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Merge pull request #26 from dwyl/a-modest-proposal
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Proposal: QuiteSpace Shared Creative Working Place
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Mark William Firth authored Mar 14, 2017
2 parents 8887921 + 9a519ad commit 3b78a91
Showing 1 changed file with 320 additions and 1 deletion.
321 changes: 320 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,321 @@
# QuietSpace
A co-working space located at 16 Palmers Rd, London, E2 0SY, United Kingdom

> _Where London's most creative people go to get (["deep"]( work **done**_.

## _Why_?

There are _hundreds_ of co-working spaces/offices in London,
so why do we **_need_ another one**?

> `As a` ***creative person*** (_writer/designer/developer/videographer_)<br />
> `I need` a **_quiet_ place** to get my **work _done_** (_without interruptions_) <br />
> `So that` I can ***be/feel productive***. <br />
> As the members of QuietSpace want to _share_ that environment with other like-minded creative people.
### `QuietSpace`'s _Mission_ is to curate the most <br />_creatively productive_ working environment in London.

## What?

### A Co-Working Space Located at 16 Palmers Rd, London, E2 0SY

Map:,+London+E2+0SY/ <br />
Contact: <a href="tel:02036090609">0203 609 0609</a>

#### Features

+ A **_well-designed_ work space** with all the amenities you expect (_good internet and cell phone signal_)

+ **Cost-effective** (_competitive_) **Membership Rates**
with excellent added-value benefits.

+ Great **transport links** (Tube & Bus), "**Cycle Hire**" station **100m** from our door.

+ Multiple bicycle racks (_for locking your bike_) 50m from office (_with CCTV for peace-of-mind_)

+ Close to town if you need to go in for a client meeting, pitch an investor or lunch with a friend.

+ Like-minded creative professionals working on highly innovative projects. We share all our knowledge openly/cooperatively so you can learn how to make any digital product from concept/design to running on customer's devices!

+ Next to Regents Canal (_perfect for people who cycle or like running_)

+ 4 Parks within walking distance.

+ Great Gym (2 minutes walk)

+ Out-door/Park Gym (_free. also 2 mins walk_)

+ Mile End Climbing Wall (5 minutes walk):

+ Great restaurants & cafes nearby 5mins walk.

+ Free tea & coffee (_tell us what your favourite brand/flavour is and will make sure it's always in stock!_)

+ Free Fresh Fruit for members.

+ Blender and Juicer equipment so you can make your own. (_or for "cost price" you can buy made-this-moring cold-pressed organic juice or smoothies from our supplier_)

+ Fridge and microwave oven.

+ Registered Office for your Company with mail service.
Get your **post/parcels** delivered to the office at no extra cost.

#### Desk Rental Rates >> _Simple/Transparent Pricing_

We aim to be _cost-effective_ while giving our members lots of added value.

+ Monthly Subscription **£180/desk** (_hot desk + clean desk policy_)
storage lockers for food/chargers etc. (_for full-time members_)
+ Pay-as-you-Go **£11/day** (_sold in blocks of 5 "credits"_)

> "Old" Pricing: <br />
> Discussion:
### World-Class Meetup & Training Venue

Part of dwyl's of our mission to help everyone discover what they love doing requires us to share our knowledge through Meetups and training.

We have _already **successfully**_ used the space for training both
our own team members, our clients and complete strangers.

Our plan is to create a _public_ training calendar for QuietSpace
where people can view (_and register interest_) our specific training.

#### What Will We Learn?

We already have a "bank" of
tutorials in various levels of "maturity" which we plan to create
a video introduction for. The format this will take is recording a "complete beginners workshop" see:

We have a _rough **order**_ for the learning material: but we expect to be "_dynamic_" and will respond to the requests/needs of the attendees/members.

#### Training Registration System

For the QuietSpace-based training we will need a
registration system/process so people can
book a space on the training for a specific day/time.
(_The **MVP** can use an
**existing "booking" tool** provided we capture all the requirements
before making a decision. as always we **prefer open source**._)

### QuietSpace Timetable for Co-Working, Breaks and Meetups/Training

The most productive people in the world all have a well-defined Timetable for getting their work done.

|Start - End | Description |
| 04:00 - 06:00 | Healthy food preparation (_upstairs available for work, expect some noise will be made downstairs_) |
| 06:00 - 07:00 | Self-guided Yoga / Pilates / Mindfulness (Downstairs), Reading or Quiet work Upstairs |
| 07:00 - 10:00 | "Early Bird's" Focus Time (_absolute silence please this is when we get our best work done_) |
| 10:00 - 10:30 | Morning break (_moderate chat/noise acceptable_) |
| 10:30 - 12:30 | Morning Focus Time (_please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate_) |
| 12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch Break (_moderate chat/noise acceptable though please be respectful of people working through lunch_) |
| 14:00 - 16:00 | Afternoon Focus Time (_please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate_) |
| 16:00 - 16:30 | Afternoon Break (_moderate chat/noise acceptable_) |
| 16:30 - 18:30 | "Final Push" Focus Time (_please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate_) |
| 18:30 - 19:00 | "Show & Tell", "Get Help", "Q&A", "Decompress Time" |
| 19:00 - 20:30 | Meetup, Event or Evening Training (_training space bookable by members_) |
| 20:30 - 21:00 | Tidy up the space ready for next session. |
| 21:00 - 23:00 | "Late Shift" Focus Time (_Upstairs only. please whisper or use "instant messaging" to communicate_) |
| 23:00 - 04:00 | "Night Owls Club" (_for people who work best at night. Upstairs only. Please apply for a door key. Door must be kept locked except for entry/exit. No Slumber Parties! ;-) Last person out switch off all lights/heaters and set the alarm!_) |

## How? (_Proposal_)

Our "***metric***" for this should be a "hybrid" NPS/Productivity score.

> Mark will formulate exactly how to calculate this and capture the data
from all members on an on-going basis. This is one of our USPs so getting regular data/feedback is essential.

### TODO

+ [ ] **Market _Validation_**
+ [ ] Create a basic survey (_using your choice of survey tool_)
with ***questions*** (_proposed_):
+ [ ] Where do you get your most valuable work done?
+ [ ] What time of day are you most productive?
+ [ ] On a scale of 1 - 5
(_where 1 is **disagree strongly** and 5 is **agree strongly**_)
+ I work best when in a quiet environment.
+ I regularly wear earphones to block out noise
when I'm trying to concentrate on my work.
+ I find it difficult to get back into my work if I am interrupted.
+ I like to openly discuss my work with my co-workers and pick their brains without calling a "formal" meeting.
+ [ ] Collect responses to the survey by using Google Adwords
to target people who are searching for "London Co-Working" direct them to the survey.
+ [ ] Use Google Analytics to track response/dropout rate.
+ [ ] ***Membership Registration/Management*** System (_can be a [**spreadsheet**]( for MVP with a view to using our [CRM]( after MVP_)
but ideally would link to the ***payment processing***/verification so it's clear who has paid.

+ [ ] Monthly/Pay-as-you-Go **Payment Collection** System (_e.g: GoCardless_)

+ [ ] **Desk allocation** system (_so people can **reserve** a **specific desk**
if they want to and we **know** when we're "**full**"_)

+ [ ] **Check-in** system when people arrive (_also useful for fire safety_)

+ [ ] Anonymous ***feedback*** system so people can complain if they feel the need to?

> Making the QuietSpace Co-working space a success
is an _integral_ part of dwyl's wider mission.
Having a productive place for our London-based team
to work is _essential_ for in-person collaboration.

### Number of Desks

+ Upstairs: 16 Seats, 2 Standing Desks
+ Downstairs: 12 Seats, 2 Standing Desks

### _Potential_ Revenue at "_Full Capacity_"

32 Places @ £180/month = **£5,760**

This will cover our costs and could pay for an
[***Office Manager***](

> _**initially** the **actual** occupancy will be lower,
but if we **focus on our "One Metric that Matters" (OMTM)**
we will easily get to full membership + waiting list_.

Which means that we _could_ either accumulate a surplus and spend it
on making the space nicer for everyone, or we can lower prices once
we reach full capacity.

Either way, I don't think lowering the prices _now_ is a good idea
because it _de-values_ the place and signals "_we'll take anyone_" ...

### Constraints/Blockers

+ Bathroom (Toilet) Facilities ...
(_possible mitigation in suggestions below_)
+ Locker/Storage space
+ Lots of junk lying around upstairs and [downstairs]()

### _Fixed_ Overheads (_Costs we have to Cover_)

We calculate our pricing based on our need to cover ***Fixed Overheads***:
+ Rent: £2500 (_please input exact number_)
+ Rates: £500
+ Electricity: £200/month
+ Cleaning: £100/month
+ Internet: £100/month
+ Insurance: £50/month
+ "Free" Tea & Coffee: £50/month (_please define a monthly budget_)

Total _Fixed_ Costs: £3,600

> _**Question**: should we **budget** for an **Office Manager**? (part time?)_ <br />
_please discuss_:

### Office Manager

> There is still an _open_ discussion on the _need_ for an "Office Manager"
please see:

The Office Manager (_or **two** people who "job share"_)
is responsible for ensuring the wellbeing and _thriving_ of members.


People cannot reach the full (_creative_) potential if their
"_basic needs_" aren't met.

#### Responsibilities

+ Opening the Office (_if no members with keys open the space first_)
+ Member Relations
+ Inducting all new members with:
+ "Welcome Pack" (_this can be via email_)
+ Health & Fire Safety Briefing
+ Photo for our "Members Directory"
+ Scan new member's ID (_e.g driver's license or passport_)
for Enhanced Disclosure purposes
(_we need to know exactly who we are working with_).
+ Encourage them to connect with LinkedIn so people can see their skills.
+ Ensuring _existing_ members are well looked after & needs are met.
+ Coffee/Tea/Milk/Alternatives
(_ensure we are always stocked with member's favourites_)
+ Sate of repair for all fixtures/fittings, lighting bathroom
+ WiFi (_monthly signal and speed tests to ensure quality_)
+ Security & Safety are regularly checked
+ Door Entry System is checked
+ Fire Alarm tests (_quarterly test all sensors and alarm_)
+ Responding to _new_ member applications/registrations (_promptly_)
+ Ensuring that people in QS have reserved their desk for the day and have
checked-in so we know they are in the space (_both for fire safety and billing_).
+ Resolving any Member Disputes (_hopefully these won't happen
but the person we hire needs to understand that it's possible that they
may need to "mediate" a "so-and-so is never cleans their desk
and makes lots of noise..." claim ..._)
+ Revocation of Membership
(_we need clear membership criteria and a "3 strikes" rule enforcement._)
+ Receiving Post/Parcels on behalf of members
+ Opening, Scanning and Emailing post for members who want this option.
+ Fowarding or Returning-to-Sender
for addressees who are no longer (_paying_) members.
+ Ensuring that all accounts for QS are up-to-date (_bills/rates paid_)
+ Periodic check for "_better deal_" on Fixed Overheads e.g: faster internet,
better insurance or alternative (green) energy supplier.
+ Maintaining the QS website?
+ Marketing the space to potential new members?

#### Remuneration

We expect the Office Manager to be paid (_around_) **£11/h** (_£23k/year_) <br />
(_i.e: not a "fortune" but well above
["London Living Wage"](
and a good step up for a lot of really good
people who are currently stuck in "Zero Hour Contract" jobs._)

> _**Note**: this compensation is a "**base**" and we will gladly
discuss "**performance related pay**" for outstanding results.
e.g: percentage of income over full occupancy and/or additional member services_.

### Suggestion Improvements (_for discussion_)

+ [ ] Leave door to F&C and QuietSpace open during the day so _both_ Toilets
can be used by members.
+ [ ] A Green lightbulb outside the bathroom linked to the bathroom light so people
can see from a glace if it's free. This can bee hooked up using IoT
+ [ ] Oil diffusers (_pleasant smell_)
+ [ ] Whiteboards (_fixed to the wall?_)
+ [ ] "Free" Fresh Fruit?
+ [ ] Bring a friend (_first day is free but they need to register
with valid email address/phone number for insurace purposes_)
+ [ ] "Sign-up your friends as memebers" _10% discount_ applied to both members?
+ [ ] Cost _Decreases_ For Everyone as Membership Increases?
+ [ ] Lockers? (_with actual locks ... please open issue to discuss_)
+ [ ] Desk Numbering?
+ [ ] QR Codes on Desks so people "Check-in" for the day?
+ [ ] ***Meetups***? Can we hold meetups in the space e.g. 19:00 - 20:30? crucially will they add value to the members and wider community?
+ [ ] Register for VAT? we don't
need to. is there any point in collecting paying VAT...?

### Value-Added Services for Small One-Person-Companies

+ [ ] Registered Address for Freelancers/Ltd Co. (_included in membership_)
+ [ ] Mail forwarding for people who are working remotely but still want a fixe address
for the company/invoices etc.
+ [ ] Mail opening, scanning and email service. (_most "registered office" providers have this service_)

## Inspiration

+ dwyl-er [@hyprstack]( "Mario Mendes")
works at "SecondHome" and has offered to give us a tour.

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