This extension is the provider for all the frontend configuration in TYPO3 CMS enviroment; it depends on vhs
##Installation instructions
##copy from git
##Running instructions
The assets inside /Resources/Public/Assets/Css, /Resources/Public/Assets/Js, /Resources/Public/Assets/Img_layout are provided by the project my-foundation-1 ( in that project you will find a task named "deploy" that copies all the assets into that folders; please see the of that project about how to adjust the path note that the task has no "watch" so far so it must be run manually!
decompress it into a folder, e.g
C:\Users\riccardo.decontardi\Documents\Progetti\ (win) Users/riccardo/Progetti/ (mac) -
adjust the path "deploydir" (see documentation of my-foundation-1)
open terminal and run
- npm install or yarn install
- gulp deploy or gulp deploy --env production
Vector Icons in /Resources/Public/Icons/ were:
designed by Vaadin from Flaticon - designed by Freepik from Flaticon -