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3) Pump Settings

Devin R. Olsen edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 1 revision

Channel settings (found under single channels listing) allows you to configure the follow channel settings:

  • Regimens (ml) Configuration
  • Pump Calibration
  • Dosing Delay Between Pumps

Regimens (ml) Configuration

Allows you to configure the dosed amount (ml) for a particular channel over a given regimen.

Pump Calibration

Allows you to set the pump ammount (ml) per minute depending on your build's peristaltic pump manufacturer. Default is 100ml per min.

Dosing Delay Between Pumps

Allows you to configure how long of a delay the OS should take between dosings of each channel pump. Default is 2 minutes, so this means after each channel has dosed it's configured ml for a given regimen, it will wait 2mins before proceeding onto the next channel's dosing.

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