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Setup management cetificate

Rasto edited this page Feb 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

Management certificate is X.509 certificate that authenticates an application, so it can access Windows Azure management services. Only applications, which posses specified certificate can use management services to start and stop virtual machines or do any other operations on your Azure subscription. This way it is secured, that no one can manipulate virtual machines in your Azure subscription.

Prepare web application

Before starting open folder, where you unzipped deployment package. Open Web folder and create new folder App_Data.


Generate new X.509 certificate

At first you need to create new X.509 certificate. For this, you can use MakeCert.exe tool that is part of Windows SDK. If you don't have it yet, download and install Windows SDK from

Now open command prompt and type:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin"
MakeCert -n "CN=YourName" -r -pe -ss My

where YourName identifies you or your application.

Certificate was created and stored in your personal store.

Export private key

Now open program CertMgr (you can just type it in the command prompt) and open tab Personal. Certificate with YourName should be in the list.


Click Export button. On the next wizard screen select "Yes, export the private key".

export private key

On the next page make sure PKCS #12 (.PFX) format is selected and check "Export all extended properties".

export private key format

On next page enter password to protect the private key.

export private key password

On next page specify file in App_Data folder that you created in first step.

export private key file

Finish the Export wizard.

export private key finish

Export public key

Now you need to export public key certificate that will be uploaded to your Windows Azure subscription. Select your created certificate and click Export again. This time select "No, do not export the private key".

export public key

On the next page select "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)"

export public key format

Specify file to save the certificate. The file is not part of the web.

export public key file

Finish exporting public key certificate.

export public key finish

Now you can remove certificate from your Personal certificate store.

Update Web.config

Open Tools folder in deployment package. Run PasswordUtil.exe. Enter password you specified to secure your private key certificate. Encrypted password is generated and saved into clipboard.


Open Web.config file in Web folder of deployment package.

  • Find setting WindowsAzureClientCertificatePassword and paste encrypted password into value attribute.
  • Find setting WindowsAzureClientCertificate and verify that the path is correct for your private key certificate.
	<add key="WindowsAzureSubscriptionID" value="{subscription_id}" />
	<add key="WindowsAzureClientCertificate" value="App_Data\ClientCertificate.pfx" />
	<add key="WindowsAzureClientCertificatePassword" value="K8yiJqTC4RCL+VvpKPEAvX8zbCP5oRU43Wddx3DY8xOa/0r3ZBDSyXtodj5entWk"/>
	<add key="ida:FederationMetadataLocation" value="{active_directory_id}/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml" />

Save the Web.config.

Upload public key certificate

Last step is to upload certificate to Windows Azure, so that application can manage your virtual machines. Open Windows Azure Management portal. Go to Settings section and select Management Certificate tab.

management certificates

Click Upload a management certificate or Upload button at bottom bar. Browse for public key certificate file that you exported.

upload management certificate

management certificate uploaded

Now, when your management certificate is uploaded, your application can manage virtual machines in your Windows Azure subscription.

Next step is to [Setup Active Directory](Setup Active Directory).