDelcroix in #16370
- [ios] fix memory leaks in MauiDoneAccessoryView by @jonathanpeppers in #16380
- Resize internal content container when ScrollView content is resized by @hartez in #16385
- [iOS] Avoid CheckBox memory leak by @jsuarezruiz in #16376
- [ios] fix memory leak in RefreshView by @jonathanpeppers in #16384
- [C] fix SelectedIndex propagation for picker by @PureWeen in #16387
- [Windows] Fix Border corners clipping issue by @jsuarezruiz in #14403
- [iOS] Fix Editor placeholder issues by @jsuarezruiz in #15883
- [Essentials] Make PublisherName public on NET8 by @rmarinho in #16454
- Fix EntryCellRenderer to use FromHandler for text changes by @PureWeen in #16458
- Reinstate IContentView and ILayout methods by @hartez in #16411
- [net8.0] Make UpdateBackground public by @rmarinho in #16453
- [iOS/Catalyst] Fix issue setting ContentPage gradient background by @jsuarezruiz in #15832
- [Essentials] add WiFi permissions on Android 13+ by @janusw in #14718
- [iOS] Add updates for LineHeight, TextDecorations, CharacterSpacing by @cat0363 in #16223
- [Windows] fixing window glitches while moving or resizing by @salarcode in #14861
- Allow * rows/columns treated as Auto to expand during 2nd measure pass by @hartez in #16488
- Revert "[Windows] fixing window glitches while moving or resizing (#14861)" by @rmarinho in #16541
- [ios] fix memory leak in SwipeView by @jonathanpeppers in #16532
- [SourceGen] Support genric types from XML namespaces by @jonpryor in #16486
- [ios] fix memory leak in TimePicker by @jonathanpeppers in #16265
- Use same type converter for Brush as for Color to enable XAML completion by @etvorun in #16559
- Fix Graphics Font comparison method by @jsuarezruiz in #15985
- [WinUI] Implement PointerPressed and PointerReleased by @rachelkang in #16213
- [ X] Optimize OnPlatform element syntax by @StephaneDelcroix in #5611
- [ X] Support DynResources as AppThemeBinding values by @StephaneDelcroix in #16597
- Adds prompts when creating a new page. by @mausam-shrestha in #16331
- [ios] fix memory leak in GraphicsView by @jonathanpeppers in #16605
- Setting binding on Label doesn't set text to incoming binding by @PureWeen in #16410
- Use runtime check for setting WKWebView inspectable flag by @drasticactions in #16631
- Implement Additional PointerGestureRecognizer Platform Arguments by @tj-devel709 in #16426
- [C] fix Specificity for VSM by @StephaneDelcroix in #16404
- Prevent Android timer from adding multiple callbacks by @hartez in #16078
- [Android] Fix SwipeView not swiping using Label as direct content by @jsuarezruiz in #14824
- Locate MAUI View for PlatformView by @PureWeen in #16463
- [android] update AOT profile for .NET 8.0.100-rc.1.23404.2 by @jonathanpeppers in #16644
- [ios] fix memory leak in SwipeItem by @jonathanpeppers in #16614
- [ios/catalyst] fix memory leak in DatePicker by @jonathanpeppers in #16589
- Add swipe gesture for uitests by @sbanni in #16560
- Fix the case where silent was requested by @mattleibow in #16676
- Use the correct WASDK property by @mattleibow in #16683
- Re-land "[Windows] fixing window glitches while moving or resizing" by @mattleibow in #16637
- Update WebNavigationResult.cs doc comments by @Eilon in #16710
- [ios] fix memory leak in WindowOverlay by @jonathanpeppers in #16700
- Obsolete VisualElement.FocusChangeRequested event by @jfversluis in #16750
- [ios] fix memory leak in Picker by @jonathanpeppers in #16685
- [ X] avoid AmbiguousMatchException by @StephaneDelcroix in #15873
- Streamline SwipeView Children by @PureWeen in #16753
- Allow "duplicate" files to be processed by @mattleibow in #16534
- [iOS/Catalyst] Fix issue loading images from Stream by @jsuarezruiz in #16162
- MauiEmbedding extensions should use specified TApp type by @dansiegel in #16758
- Make ImageSourcePartExtensions public by @jsuarezruiz in #16633
- Revert "Internalize MessagingCenter (#12582)" by @mattleibow in #16798
- Import Keyboard Extension APIs by @drasticactions in #16572
- [windows] fix memory leak in ListView by @jonathanpeppers in #16762
- Add GetPosition method to DragStartingEventArgs, DragEventArgs, and DropEventArgs by @jsuarezruiz in
- [macOS] Don't force the RID to be x64-only by @mattleibow in #16678
- Make it more obvious how to use shell with sandbox by @BretJohnson in #16840
- [windows] Fix Picker PointerOver TextColor (#16751) by @molesmoke in #16752
- Add note about ClipsToBounds/IsClippedToBounds by @hartez in #16833
- [iOS] Fix ScrollTo method issues by @jsuarezruiz in #15984
- [Android] Fix issue setting CarouselView position on Ctor or Appearing by @jsuarezruiz in #16165
- [BuildTasks] Fix resolution for nested types by @pjcollins in #16841
- [windows] improve memory usage of
by @jonathanpeppers in #16838 - [ios] test MemoryAnalyzers package by @jonathanpeppers in #16346
- Revert "Make ImageSourcePartExtensions public" by @mattleibow in #16893
- Set Mapper/Handler ctor to protected on migration handlers by @PureWeen in #16882
- Fix support for VisualDiagnosticsOverlay/IWindowOverlay on Android Shell Apps by @drasticactions in #16138
- [WinUI] Update shadow mask as part of shadow properties by @emaf in #16895
- Improve the control over resource generation by @mattleibow in #16845
- Add property for tapping on page to close soft input keyboard by @PureWeen in #16530
- [windows] Fixed CarouselView items rendering by @mauroa in #16842
- [workload] Only install the WinUI pack on Windows by @pjcollins in #16937
- [core] use factory methods for registering services by @jonathanpeppers in #16741
- Handlers should not implement
directly by @mattleibow in #16901 - [WinUI] Fix exception when adding items to a linear layout CollectionView by @emaf in #16958
- [android] update AOT profile for .NET 8.0.0-rc.1.23419.3 by @jonathanpeppers in #16963
- Add interface to expose out UIView methods by @PureWeen in #16868
- Revert "Remove TargetIdiom" by @mattleibow in #16982
- Fix so updating FlyoutItemIsVisible hides/shows shell menu item by @BretJohnson in #16942
- Present to UIWindow associated with passed in page by @PureWeen in #16983
- [android] Fixed ListView visibility and opacity on Android by @mauroa in #16941
- [android] fix DI registration for Frame, ListView, TableView by @jonathanpeppers in #16989
- [workload] Move default item updates to workload sdk by @pjcollins in #16990
- [Android] Fix Keyboard.Numeric issue by @jsuarezruiz in #16163
- [Windows] Notify Shell tab title changes by @jsuarezruiz in #16593
- Fix Flyout Crash (Windows) by @Foda in #16800
- [core] factory methods for registering services, part 2 by @jonathanpeppers in #17004
- Fix Android text alignment in migrated projects by @jknaudt21 in #16986
- Fix the order of logical modifications by @PureWeen in #17020
- [macOS] Implement IsEnabled property in MenuFlyoutItems by @jsuarezruiz in #14920
- [android] CollectionView logical children grows with Header/Footer by @jonathanpeppers in #17012
- [iOS] Changes in Border clipping part by @jsuarezruiz in #15856
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for ICheckBox.IsChecked by @rmarinho in #17067
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for IRadioButton.IsChecked by @rmarinho in #17066
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for IDatePicker by @rmarinho in #17071
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for IPicker.SelectedIndex by @rmarinho in #17070
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for ISwitch.IsOn by @rmarinho in #17068
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for ITimePicker.Time by @rmarinho in #17072
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for IIndicatorView.Position by @rmarinho in #17073
- Fixed the tab bar not hiding/showing if property changed by @Foda in #17069
- [controls] Add SetterSpecificity handler for IView.IsFocused by @rmarinho in #17074
- Obsolete ClickGestureRecognizer by @Foda in #17081
- Fix blurry FontImageSource icons in iOS Tab Bar and buttons by @japarson in #16864
- Revert Factory Registration to fix ListView regression by @PureWeen in #17084
- [net8.0] Add some properties/globs back into the NuGet for older workloads by @mattleibow in #17090
- Add some properties/globs back into the NuGet for older workloads by @mattleibow in #17091
- [Android] Fix-Issue-With-Refresh-Indicator-Not-Hiding by @dustin-wojciechowski in #17080
- [Controls] Move ITextInput and IFontElement to InputView by @rmarinho in #17036
- Grid distribution fix by @john-hollander in #17023
- Rename Accelerator to KeyboardAccelerator and Refactor APIs by @rachelkang in #16740
- Fixed Android RoundRectangle border logic by @jstedfast in #17087
- Fix RefreshView specificity on IsRefreshing by @rmarinho in #17062
- [RC1] Implement Platform Args for Drag and Drop EventArgs by @tj-devel709 in #16962
- [WinUI] Fix borders not showing bottom and right side by @emaf in #17016
- [C] 2W bindings always apply by @StephaneDelcroix in #17110
- Update BindableObject API docs by @jfversluis in #17099
- Drag and Drop move suppression for older android builds by @tj-devel709 in #17150
- PermissionStatus: Remove "ios only" from documentation of Restricted by @dotMorten in #17156
- Update BindableObject API docs by @jfversluis in #17138
- [Windows] Fix SwipeView DeviceTests by @jsuarezruiz in #16226
- [tests] consolidate various DoesNotLeak tests by @jonathanpeppers in #16407
- [compatibility] Skip test on iOS by @rmarinho in #16452
- [iOS] Re-enable editor tests by @jsuarezruiz in #16365
- [tests] Fix device tests to run on arm64 by @mattleibow in #16408
- [uitests] Fix appium script by @rmarinho in #16451
- [uitests] Skip a couple of more Compatibility UITests by @rmarinho in #16477
- Add visual testing support, on top of Appium by @BretJohnson in #14999
- Fix BlazorWebView tests on Windows by @Eilon in #16487
- [testing] Make test by default on 16.4 by @rmarinho in #16479
- [tests] Fix run Compatibility on iOS by @rmarinho in #16549
- add unit test for #13585 by @StephaneDelcroix in #16578
- [iOS] Added DeviceTest to validate CharacterSpacing on Button by @jsuarezruiz in #16603
- Make Android visual test screenshots more deterministic by @BretJohnson in #16591
- [UITest] Add more logging and restart in setup by @sbanni in #16687
- [UITest] Add reset to test teardown if the app is not running anymore by @sbanni in #16769
- [tests] Enable TreatWarningsAsErrors=true by @pjcollins in #16766
- Add a UI test for tapping on a label span by @mattleibow in #16222
- Use the x86 emulator for API 27 by @mattleibow in #16869
- [UITest] Add a timeout to the appium server startup by @sbanni in #16939
- Tests: Add support for connected component analysis by @dotMorten in #16770
- [uitests] Bump versions and fix script by @rmarinho in #16917
- Use a fixed WinUI window size for Appium test app by @BretJohnson in #16956
- Default paths for Appium projects, to simplify run steps by @BretJohnson in #16763
- Add Windows unpackaged DeviceTests in CI by @jfversluis in #17001
- Ignore failures from newly added UITests temporarily by @BretJohnson in #17003
- Fix UI drag & drop tests by @jknaudt21 in #17044
- [tests] Ignore appium visual test #15330 while we investigate by @rmarinho in #17143
- Add a second set of borders to the Border Resize Content sample by @jstedfast in #17158
- Correct minor Barometer API docs mistake by @jfversluis in #16853
- Add ViewHandler Mapper docs by @mattleibow in #16296
- Add XML docs for explicit interface implementations in BlazorWebView by @Eilon in #16535
- Document Element by @jknaudt21 in #16299
- Add doc comments for common types used in templates, maps, webview by @Eilon in #16552
- Document IElementHandler by @DianaSoltani in #16706
- Document Brush & Colors by @jknaudt21 in #16738
- Update VisualElement docs by @jfversluis in #16754
- Improve VisualElement API Docs Follow-up by @jfversluis in #16933
Dependency Updates
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #16390
- Bump the windowsappsdk group with 1 update by @dependabot in #16372
- Bump the androidx group with 1 update by @dependabot in #16371
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #16406
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-android by @dotnet-maestro in #16389
- [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/xharness by @dotnet-maestro in #16579
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.3 to 17.7.0 by @dependabot in #16583
- Bump the android group with 1 update by @dependabot in #16474
- [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/xharness by @dotnet-maestro in #16600
- Bump the aspnetcore group with 7 updates by @dependabot in #16634
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-android by @dotnet-maestro in #16665
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.0 to 17.7.1 by @dependabot in #16822
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from dotnet/aspnetcore by @dotnet-maestro in #16829
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #16828
- [net8.0] Update dependencies from dotnet/aspnetcore by @dotnet-maestro in #16871
- Bump Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 by @dependabot in #16889
- [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/xharness by @dotnet-maestro in #16890
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from dotnet/runtime by @dotnet-maestro in #16899
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from dotnet/aspnetcore by @dotnet-maestro in #16900
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Updates for dotnet/runtime by @rmarinho in #16904
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #16950
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #16951
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-android by @dotnet-maestro in #16955
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-android by @dotnet-maestro in #17008
- [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/xharness by @dotnet-maestro in #17030
- Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 by @dependabot in #17032
- [release/8.0.1xx-rx1] Bump xamarin-macios rc1 packages by @rmarinho in #17033
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.1 to 17.7.2 by @dependabot in #17058
- Bump Microsoft.Web.WebView2 from 1.0.1901.177 to 1.0.1938.49 by @dependabot in #17059
- Bump the androidx group with 1 update by @dependabot in #17103
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Update dependencies from xamarin/xamarin-macios by @dotnet-maestro in #17163
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16388
- [build] CI build fixes and UItests by @rmarinho in #16401
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16413
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 by @rmarinho in #16420
- [ci] Run Codesign Verification after MSI creation by @pjcollins in #16423
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16427
- [build] Remove the old step for vs insertion on release by @rmarinho in #16457
- [Housekeeping] Add latest versions to bug template by @samhouts in #16484
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 by @rmarinho in #16473
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16489
- [build] allow main to be built with a .NET 8 SDK by @jonathanpeppers in #16508
- Add
scripts to make using in tree dotnet easier. by @jonpryor in #16461 - [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16536
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8 branch by @rmarinho in #16527
- Move powershell pack script into cake by @mattleibow in #16588
- [Housekeeping] Add 8.0 preview 7 to bug report template by @samhouts in #16613
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16592
- [Housekeeping] Fix broken bug template by @samhouts in #16643
- [Housekeeping] Remove checkboxes from bug template by @samhouts in #16650
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16655
- [build] Bump XCode to 14.3.1 by @rmarinho in #16374
- Update CODEOWNERS by @samhouts in #16682
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 branch by @rmarinho in #16681
- [net8.0] Merge main into net8.0 by @mattleibow in #16695
- Enable default xcode path by @PureWeen in #16708
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16690
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16771
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16801
- [build] avoid NETSDK1195 error by @jonathanpeppers in #16795
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16844
- Add a "VSCode" target to open the "maui.code-workspace". by @dellis1972 in #16732
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16872
- Merge main into net8.0 by @mattleibow in #16876
- [build] Manage extensions via maestro by @rmarinho in #16834
- Fail the build before it even starts by @mattleibow in #16906
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16907
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16968
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16944
- [net8.0] Bring latest changes from main by @rmarinho in #16976
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #16993
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 by @rmarinho in #17006
- [net8.0] Bump net7 version by @rmarinho in #17009
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #17017
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Merge net8.0 to 8.0.1xx-rc1 by @rmarinho in #17007
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #17025
- Remove pinning to NET7 SDK by @PureWeen in #17035
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #17045
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 by @rmarinho in #17024
- [build] Try fix provisioning mono by @rmarinho in #17076
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 by @rmarinho in #17100
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Merge net8 to rc1 release by @rmarinho in #17107
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #17121
- Run the API diff against stable versions by @mattleibow in #17118
- [housekeeping] Automated PR to fix formatting errors by @github-actions in #17161
- [net8.0] Merge main to net8.0 branch by @rmarinho in #17139
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1] Merge net8.0 to rc1 by @rmarinho in #17169
- [release/8.0.1xx-rc1]Revert net7 sr8 by @rmarinho in #17173
New Contributors
- @cat0363 made their first contribution in #16223
- @salarcode made their first contribution in #14861
- @mausam-shrestha made their first contribution in #16331
- @DianaSoltani made their first contribution in #16706
- @emaf made their first contribution in #16895
- @john-hollander made their first contribution in #17023
Full Changelog: 8.0.0-preview.7.8842...8.0.0-rc.1.9149