1.6.1 (2021-02-02)
- layerContextDirective.computeLayerVisibilityFromUrl: share link bug with layer id numeric (#807) (158a7a6)
- typo: font-size is overwrited (bb7e601)
1.6.0 (2021-02-01)
- fix unsafe external link (f464fc6)
- provide hashtags for search and add eye into filter tool (#789) (7b45d3b)
- entity-table: fix paginator undefined (03f7bdc)
- forcedProperties: add ICatalog forced properties attribute (#803) (1a5b98f)
- geometry-form-field: fix map undefined when drawStyle changed (fb18e82)
- icherche: geometry null (4c7e1f9)
- intercept: add url to xhr request interception (#785) (bf80109)
- print: center title, fix margins and add subtitle (#805) (8efa97f)
- search: No provider for SearchSourceService in somes cases #786 (76748c4)
- spatial filter: Spatial filter1.6 (#783) (a1d0534)
- spatial-filter: fix radius and buffer sending (#788) (e08500e)
- spatial-filter: Generic type NestedTreeControl requires 1 type argument (79e2828)
- wfs: fix url with ? (aa7a973)
- about-tool: add IGO2 training guide (#790) (36b18b0)
- catalog: allow alias to force name on catalog's layer (#787) (c392912)
- catalog: allow to use abstract a meta when metadata url is undefined (#799) (7535b09)
- draw: new draw tool (#795) (dac05d2)
- form: allows user to specify validator option for form field configuration as string value (47b00d2)
- interactive: map interactive tour (#781) (ee37f12)
1.5.3 (2020-11-19)
- flexible: Cannot read property unsubscribe of undefined (bdec1d5)
- print: the legend was called twice and improvement of its positioning (1ea159c)
- print-tool: fix small screen layers print (#780) (9e404fe)
- workspace: WMS workspace with a different url for wms-wfs is not correctly assigned. (#778) (c16a1c9)
- hover: Hover feature (#779) (aa182ec), closes #773 #765
- tour: Context interactive tour (#751) (09826e6)
1.5.2 (2020-11-11)
- actionbar: chevrons are now relative to igo div (2019da3)
- drap-drow: drop event is fired twice (5f36c8b)
- locale: fix merge locales (6e6e843)
- ogc-filter-form: applied projection and change field on typing (#760) (66e894f)
- print: fix legend print (571fa31)
- print: fix print legend (ad7d121)
- print: print legend icon (#772) (228543f)
- spatial-filter: Spatial filter1.5.2 - in progress (#769) (bf7d7a6)
- spinner: the directive created a new component instead of using the associated one (b049a96)
- stringToLonLat: negative DNS now returns the correct coordinate and DMS regex stricter (e5fabd5)
- workspace: CSS modifs for actionbar menu (#766) (8156bce)
- icherche: add types (f5097a1)
- layer: Bindind layers together (some identified properties and deletion) (#720) (7e44659), closes #580 #581 #586 #582 #583 #595 #589 #588 #602 #597 #603 #607 #585 #611 #610 #609 #608 #612 #620 #617 #618 #359 #619 #359 #621 #614 #624 #623 #599 #625 #632 #629 #628 #631 #616 #635 #636 #637 #696 #697 #700 #701 #703 #696 #697 #707 #702 #709 #708 #696 #697 #700 #701 #703 #696 #697 #707 #702 #709 #708 #750
- spatial-filter: add buffer and units option (#761) (487fac2)
- translate: can load many locale files (c0cf6cb)
1.5.1 (2020-10-20)
- timeFilter: getCapabilies populates the timeFilter (41dbd1f)
1.5.0 (2020-10-16)
- arcgisrest datasource: Fix id generator for arcgis rest catalog + add demo example (#715) (b2b6beb)
- auth: auth microsoft use location href (94aaec1)
- auth: trustHosts now working (b29ac99)
- capabilities.service: Access denied err handling (#717) (4a4c736)
- catalog: preview conflict with layer add (#722) (6416022)
- context-export: keep the order of the layers coming from catalogs or search (4e3dd07)
- demo: remove pointerPositionByKey (7fd2d74)
- directions: copy link, multi/polygon proposal (#733) (1e2177d)
- export: fix encoding ex;l and google maps name link (#712) (244416d), closes #696 #696
- feature-details: fix routing property when directions tool out of config (#745) (4d8618b)
- geolocate: geolocate always track the position (8368057)
- igoPointerPositionByKey: remove directive not used (8fd4b09)
- interactive-tour: css fix for interactive tour (#708) (6fa80f4)
- interactive-tour: fix missing element condition (#730) (720a0d0)
- legend: fix stylesAvailable undefined (ea1952e)
- legend: legend close on return in map (#517) (#736) (847029d)
- spatial-filter: fix spatial filter 1.4 (#697) (7180323)
- spatial-filter: fix spatial filter results according to expansio… (#727) (51c826b)
- spatial-filter: fix workspace results (#734) (349f021)
- view: constrain resolutions (be77ec8)
- auth: add microsoft azure authentification (055cb7f)
- badge: add inherit color and change layer-list filter icon (7570040)
- badge-icon: manage color, disabled and invert colors (96dada8)
- catalog: arcgis rest data catalog (#709) (db658d7)
- entity-table: add pagination (#707) (7ca6be8), closes #702
- feature-details: add routing directive to access route from directions tool (#711) (e32f102)
- feature-details: show images in feature-details (2b96972)
- filter: add ogc tim filter (#705) (496e9bb), closes #696 #697 #700 #701 #506
- icherche: add route property (#740) (6ca26e7)
- interactive-tour: add config + handling error no configtourFile (#746) (eff4335)
- interactive-tour: Disabled and tooltip condition (#731) (c579280)
- interactive-tour: skip step if element attach is not found and add mat-typography class (#723) (3f143d7)
- interactiveTour + welcomeWindows: add new component and service (#701) (9bfedbc)
- layer-list: add eye in multiple selection to activate or deactivate selected layers (#714) (1248fd5)
- libs: upgrade librairies (#696) (0c0fd83)
- search: add help in search-result (666244d)
- search-bar: can set appearance and map is optional (1d083f4)
- search-bar: dynamic placeholder according to the type of search (30484f4)
- search-state: add selected result property (#744) (1a701ab)
- vector-layer: add authInterceptor for vector and vectortile layers (#719) (3cdd84b)
- version: release date constant (#735) (2b93269)
- workspace: enabling table view for vector layers (#667) (66e5d83), closes #696 #697 #700 #701 #703 #696 #697 #707 #702 #709 #708
1.4.3 (2020-09-08)
- layer and modify control issues (3be1301)
- context-list: profils are checked by defaults (b1a7171)
- geometry: fix performance issue when drawing multiple holes in a polygon (5af7249)
- geometry: properly compute the draw guide style when the draw style is an array (8087029)
- layer: fix issue with remove layer index (cb7c1b9)
- modify: modify performance issue caused by the drag box interaction (47fc2e8)
- transaction: when an entity is updated more than once, always keep a reference to the original entity (1fd0eb7)
- form: add a method to get a form field by name (bb0e1bd)
- geometry: allow control options to be passed and translation to be disabled (61835ab)
- layer: layers can have an alias (986dac5)
- selection: add a way to deactivate the selection without removing the selection overlay (a61ce05)
- strategy: add a method to set a strategy's feature motion (bb6be2d)
1.4.2 (2020-08-04)
1.4.1 (2020-08-04)
1.4.0 (2020-08-04)
- context: load default context when context is invalid (42d7baf)
- context: show button only if connected (1fb7848)
- context-manager: LayerContextDirective supports all income routes (#650) (7c9625f)
- export: GPX export integrates MultiLineString geometry (#660) (7a26ddc)
- export: URL translation and layer remove from map (#691) (764c70b)
- GoogleMapsLink: fix line and polygon google maps link (#682) (3cbe9fe)
- importExport: Skip while exportOptions undefined (#659) (f95d7d4)
- query: html target = iframe for HTMLGML2 (6a4ac45)
- search-results: remove previous selection with new selection (#681) (95c0583)
- search-results: smoother search update (29bf796)
- context: Context hiding (#680) (d9052de)
- context: copy context id (d3391e6)
- context: filter context by user + autocomplete on permissions adding (#664) (e4967ca)
- context: Import export context (#693) (f644956)
- context: read only context can revoke permission if the context is shared directly (95e7c5b)
- export: Allow the CSV semicolon delimiter export format (#668) (95bf271)
- export: multiple layers (#692) (5e02471)
- import: clusterStyle in default style for importWithStyle (#649) (85335ed)
- import-export: enhancement: add export in extent only, save selected tab and options (#657) (e308859)
- importExport: new export method by URL (based on download property) (#661) (f1af5ed)
- map: geolocation follower (#648) (edabdd7)
- print: print Ionic service (#685) (56dbb84)
- query-params: Allow the user to add layer from URL (données Québec) (#690) (87eed27)
- spatial-filter: link spatial filter to export tool (#662) (2ac67f1)
- storage: add storage service (25c033d)
- user-agent: add service to detect browser and os (9902593)
- vector-layer: add clusterBaseStyle attribute (#666) (2ffd570)
1.3.1 (2020-06-01)
- context: limit length title context (88de4ee)
- context: reset z-index (64c2861)
- datasource: optionsFromApi disabled by default in context (23abbe8)
- getCapabilites: nonexistent layer results in an untitled layer (07bd348)
- getCapabilities: slow request results in an unfilled list (762f33f)
- layer-list: sort alpha with upper cases and accent (#647) (f244e69)
- layer-list / export: Fix 1.3 release (#654) (ff28783)
- map: improve zIndex management (6657c4a)
- optionsApi: remove default url (b3eaf3b)
- query: catch GML3 error (4c9c4fe)
- spatial-filter: fix polygon/line layer display (#655) (9588672)
- export: GPX export properties in comment by default (8687d53)
1.3.0 (2020-05-11)
- catalog: apply the regular expression on the isolated layers of the first level of the catalog (#599) (514822f)
- context: queryable must be saved (2085a17)
- context: queryable must be saved (dba0e3e)
- datasource: improve error handling (e83a84e)
- demo/toast-panel: fix spatial-filter alias in demo / resize checkbox in zoom menu feature (#586) (b9a1727)
- directions: search term change and map synchronization (#580) (dc68fe3)
- feature: excludeAttribute works with offlineButton (#628) (4acfbbc)
- layer: add tile-watcher to vectortile-layer (#595) (b3cb8b3)
- layer: prevent empty map message to be shown too quickly (c44378b)
- layer: updateInResolutionRange works properly if maxResolution = 0 (#597) (cb6226a)
- layer-list: fix baselayer with select all and opacity CSS (#632) (f57405c)
- layer-list: fix selection mode (#635) (29bac86)
- map: tracking fix (#629) (1c09410)
- network: connection message after leaving the tab on the phone (#614) (b652565)
- ogc-filter, style: better handling grouped layers (#581) (f0c33d5)
- query: fix Firefox and IE svg change bug (#610) (9ab8497)
- queryFormat: fix layer's queryFormat htmlgml2 (#620) (111f8fc)
- search: provide projection service for coordinates search source (229c81a)
- spatial-filter: fix bug when _internal is not defined (b7a6354)
- time-filter: fix UTC time, language and style on selected date (#621) (30d5573)
- TimeFilter: calendar year range, don't reset year range in UI (igo2 #359) (#619) (8091a41)
- catalog: add catalog composite (#559) (2d729fc)
- context: allow user to filter context list (#588) (0ed466b)
- context-list: add context list tool (alpha, add context) (#624) (d8a1431)
- datasource: retrieve options from api (#583) (e943f86)
- datasource: retrieve query format from capabilities (#582) (1278cef)
- import: import cluster (#616) (e5dcbfd)
- import-export: ajout de l'aggregation pour gpx (#623) (20253a4), closes #599
- layers: Enhanced table of content for layers management (#625) (31c75a7)
- ogc-filter: Provide operator at the field scale (#608) (f7911db)
- QueryService: Add create geom for mapTag when geom is null on extractData #617 (#618) (8c07a9f)
- search results: manage focus/unfocus and select action on search results (and get feature info) (#585) (b23693f)
- search-setting: Add a button to check/uncheck all sources (#589) (92bbe07)
1.2.0 (2020-02-10)
- minors fix (f40c785)
- scroll / swipe malfunction in mobile (2d18eb2)
- actionbar: icon is not the right size (5c2e5dc)
- auth: Fix IE11 authentification interceptor bug (#569) (583e908)
- auth: fix import order of auth and config (d404ccc)
- catalog: add resolution to WMTS catalog (#574) (e7d426b)
- catalog: options from api (66ba65a)
- catalog: preview layer (96bec67)
- context: fix some problems with context updates (#536) (202b07b)
- context: globals tools (7079625)
- context: only layer with source type (0ae5342)
- context: toolbar is replaced instead of merge (4a808bf)
- contexts: add permission error message change (#540) (4710037)
- directions: hover style on steps (5caca59)
- export: bug when cluster datasource (a36648e)
- geo: Duplicated WMS params lowercase vs uppercase (#519) (9f85d47)
- icherche: ajust regex to filter type (dc30fc2)
- icherche: rename bornes to bornes-sumi (00b1b6e)
- ilayer: hashtags is now working (5aa5fbd)
- layer-legend: fix firefox loading icon (dc6e5f1)
- legend: loading icon (637831d)
- measure: ft tooltip to pi for french translation (#572) (e40495e)
- query: add warning message for multipolygons in mapserver GML2 (881270c)
- reverseSearch: fix coordinates and feature selection with reverse search (#553) (85c931b)
- search: Fix cadastre and pointer summary setting (#550) (15612e4)
- search: fix some issues with coordinates regex and add options to invert the coordinates if they are not in North America (f5c959d)
- search-results: display more results fix (ce5c6f9)
- search-results: features-details stays with tool deactivation (#555) (97c81b5)
- search-source: can now define limit and others options in config (f8ef468)
- search-source: Replace toFixed by a rounding function to fix error on string data and preventing trailling zeros (#520) (9ed03dd)
- share-map: remove included excluded elements when use an api (d55f9aa)
- spatialFilter: missing traduction fix / CSS title update (#554) (04e1beb)
- terrapi: fix if all types is disabled (28f5c51)
- toast-panel: get feature info collapsible fix (1a65a92)
- view: keepCurrentView option prevent the map to load on init #477 (2de6393)
- view: Zoom to behavior on feature select/zoomto (#551) (9e9ed1e)
- accentuate / emphasize on catalog group title and search results title (#542) (c48eb10)
- bust cache when user changed (#543) (dad02d3)
- analytics: track events (#557) (13b4de9)
- auth: refresh token (fa94a3f)
- baselayer: the map zoom is now limited by the baselayer (08c42d2)
- directions: improve the directions tool (#578) (1ee3f63)
- feature: possibility to generate mvt data source as regular features or as renderFeatures. (#527) (a157337)
- icherche: can restrict by extent (ff828a0)
- ilayer: add type setting (f78edaf)
- import-export: imported file can be styled from a style list (#571) (8b7565c)
- map: new button to manually activate/deactivate offline mode (#539) (0e009b1)
- map-details-tool: empty map message (#560) (53cc7ec)
- reverse-search: Retrieve the mouse coord on move/click (#537) (6ea9127)
- reverse-search: sort by distance (85468b9)
- search-results: Display more results (#544) (fce0b94)
- search-source: New search by 'cadastre' number (#546) (8b7ca22)
- Spatial filter: add spatial filter tool (#513) (de1db79)
- spatial-fiter: add config (dfe58b8)
- tooltip: better tooltip on search results (2159180)
- view: add maxZoomOnExtent options to restrict the zoom level after a set extent (74fae5a)
- view: animation and padding (7dc0a0c)
- zoom: Zoom feature (#524) (7c76fef), closes #2
- zoom-button: disable the buttons when the zoom limit is reached (ea01bdb)
1.1.0 (2019-11-12)
- catalog: Keep catalog's sort for added layers (#448) (eee16b8)
- catalog/map-tool: Display catalog layer and map layer in the same order (#424) (47dc732)
- context: a layer that is badly configured or doesn't respond is not added to the map (fc138d7)
- context: remove double default context (40d4826)
- demo: fix demo for github pages (f3b6235)
- filter: collapse not available on the push button when the layer is not inResolutionRange (#449) (58b89c2)
- font-color: font-color now respect theme (dedc3b1)
- geometry: fix geometry form field drawGuide and geometryType model (b95789d)
- geometry: properly destroy geometry input (#469) (96afac9)
- icherche: allowed types lieux (a841bce)
- icherche: distance options (5fb8a3b)
- icherche: ignore allowed types if settings is empty (cb2ac9e)
- icherche: route is avaibled (1da1cb0)
- ilayer: fix undefined title (adeb8b2)
- ilayers: add minScale and maxScale params (9a47575)
- layer-list: layer-list toolbar button were not linked to the layers status (#467) (d70eb0f)
- legend: The select style into the list is now the style used by the map (#487) (f64d73a)
- lint: lint and fix excludeAttribute undefined (0acacd2)
- map: geolocate buffer follow the geolocation while it's tracking (#495) (a2334fc)
- mapOffline: set conditions correctly (#457) (7105c93)
- modify: allow concave holes (f212ddd)
- modify: when drawing a hole and CTRL is released, finish drawing like the user double-clicked (#437) (c3535ec)
- naturalCompare: null values are properly sorted (eaa7565)
- network: fix minors bugs (26f8237)
- ogc-filter: display ogc-filter-button (#446) (56e45cd)
- overlay: fix addOlFeature typo (a83d091)
- query: query demo fix (issue #499) (#502) (989ef33)
- search-results-details: fix flexible state (af5058d)
- search-results-tool: fix feature missing (83e0cb4)
- sharemap: Context was not provided to every links. Impact on layers visibility Issue #322 (#463) (47e8454)
- shareMap: remove double buttons (f78a3b2)
- shareMap: remove options (hasShareMapButton, hasCopyLinkButton) (be882e2)
- tool: fix error caused by tools not having a parent (67852c3)
- user-button: show buttons only if api (adad9b1)
- wms, token: add new token to wms layers when changed (ed37674)
- action: add a way to reactively set an actionbar item's availab… (#425) (d1eb9cd)
- auth: show message if password is expired (2f8f274)
- catalog: Layer visibility indicator if out of scale + mouseover (#512) (0758c2e)
- directions: improve the directions tool (#452) (2973ec5)
- dynamic component: improve dynamic component input changes detection (#427) (f65d46c)
- entity selector: entity selector may now be disabled (f7a4a18)
- entity table: connect entity tables to the state view (#497) (1d8252b)
- feature form: add a way to retrieve a feature form's data without submitting it (9527600)
- filter: Unify filter access (#496) (e52ee8e)
- font: add topography config (2cef056)
- geo.layer.vector: use sourcefield's alias on query (#459) (824ba25)
- geolocation: possibility to add a buffer to the geolocation (#394) (658f3d6)
- geometry: when drawing or modifying a geometry, pressing space centers the map on the mouse position (1c176af)
- i18n: merge lib and app translations and fix search-selector translation key (#498) (175e637)
- icherche: add "anciennes-adresses" (311fb6d)
- icherche: add icons to search results (04c50f5)
- icherche: add radius setting and pass hashtags to service for places (94d31db)
- ilayer: add subtitle (11d18c2)
- import-export: EPSG not mandatory and fix encoding issue (#428) (ee37eb3)
- layer-item: layer's resolution change depending of the network state (#395) (9092530)
- map: normalize the dpi to 96 (#468) (6f86377)
- matomo: it's now possible to define the file names (a85281c)
- message-context: add message in context config (52337f2)
- naturalCompare: treat undefined as nulls (a1fc5de)
- network: new ionic network service (#490) (a8222d1)
- network: now works with cordova (#393) (30d07dd)
- projection: add mtm projection (d84be88)
- query, feature: possibility to exclude attributes (#465) (3ecd11e)
- strategy: move strategies from feature to entity store and add filter selection strategy (#500) (2a83591)
- territoire: add icon and subtitle (b36b833)
- time-filter: rename timeAnalysis to timeFilter (4c7ceaf)
- toolbox: remove toolbox tooltips when the action titles are displayed (166618d)
- toolbox: the color of the toolbox can be chosen (5ad989f)
- track feature: add possibility to track a feature (#422) (6af0c94)
- transaction: transaction now a an empty observable and it's possible to retrieve operations (1199b96)
- translate: return key if missing translation and beginning by igo. (81ac778)
- version: add current version in config (145df09)
- Revert "ui(query): query results don't have a marker icon anymore" (9a39582)
1.0.0 (2019-09-23)
- minors bugs, locale (730df39)
- auth: error caught (6d89e07)
- catalog: bug when catalog is empty (3ef2964)
- catalog: fix icon (80b3f51)
- catalog: wait for all sources (d13b6f7)
- catalog-browser: fixed add/remove function for baselayers catalog (241d111)
- cluster: makes layer style the base style when a cluster feature as length = 1 (#398) (3b1ad3a)
- directions: fix directions alpha (#402) (33ee728)
- filter: set text center on toggle button (#414) (bc9f062)
- geo-layer-id: id is the same with or whitout origin (09e2218)
- icherche: catch error (76f9197)
- icherche: invalid characters (af1fe8d)
- import-export: better error handling (7952731)
- import-export: fix with ogre api (555bb1e)
- media: JS and CSS breakpoint are now the same (b4262f2)
- prod: fix build prod import (a2d3a90)
- routing: fix icone, padding, recherche textuelle, label (#388) (d7d34e5)
- search-bar: use the arrows no longer launching the search (997ad90)
- shareMap: only wms (8eeb175)
- wms-wfs: fix imports format (9994184)
- about-tool, ogc-filter-toggle-button: management of multi-lines (#399) (76c63b3)
- base: possibility to use a base file to put repetitive elements (tools) (d8b41d6)
- catalog: remove icons (7b842e3)
- context: choose to remove or not all layers on context change (#406) (8b2929e)
- context: link context-editor and context-permission (e153820)
- datasource: Add property to show an attribute on map (label) (#403) (860ca13)
- form: form autocomplete may now be disabled (b70d404)
- geo.layer.style: styleByAttribute with regex (#401) (6ea3d20)
- icherche: get types allowed (03cbc64)
- layer-list: Show/hide legend on click (title) (#390) (37220dc)
- layer-order: verify baselayer before move layer (531d87d)
- legend: add Legend Switcher on WMS (#392) (2a8ca55)
- search: add a way to trigger a search (and update the searchbar) manually (53045c0)
- search: Add select unselect all button on search setting (#408) (4c14a2f)
- search: Apply restrictions programatically to search sources (#418) (8787a5f)
- search: change settings refresh search results (1978446)
- search: decrease latency (7d87907)
- search hashtag: add hashtag to nominatim and ilayer (a77a2db)
- search-details: search-details is now opened after focus (e0f4e1c)
- shareMap: Share map alpha for added layers by catalog (#376) (18c9572)
- time-filter: Time filter enhancement alpha (#411) (a15e340)
- toolbox: add scrool buttons (#404) (6e8c62e)
- toolbox: toolbox is now using the theme (5330977)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2019-08-15)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2019-08-13)
- remove autoscroll list and minors fix (8455d51)
- context: create context with tools (2624053)
- geo-layer-list: raise/lower layer (4fbe5c4)
- geo-translate: add missing translate (a9177f7)
- integration-directions: fix module import (489a09c)
- geo:search: add buttons, ajust Metadata, links to Google Maps (#381) (60dde1a)
- map: add a directive that change url to path depending on the network status (#384) (ad5b5de)
- network: new network service that return the network status (#380) (b31254e)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2019-08-07)
- context: fix minors issues context module (7771fb9)
- catalog: add metadata button (#377) (b1083e8)
- entity-table: add option to choose button style (d0d4aae)
- ogcFilters: OgcFilters simplification, PushButtons and fields & operator control (#361) (1466996)
- search: Search setting upgrade (#375) (67074c6)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2019-07-26)
- fix icon, harmonizing crossOrigin syntax and Allow IE 11 to manage some object properly (#372) (e9d9f31)
- catalog: fix add layer icon (0a4e591)
- context: fix create layerOptions when create context (7054b02)
- demo: fix action demo (bcd2a11)
- entity-table: fix check for button click functions (af7b60b)
- form: fix disabled form fields (43d88a2)
- geometry input: fix buffer of size 0 behavior (71fac4b)
- icons: fix a few missing icons (post font upgrade) (308bac4)
- icons: fix icons (4d98eb7)
- print: fix print undefined comment (f537a95)
- sharemap: Limit sharemap url length, Coord precision & skip default context (#367) (4c4fb3c)
- workspace-selector: change many attr to multi (4564e91)
- zoom: remove minResolution (758fb0b)
- catalog: allow ctalogs to define query params and source options (83d61ce)
- catalog: optionnally force a user to expand a group of layers before adding it to the map (e502a52)
- catalog tool: allow catalog tool to define the toggle group input (b5bc01a)
- datasource: add Cluster datasource (#374) (d22d3c2)
- datasource,layer: add MVT datasource, vectortile layer and style by attribute (#368) (5ff9239)
- entity selector: support multiple selections (3d30520)
- entity-selector: support multiple selections (fc89dd7)
- form: add utility method to retrieve a form's fields (1329282)
- form: dynamic form fields can now have a disable switch, useful for batch editing, for example (d7d7fb4)
- form: dynamic forms now support textareas (bf8d081)
- geometry-form-field: allow to set symbol (#373) (87cf1cd)
- icherche: icherche v2 / territoire (e0e0a0a)
- query: Force a geometry to html getfeatureinfo (#363) (d2e33ae)
- query: keep wms title (9575f30)
- rotation-button: Set option to always show even if no rotation (#312) (58dd071)
- search: add Searchsource settings (#370) (0a01898), closes #349
- search: rainbow of possibilities for searching coordinate (#365) (e8c2147), closes #288
- search: Searchsource hashtag (#371) (e69276e), closes #349
- search-results-tool: add feature details in tool (753cb23)
- store: add an empty$ and count$ observables (f0de496)
- view: add a count and empty observables to entity views (4a0444c)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2019-06-07)
- action: fix undefined itemClassFunc (0e30af3)
- context-favorite: api was called even if we were not authenticated (0d23cc2)
- coordinates.providers: remove http dependency (b6964bd)
- demo: minors fix (c743add)
- map: map details' legend was, by default, updated on each resolution change (0ac6765)
- share-map: getUrl must not be executed on component initialization if using the context api (2f3caeb)
- view: keepCurrentView (d83f7aa)
- websocket: update onmessage (187d4dc)
- wms: fix xy wms < 1.3.0 (02abb68)
- Change material icons for material design icons (#346) (dc7bb9d)
- actionbar: add support a item class function (86e164b)
- context-menu: add context-meny and reverse geolocate (#323) (9d27dc9)
- draw: ability to delete the last vertex when drawing by pushing the ESC key (7876328)
- draw: last point can be remved by pushing the ESC key (e24fd82)
- entity table: header can now be fixed (default) (39bb60f)
- form: form groups can now have a title (11e078d)
- icon: include mdi.svg in core module (861a9e1)
- query: the query directive now allows querying vector features, which incluses imported and ilayer datasources (581062c)
- websocket: Websocket support (#264) (56e611d)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2019-05-21)
- measure: fix remaining issues with the measure dialog (2bfd165)
- modify: clear draw source when activating the draw hole control (4dc8696)
- print: doZipFile wasn't properly set (5682e5a)
- editor: allow defining metadata on editors (cc48de5)
- entity-table: add button renderer (ffa0611)
- measure: improve the measure dialog interface (403e748)
- selection: allow feature deselection by holding the CTRL key (01b910b)
- selection: drag box selection (08b3d7c)
- state: allow state reversing (2ddf6bd)
- store: add a clear method to the selection startegy (79607c6)
1.0.0-alpha.0 (2019-05-08)
- analytics: change piwik to matomo (8d73e28)
- build: fix build error caused by a bad import in the widget service (02b52b3)
- build: fix builds to work with the new tool module from the common package (e06c58b)
- catalog: fix issue with the catalog browser that displayed nothing the second time it was accessed (3365b23)
- catalog: properly display layers added or removed from the map tool (c86f387)
- context: fix missing context tools (30c6fe3)
- datasource: fix xyz and feature datasource id genrator (b74f9aa)
- editor: fix wfs/wms editor issue (543f800)
- editor: fix wfs/wms editor issue (aeb1e57)
- entity: fix issue with shared states (7ae4226)
- entity: fix transaction key issue and add count getters on store and view (abe36df)
- form: change the form choices type from Observable to BehaviorSubject (9308413)
- geometry: issue when changing the geometry type in the geoemtry field (648dd96)
- icherche: fix an issue with icherche reverse that occured when parsing the bbox (be43a71)
- integrations: replace tools options with inputs (7e838ef)
- layer: fix layer issue with capabilities options (4b6ad54)
- layer: fix layer-item unsubscribe issue (3217860)
- layer: fix map layers ordering and removal (f88e03d)
- layer list: fix issue with reordering and sorting and clean up some code (#286) (6f0b78c)
- map: fix map view error not initialized (32f12bf)
- mapService: remove mapService (96c855c)
- measure: fix measurer tool title and i18n (6a53e45)
- measure: properly clear segment measures after measuring an area (74ee97f)
- overlay: add missing exports to the index file (719b25c)
- overlay: display feature's _mapTitle property (100c5bd)
- polyfills: Allow string normalization on IE (#263) (0d1154e)
- print: fix print issue with wms legends (87de1d8)
- print: print comment misplaced (45d2883)
- providers: providers must be in public_api (843061e)
- query: restore query result layer index when more than one features are returned (4f6d5f0)
- query: wms version support in query service (df82157)
- search-bar: fix css (76a33c3)
- wfs editor: fix wfs/wms editor recursion issue (2cbef26)
- zoom: limit max zoom resolution (4f63adf)
- action: action module and actionbar component (017d97e)
- action: allow action handlers to receive args (6a3b8cc)
- angular: upgrade to angular7 (02cf0ba)
- catalog: support wmts catalogs and ordering by title (a5041e9)
- catalog: wmts not support regex filters (9489dbc)
- config: use a deep merge for merging the run-time and the environment config (#287) (459a9e9)
- demo: add table demo (3ef98db)
- dynamic-component: dynamic component class and dynamic outlet component (7b4e90c)
- edition: consider thta no entity is selected when more than one is selected (918ce5b)
- edition: wms edition with ogc filters + wfs download widget (7f216d4)
- entity: entity selector component (d4e5ea0)
- entity: merge entity module and add an entity-table demo (f892dc2)
- entity: merge entity module and add an entity-table demo (757e45b)
- entity table: add optional selection checkboxes to the entity table (5cfe6ac)
- entity table: allow custom header class (00affa1)
- entity table: allow multiple selections (3b4f1d9)
- entity table: entity table now supports selection checkboxes (01f549f)
- entity table: select only one entity on row click, and a multiple on checkbox toggle (1d7ac3b)
- entity table: support unsanitized html renderer (3e6e98d)
- feature: improve the featuire store loading strategy motion behavior (a3e3e04)
- feature store: feature store demo (d7d4809)
- form: add support for form group valdiation (b575461)
- form: configurable forms (abad9ab)
- form: make the geometry types configurables in the geometry field (faa4b45)
- geometry: add config options to the geometry form field (a988179)
- geometry: geometry module and geometry form field (9f4d86d)
- import-export: import service returns features and both services let the parent component handle errors. Also, use ogre when possible. (10bb152)
- import/export: import/export service supports more file and handles export errors (405582c)
- integration: add edition module (ac7791b)
- integration: add map tool in integration (d688327)
- layer: queryable layers can optionnally have a have indicating that they are queryable (41930f0)
- layer: Visible layers show legend onInit (9b79373)
- legend: make the legend adapt with the scale level (d4b823f)
- map: handle context layer in a way that doesn't interfere with … (#275) (feeeb2a)
- measure: after an area measure is complete, remove the segment measures (ce7066b)
- measure: allow measuring while drawing a geometry using the geometry field (f476587)
- measure: allow selecting multiple measures with checkboxes (fd4158f)
- measure: remove vertex measures on completion of an area measure (90dd732)
- measure: working measure module (4a74094)
- measure: working measure module (e61a2aa)
- modify: the modify control can now add holes to a polygon by holding the CTRL key (601a295)
- package: upgrade openlayers (863d849)
- projection: inject the projection service with the map state (d3a8f32)
- projection: projection service where custom projections can be registered (8a7bdd6)
- search: add search state (58a6431)
- search: allow custom search types (cd1b282)
- search: don't display the number of results per source if there is only one and remove the layer index in a map query result (9b056a9)
- search: make search source params overridable on demand (9789f11)
- search-results: search-results-tool (1e64e46)
- slice: working slice control (polygons only) (0cdd328)
- spinner: improve spinner behavior (e360f60)
- store: make it possible to configure the feature store movement (932a8bf)
- toolbox: refactor context toolbar into a better and reusable toolbox (64e078d)
- transaction: uncommited transactions can be rollbacked (d93fe04)
- view: move most of the map view stuff into a dedicated controller and track the previous and next view state (c8d86c6)
- wfs: ogc filter widget title and tooltip (#282) (13d2eb1)
- widget: add widget type (0ca4281)
- widget: allow passing subscribers to a widget (56665f9)
- widget: widget module. A widget is a specialez version of a dynamic component (3da3e34)
- wms: Provide title to grouped layers (comma) (e8ddafa)
0.26.2 (2019-02-15)
- various minor fix (#262) (3f3f054)
- custom-html: ByPassTrustHtml to string declared as html (#256) (7a9b71d)
- rotation: add rotation button (#261) (039ae62)
- string: inverse inserted and deleted class when string is empty (e486b4c)
0.26.1 (2019-02-08)
- theme: add teal theme (9cbc2d7)
0.26.0 (2019-02-07)
- package: add angular-cli-ghpages dependencies (f138029)
0.25.0 (2019-02-07)
- gulpfile: Empty directory (#252) (6bf6bd6)
- layer-list: wrong keyword was used. (#253) (12785d4)
- ogc-filter: OGC Filters from contexts now interpreted (#257) (f209332)
- string-utils: cast to string (e12feb2)
- cache: add metadata tag to cache calls (793d1ff)
- gulp: upgrade gulp to 4.0 (b051df8)
- layer-list: Allow search with layer keyword (capabilities or context) (#250) (9c7ee86)
- layer-list: control layerlist by url (#248) (7e609af)
- package: update package-lock (33dec7c)
- query: Provide ALIAS to wms getfeatureinfo(gml), wfs and vector datasources (#249) (871be03)
- sidenav: put the same title as the tab (eaece1c)
- theme: add blue theme (0652936)
0.24.3 (2018-12-06)
- print: Print options fix Issue #189 (#238) (6f8921e)
- query: remove shape propertie after getFeatureInfo (a79637c)
- datasource: add Carto capabilities from mapId, add legends for Carto and ArcGIS Rest (d908484)
- demo: add ArcGIS Rest, Tile ArcGIS Rest and Carto examples (d095cd6)
- list: igo-list-items can now be disabled (#233) (ebdc466)
- panel: make it possible to create a igo-panel without a header (dc9783e)
0.24.2 (2018-11-02)
- import: add mimetype for zip file (6dc9cce)
- layer: options defined in context take precedence over getCapabilities (e6bc48f)
0.24.1 (2018-11-01)
- context: change url context (c864845)
- datasource-search-source: change default url (46eaf49)
- directions: Clear directions and stops on destroy (#216) (ce6fa35)
- routing: Disable queryLayers on routing and reactivate on destroy (#217) (f7f3989)
- query: queryable is true by default (d13e6fd)
- route: provide new key to control which tool to open by default (#222) (9a2abf9)
0.24.0 (2018-10-30)
- context: api layer options (85b5c66)
- context: fix default context (a632017)
- context: locale do not contains common keys (b8113c9)
- context: locale do not contains common keys (#192) (f9f116a)
- context: rename order to zIndex (3c7f958)
- context: send type layer to api (81436c8)
- context: stop propagation on button (a923548)
- css: add padding to forms (3d27dee)
- css: add padding to forms (5c33716)
- custom-html: add padding (f3bced5)
- datasource: always lowercase type (98aee36)
- demo: ajust size map (responsible) (84a6794)
- dropGeoFile: directive not working (build prod - aot) (402d21c)
- getCapabilities: fix options from getCapatibilities (e6efe73)
- getCapabilities: merge getCapabilities and json options (445757c)
- import-export: add missing imports (04af7df)
- import-export: fix drop file on map (e6f7c58)
- layer: fix optionsFromCapabilities (4bfb4ce)
- layer-list: fix css of the sorting button and filter on mobile (497f15e)
- layer-list: remove empty space above the list - fix issue #187 (#190) (34449dc)
- map: offset baselayer in prod build (f0cb14a)
- metadata: define metadata in layerOptions (de7baed)
- ogc-filter: Fix for Angular 6 and adjustements for minilib (#186) (cb77a93)
- panel: title is now centred (d2d41a9)
- print: geotiff filename (d1f3ff7)
- print: pdf height-width undefined (8a46749)
- search-layer: fix search layer type (0ea77fa)
- time-filter: get options from capabilities (aa359de)
- time-filter: take current date if min is not defined (edee6f2)
- toolbar: rename toolbar click event to trigger to avoid overriding the default click event (#206) (5a040fa)
- WMTS: GetCapbilities import error (#205) (1e13fdb)
- backdrop: let the backdrop be shown on any media instead of on mobiles only (#202) (d8cea17)
- map: Prevent zooming on result if already contained in map extent (#193) (d917886)
- map-details-tool: add filter/download/metadata button on layer item (0d43226)
- notifications: upgrade angular-notifications (45c626e)
- overlay: Feature zoom if not in extent based on feature geometry. (#198) (dd92fc8)
- print: Add test layers for CORS in print (#183) (63dfc9e)
- print: Improve Print module (#179) (d066e64)
- search-source: Provide interface for reseautq (#199) (043c168)
- search-source: Reseau transport quebec (#176) (21086e1)
- toolbar: toolbar emit a click event as well as the usual select event (#201) (931175d)
- wms: Refresh interval on WMS (#177) (f8c40ea)
0.23.1 (2018-09-07)
- tool: export directly tool.service (6e7dd01)
0.23.0 (2018-09-07)
- auth: fix and improve login/logout route (cf3d1a2)
- auth: fix login/logout/alreadyLogin div (55fdc2a)
- build prod: fix path destination (c0de9e1)
- change: rename modif to change (4e79fb3)
- context directive: fix No provider for MapBrowserComponent (329363e)
- directions: Directions minor fixes (#175) (19c4b4c)
- filter: fix topo function (b25d9ed)
- json dialog: rename component app-json-dialog to igo-json-dialog (c4cbf29)
- modif: immuable object (6c3ae40)
- modif: inverse added and deleted (2fb09b1)
- routing: fix move pin (388d808)
- search-bar: Adding a pinpoint on locate XY by searchbar (#167) (3380ccf)
- table: reset selection when database changed (7b5ef33)
- auth: add guards (49c6bc9)
- auth: options allowAnonymous (945664f)
- datasource: add layer source connection to CARTO and ArcGIS Rest services (#174) (3976c45)
- demo: add context demo (b3261a1)
- import service: more flexible and permissibe way to import files (#162) (af66dae)
- json-dialog: add json dialog component (81a7aff)
- modif: add utils to find difference between arrays (65cb301)
- object-utils: add natural sort util (88e1b74)
- print: add comment, legend, scale and projection in pdf. New possibility to download image of map. (#171) (7d45a9d)
- routing: add routing on osrm (#166) (664f42a)
- string-utils: add utils to find difference between 2 strings (0685845)
- table: improve table component (selection, filter) (560308b)
- time-filter: add time filter in catalog, possibility to have time filter on minute (#172) (b74b910)
0.22.2 (2018-08-15)
- demo: environment prod (fb6e047)
0.22.1 (2018-08-15)
- Correct various bugs due to the passage of the new version (e3a81e0)
- demo: fix polyfills for ie (566de5c)
- download: Fix for indefined value (#158) (f6c412a)
- feature zoom: add click SourceFeatureType (#154) (a7f7dcb)
- filter: year list (#151) (5745a3f)
- layer-item: Undefined download url (#160) (525a419)
- ol: add gulp command to fix openlayers (34d16fd)
- query.directive: Fixing undefined clicked or dragged features (#159) (b6394a8)
- toast: rename onOpened to opened output (a16fe24)
- cut into small lib and upgrade to ol5 (#173) (3293ac8)
- backdrop: add backdrop component (40f6d7e)
- demo: correct links for github.io (0edc80d)
- feature: Make features clickable (#149) (f668d78)
- feature: Manage drag box on feature select (#157) (e22e006)
- flexible: add flexible component (101f973)
- reverse search: Adding XY search by location on search-bar (#155) (2cd2bfa)
- search: reverse geocode (#153) (67346b8)
- sidenav: add sidenav component (1b91d38)
- time-filter: year support (#148) (4918ee6)
- toast: add toast component (ad2245d)
0.19.10 (2018-05-10)
- Revert "fix(font): remove external fonts" (e70f102)
0.19.9 (2018-05-09)
0.19.8 (2018-05-04)
- filter: use good interface for layer-item (55bf075)
- geojson: Geojson geometry type (#145) (64bd438)
- wmstime: set only if min or max date is undefined (#143) (2878cea)
- catalog: Dig multiples levels in getCapabilities service (#141) (cf7c77d)
- filter: Ogc filter toolbar (#142) (bddf332)
0.19.7 (2018-05-01)
- auth: fix typeConnection typo (4bbfd7d)
- filter: Set active status for empty filter array (#139) (17a16be)
- filter: wmstime init startdate value + css placeholder (4c77841)
- time-filter: timeFilterForm implements onInit (8c16aa6)
0.19.6 (2018-04-16)
0.19.5 (2018-04-13)
- fix hover button if disabled (444239a)
- filter: fix typage (b2ea1ad)
- filter: wait for sourcefields (#137) (ff25d1e)
- ol: fix ol.style.Style assertion (76017f5)
0.19.4 (2018-04-12)
- filter: fix typage (892380c)
0.19.3 (2018-04-12)
- legend: add display key for DataSourceLegendOptions interface (4564e29)
- wfs: wrong URL (close #134) (a57dd15)
0.19.1 (2018-04-12)
- ol: import ol in interface files (a210fa0)
0.19.0 (2018-04-11)
- Replace olx with ol.olx (#130) (3f56799)
- demo: fix get feature info (a4438e8)
- panel: fix directive panelBeforeTitle (2edc2ea)
- wfs: wfsGetCapabilities (b1d07b6)
0.18.0 (2018-04-05)
- rxjs: use deep imports and use pipeable operators everywhere (041a899)
- message: can pass templateRef to message service (7c1773c)
- message: change default template (e63f19c)
- message: remove padding when no icon (9c23ee5)
- query: queryService is now independant of the featureService (8d31be9)
- query: return map click event (07e2dc7)
0.17.1 (2018-03-22)
- query: no query if resolution is out of range (15ae113)
- watcher: fix watcher layers (#128) (572c84d)
- analytics: add matomo to analyse website (575b62c)
0.17.0 (2018-03-21)
- query: log error when unable to parse geojson (94f908f)
0.16.0 (2018-03-15)
- baselayers-switcher: change icon (4f6dc7a)
- featuresList: sort in feature.service (54a685d)
- font: remove external fonts (0c63f1a)
- ie: fix css for ie (8ad4667)
- minimap: fix title for ie (0303899)
- query: inverse order (b5bd402)
- search-bar: conflict between text and icon (ccf19c1)
- toolbar: double tooltip (af5198a)
- auth: secure token with trust hosts (89bd0f2)
- baselayerSwitcher: user static icon instead of minimap on mobile (366e9b1)
- legend: add an option to no display the legend (0c74486)
- media: add ie media filter (7f4719f)
- message: can remove a message by id (9479cbd)
- message-center: add some options (id, class, timeOut) (558ab20)
- message-center: move icon parameter to options (4313fd9)
- panel: add content before or after title (f724df6)
0.15.0 (2018-03-05)
- fix some minor styles (729e319)
- attribution: fix set collapse (cce3c70)
- auth: don't send token when is null (dd65dd1)
- basemap: title at the bottom (f94b468)
- context.json: remove duplicate context (9dacb9d)
- legend: use token with image tag (e1cd461)
- map: use default options if not define (ccac803)
- minimap: remove all map controls (04ff16e)
- share-map: remove sharemap button when not auth (d817693)
- shareMap: fix share map (3dd2a4d)
- toolService: allow custom tools (cd7e8d7)
- clipboard: copy text to clipboard is working in all browsers (79b1f75)
- control: add attibutioncollapse view config (2adac26)
- errorInterceptor: add handle uncaught error (0675d11)
- feature-list: grouping features is now optional (bf05e43)
- featuresList: sort by zIndex (0b56b68)
- icherche: add type to search source (3b0caeb)
- interceptor: provide interceptor (5d67739)
- list: support image icon (png) (5dead1a)
- map: add scaleline (1a25e8f)
- map: add tooltip to button (2cc33bb)
- map: overlay style can be changed (5222806)
- message-center: icon at left and add option to add close icon (5a96a85)
- minimap: title on multiple lines (8031e05)
- scaleline: scaleline is now optional (64dda28)
- search-bar: add optional search icon (c53b2da)
- search-bar: fill search bar when feature is selected (73d0cdd)
- share-map-tool: pass options to the component (531b188)
- shareMap: add message error (958dd2d)
- wfs: creating an indepedant source for from wfs-datasource (#120) (96f66e1)
0.14.0 (2018-02-02)
0.13.3 (2018-01-26)
0.13.2 (2018-01-25)
0.13.1 (2018-01-25)
0.13.0 (2018-01-12)
- share-map: fix ie11 (a26ebf9)
- baselayer-switcher: show minimap only if in resolutions range (581cf00)
- context: always keep context by default in context list (258ff53)
- importExport: add import and export features and vectorlayer list (876dc31)
0.12.2 (2017-12-07)
- layer: This suscribe was not referencing to named id (#113) (1e353fc)
- spinner: propagate the click to the button below (58e17b5)
0.12.1 (2017-12-06)
- getFeatureInfo: update due to an inconsistent slice behavior for empty html (#112) (18aa2db)
- media: mobile landscape (83dba8b)
- shareMap: inverse visible and invisible layers (ce88b6b)
0.12.0 (2017-12-06)
- baselayer: baselayer is not visible by default (8c4e72b)
- context: context default always loaded (3589d2b)
- context: keep the inputs object intact (52e725e)
- context: load only one context when defined in the url (699a85b)
- geolocate: fix missing feature bug (6b199e2)
- getFeatureInfo: fix build lib (c2a1a19)
- layer: define a layer id in json context (f915ff9)
- query: To avoid empty html returns. (#104) (d49a877)
- wmst: css, style, pointer (#103) (cae1668)
- wmstime: css, wmstime datetime format, x button (#105) (ea895dc)
- add delay before showing the tooltip (ed45862)
- baselayer-switcher: add images to change baselayers (7f45cac)
- baselayers: rewrite baselayer and add in catalog (911103f)
- context: add uri to form context (8d7c9d9)
- getFeatureInfo: entire content instead of only body (#111) (0abf413)
- layer: Adding route param invisiblelayers and visiblelayers (#106) (2667ac3)
- layer: rewrite route param visiblelayers (b6a7995)
- share-map: add share map tool (e277007)
0.11.0 (2017-11-14)
- css: wmstime-slider (#98) (22c21fa)
- feature: getinfo too sensitive for html (5e42c4c)
- poi: convert coordinate string to number (2f96d69)
- slider: wmstime slider min value (#99) (7b67e4b)
- wmst: fix wmst startdate, capabilites-wmst no dimension (#95) (b868cb0)
- context: add a favorite context for each user (fcf0386)
0.10.2 (2017-11-03)
0.10.1 (2017-11-03)
- time-filter: Property params does not exist on type FilterableDataSourceOptions (ec3d4f6)
0.10.0 (2017-11-03)
0.9.4 (2017-09-20)
0.9.3 (2017-09-15)
- auth: only show auth form if define in config (bb496a5)
- search-source: clean search-source return (158c7e0)
0.9.2 (2017-09-08)
- context: save button saves also view (f3a991f)
- getInfo: get info returns the first 10 elements (20c096b)
- layer-watcher: fix count when remove layer (2d320c5)
- auth: refresh contexts list when login or logout (97d37c7)
- layer: save visibility (b352b3a)
- poi: zoom on click instead of on change (17a7eb5)
0.9.1 (2017-09-01)
- fix prod build (8f692fc)
0.9.0 (2017-09-01)
- animation: fix animation after update angular (8e7d7f6)
- auth: show message error (af79cca)
- dependency: fix circulars dependencies (8e103f6)
- form: rename md-input-container to md-form-field (3d90f6e)
- layer: keep order layers after save or clone (1cbd693)
- media: ajust width for mobile media (17f6f36)
- mobile: fix tools maps position on mobile (06730cd)
- auth: add anonymous login (e7a6a4d)
- auth: add authentication form and service (c5b20ec)
- auth: add authentication form and service (468b5c8)
- auth: call service with token (d028163)
- bookmark: add map tool to create new context (6436510)
- catalog: add catalog tool (4c9a7d1)
- confirm-dialog: add confirm dialog component (8a96e14)
- context: add context editor components (83e7942)
- context: remove buttons when anonyme (bdd5bff)
- context: use api to retrieve contexts (fbe6d10)
- dialog: add confirm dialog component (7c678e3)
- gelocate: add geolocation button (63a099f)
- legend: retrieve legend only if displayed (da3509c)
- message-center: add types message (57b3884)
- stop-propagation: add stop propagation directive (7324243)
- table: add generic table component (2bdafd8)
- tooltip: add tooltip to tools map (32c3036)
- user: add user button on map (379b757)
0.8.1 (2017-06-27)
- package: upgrade @angular material to beta.7 (ec9d201)
- searchbar: disable native autocomplete (97810e1)
- searchbar: focus on searchbar after clear search text (c505601)
0.8.0 (2017-06-27)
- feature-details: can receive html (5e9ed5f)
- geolocate: add option to get position of device (c5f23e8)
- list: long title is displayed on 2 lines (d7f9414)
- query: query only layers that are shown on map (561b0a5)
0.7.0 (2017-06-12)
- capabilities: fix getCapabilities function (c4a4f3c)
- layer: transform scale to resolution from wms getCapabilities (05e616f)
- message-center: fix message center (#69) (21498a7)
- mobile: fix flex and keyup (251e570)
- config: add config service to manage the application (#65) (fddefb7)
- config: move providerOptions to config (#66) (5a21cfa)
- feature: clear function now also unselected and unfocus feature (e2e17ca)
- layer: update material visibility icon (#67) (1861f24)
- layer-list: show layers that are not in range of resolutions (36c04b4)
- search: clear old results when searching or querying (ed66eab)
0.5.1 (2017-05-31)
- layer-item: Property metadata does not exist on type LayerOptions (0db4ad4)
0.5.0 (2017-05-31)
- query: fix query details that are not updated (a3e76bb)
- route.service: fix return type queryParams (e0352c9)
- metadata: add metadata for layers (10c2694)
- translate: add a way to get translations (#63) (1b0878f)
- urlParams: add url params to define map view and context (#60) (9c11f37)
0.4.3 (2017-05-16)
- layer: fix layer watcher scope issue (96c8ed3)
0.4.2 (2017-05-15)
- feature: focused feature not properly focused in toolbox (c2d88fe)
- feature: keep selected feature when opening a feature list (a4391dc)
- material: upgrade material (71c06a6)
0.4.1 (2017-05-12)
0.4.0 (2017-05-11)
- build: fix provider search exports (9a3703a)
- search: fix unsubcribe issue that prevented the lib from working (9d302a1)
- search: limit as string (2f7a896)
- typo: add missing this (42b2432)
- activity: activity service and spinner component (074df7c)
- datasource: split layers into datasource and layer (743e2d9)
- form: map field (#44) (7d1bf4b)
- map: map browser binding directive (61d9d26)
- message: message center (#53) (32955bd)
- overlay: move some overlay directive stuff to the map to allow for more flexibility when overlaying stuf (972bdb7)
- search: add directive to pass search term in url param (#40) (6b7a9f0)
- search: add icherche search source (f88d85f)
- search: datasource search source (3eab198)
- vector layer: add style to show points (750591d)
- watcher: map and layers status (#51) (4ec49ba)
0.3.3 (2017-05-04)
- map: don't throw error when setting/getting a map in the map service (6870a6b)
0.3.2 (2017-05-04)
0.3.1 (2017-05-03)
0.3.0 (2017-05-03)
- build: fix forRoot imports (199e5a3)
- print: basic print tool (#35) (8ba1839)
- print: handle some print CORS errors and disable the print button while printing (#37) (e20f5d6)
- print: wait for tiles to be properly loaded before printing and don't crash on CORS error (76a679f)
0.2.2 (2017-05-01)
- slider: add hammerjs to support touch gestures (7c39172)
- legend: layer legend html style (493bc5b)
- wfs: support wfs layers and vector styling (#34) (c7d9136)
0.2.1 (2017-05-01)
0.2.0 (2017-05-01)
- layer: fix layer list push strategy issue (eaf070d)
- overlay: fix errors when trying to overlay a feature withotu geometry (81407e6)
- tool: fix toolbox animation issue (9bf86f8)
- context: add context tool (#30) (9a961bc)
- context: add keepCurrentView options (29ba202)
- feature list: always focus the first query item (ab41e69)
- layr legend: do not toggle the legend when a layer is set visible (2114580)
0.1.0 (2017-04-27)
- unused imports (4692cae)
- build: fix build prod with aot (74285fc)
- feature: fix focus method (7485261)
- icon: fix path assets (41808b7)
- language: fix this missing (fc7d52b)
- layer list: fix layer list reordering issue (926d644)
- message: add missing file with message types (631e23f)
- search bar: fix clear button and missing deps (7f58664)
- search bar: search bar uses 100% of the width (7c97cee)
- search source: remove test search source (28a9b14)
- test: test only src directory (e66d998)
- toolbox: fix toolbox component init issue (001cfa4)
- translate: add translate providers in lib (8b0509e)
- animation: export toolbox animation (7f8019f)
- context: context service (#20) (a17054c)
- feature-list: split feature list into two components to allow more customization (#15) (aef0e24)
- language: add support language in lib (#13) (383e475)
- media: media service (#18) (39655a6)
- search: add search options support (#22) (f77766a)
- search bar: better display of the search bar clear button (#17) (1747c1c)
- search bar: search bar component (193d879)
- search service: search service and nominatim search source (b2a191d)
- search tool: search tool (f1ee400)
- sidenav: shim directive to prevent the default focus behavior (eaea180)
- time filter: time filter module (#5) (d857c4e)
- tool: some tools and working toolbox (#25) (72422ee)
- tool: tool module with toolbar, toolbox and tool service (#14) (f513261)
- tool: unselectTool method on tool service (744da24)
- toolbar: toolbar selected item input (#27) (a808e93)
- translate: add translate support (8c9e41a)
- translate: improvement for translate module (0871eb6)