v1.8.1 (2017-10-31)
Closed issues:
- Angular http implementation error #136
- Prepare for feathers v3 #133
- An in-range update of feathers is breaking the build 🚨 #129
Merged pull requests:
- Add a warning when using with Feathers v3 #137 (daffl)
- Update axios to the latest version 🚀 #135 (greenkeeper[bot])
- adding codeclimate eslint to test #134 (ekryski)
- Update mocha to the latest version 🚀 #132 (greenkeeper[bot])
- Always include route parameter #131 (daffl)
- Remove babel-polyfill #130 (daffl)
- Update debug to the latest version 🚀 #128 (greenkeeper[bot])
v2.0.0-pre.1 (2017-07-23)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Map route parameters to params.route #126 (daffl)
- Update REST provider to Feathers v3 #123 (daffl)
- Update plugin infrastructure and remove client functionality #122 (daffl)
v1.8.0 (2017-07-04)
Closed issues:
- Consider how to handle file upload #102
Merged pull requests:
v1.7.4 (2017-06-27)
Closed issues:
- Property 'axios' does not exist on type 'Transport' #116
Merged pull requests:
v1.7.3 (2017-06-07)
Closed issues:
- $gte query example? #118
- JSON-API + feathers-rest #115
- $in: [] returning unexpected results #113
- Setting 'content-type' header properly with boundary #110
Merged pull requests:
- Add typing support for axios #117 (elixiao)
- Update semistandard to the latest version 🚀 #111 (greenkeeper[bot])
- explicitly updating qs dependency due to security vulnerability #109 (ekryski)
- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 #108 (greenkeeper[bot])
v1.7.2 (2017-04-11)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Set res.hook on errors as well #107 (daffl)
- Update axios to version 0.16.0 🚀 #104 (greenkeeperio-bot)
v1.7.1 (2017-03-02)
Merged pull requests:
v1.7.0 (2017-03-01)
Closed issues:
- Custom HTTP status code response #99
Merged pull requests:
- Typescript Definitions #101 (AbraaoAlves)
- Adding Axios to readme #100 (corymsmith)
v1.6.0 (2016-12-31)
Closed issues:
- support axios? #94
Merged pull requests:
v1.5.3 (2016-12-30)
Closed issues:
- Client: Support Service Middleware / Generic Service #91
- fn.call is not a function(…) on client side with webpack #89
- $in operator doesn't work correctly through rest #88
- add angular2 http client support #64
Merged pull requests:
- Test and fix for undefined id on get #97 (daffl)
- Create .codeclimate.yml #92 (larkinscott)
- Tests for nested arrays and Mocha 3 updates #90 (daffl)
- Update superagent to version 3.0.0 🚀 #87 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Update feathers-memory to version 1.0.0 🚀 #86 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Update feathers-commons to version 0.8.0 🚀 #85 (greenkeeperio-bot)
v1.5.2 (2016-11-08)
Closed issues:
- Client fails to parse json response on 204 status using fetch #83
Merged pull requests:
- Return null for no-content responses with fetch #84 (bedeoverend)
- Swapping rm to rifraf and using relative path to _mocha for windows support #82 (corymsmith)
- jshint —> semistandard #81 (corymsmith)
v1.5.1 (2016-10-21)
Closed issues:
- Rest clients should not delete/patch/update everything if
is undefined #79 - Distinct #76
- Sequelize Params not passed through when using REST Client #75
Merged pull requests:
- Throw error when update, patch or remove id is undefined #80 (daffl)
- adding code coverage #78 (ekryski)
- Rename internal route id property #74 (daffl)
v1.5.0 (2016-09-09)
Merged pull requests:
- Update feathers-memory to version 0.8.0 🚀 #73 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Allow using default fetch headers for all requests #72 (bahmutov)
v1.4.4 (2016-08-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Call
properly in formatter #67 (daffl) - Update mocha to version 3.0.0 🚀 #65 (greenkeeperio-bot)
v1.4.3 (2016-07-14)
Closed issues:
- Implementation of fetch doesn't work in browser? #62
- Setting hook.method should direct the request to the chosen method. #60
- Error in REST handler:
Invalid atomic update value for $\_\_original\_remove. Expected an object, received function
#59 - Return
doesn't resolve using fetch #56
Merged pull requests:
v1.4.2 (2016-06-04)
Closed issues:
- Support native browser fetch #54
Merged pull requests:
v1.4.1 (2016-05-30)
v1.4.0 (2016-05-30)
Closed issues:
- Clients should convert error objects to feathers-errors #50
Merged pull requests:
- Convert to Feathers errors #53 (daffl)
- Update superagent to version 2.0.0 🚀 #52 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- [email protected] breaks build 🚨 #48 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Update babel-plugin-add-module-exports to version 0.2.0 🚀 #45 (greenkeeperio-bot)
v1.3.0 (2016-04-28)
Closed issues:
- Support patch, remove and update many #40
- Fix link in README for providers docs #38
- feathers-rest returns Internal Server Error on invalid login #36
- Set Allow response headers #21
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.5 (2016-04-13)
Fixed bugs:
- superagent doesn't set JSON Accept header #29
Closed issues:
- Set Accept header as default #28
- Remove JSDOM as devDependency #25
- Add the ability for services to be internal only. #23
Merged pull requests:
- Test and fix that makes sure that all cliens are accepting JSON #35 (daffl)
- steal-compatibility #33 (marshallswain)
- Update feathers-memory to version 0.7.0 🚀 #32 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Readme: Use native 'window.fetch' #30 (queckezz)
v1.2.4 (2016-03-13)
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.3 (2016-02-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Update feathers-errors to version 2.0.1 🚀 #20 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Update jsdom to version 8.0.4 🚀 #18 (greenkeeperio-bot)
v1.2.2 (2016-02-11)
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.1 (2016-02-09)
v1.2.0 (2016-02-09)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Adds support for custom headers via params #14 (ekryski)
- Update feathers-memory to version 0.6.0 🚀 #10 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Adding nsp check #8 (marshallswain)
- Update feathers-commons to version 0.6.0 🚀 #6 (greenkeeperio-bot)
- Correctly handling status codes with fetch #5 (corymsmith)
v1.1.1 (2016-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixing .npmignore entries #3 (corymsmith)
v1.1.0 (2016-01-10)
Merged pull requests:
v1.0.0 (2016-01-03)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator