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Colors And Swatches

fabiantheblind edited this page Jan 7, 2013 · 3 revisions

###colors and swatches

There's two types of colors in InDesign: named colors, and unnamed colors. Named colors show in the swatches panel, and unnamed colors don't.
There's no way to apply a unnamed color directly via scripting.
Harbs. Adobe Forums

That means you always have to create a swatch.

     *  Lets play with colors
     *  to use colors you NEED to create a swatch 
    function main (){
    // make a document
    var pw = 300;
    var ph = 30;
    var doc = app.documents.add({
    // inspect the existing swatches
    var random_num = parseInt(Math.random()*doc.swatches.length);
    var random_swatch = doc.swatches[random_num];
    alert("the swatch with the number "+
            random_num +" is always\n[" + + "]");
    // now lets create some colors
    var cols = new Array();
    var num_of_colors = 42*5;
    // lets do it randomly
    for(var j = 0; j < num_of_colors; j++){
        var r = Math.random() * 10;
        var g = Math.random() * 255;
        var b = Math.random() * 255;
        // important a color needs a unique name
        // color_add function is from
        // go down to inspect what she does
        // push the swatches into an array
        cols.push(color_add (doc, "random rgb color"+j, ColorModel.PROCESS, [r,g,b]));
        }; // end of loop
    // make some colors by "hand"
    cols.push(color_add (doc, "cmyk color", ColorModel.PROCESS, [100,50,0,0]));
    cols.push(color_add (doc, "rgb color", ColorModel.PROCESS, [10,0,100]));
    cols.push(color_add (doc, "hex color", ColorModel.PROCESS, ["ffffff"]));
    // this is how you create colors without that nice function
    var color_by_hand =doc.colors.add(); = {
            name:"color by hand", 
    // now we apply them
    var pg = doc.pages.item(0); // get the page
    var step = pw / cols.length; // calc the number of steps we have. one by color
    // coordiantes
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = 0;
    var x2 = step;
    var y2 = ph;
    // loop the colors
    for(var i = 0; i < cols.length;i++){
        // add a rectangle
        var rect = pg.rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[y1,x1,y2,x2]});
        rect.fillColor = cols[i];
        rect.strokeWeight = 0;
        x1 = x2;
        x2 = x2 + step;
        }; // end of loop
    }; // end of function main
    // found on ->
    // how to apply:
    // add CMYK color
    //myColorAdd(app.activeDocument, "My Custom Color", ColorModel.PROCESS, [80,50,30,10]);
    // add RGB color
    //myColorAdd(app.activeDocument, "My Custom Color", ColorModel.PROCESS, [33,66,99]);
    // add HEX color
    //myColorAdd(app.activeDocument, "My Custom Color", ColorModel.PROCESS, "ABCDEF");
    // add color directly
    // add CMYK color to document
    // and asign it to selected object
    //app.selection[0].fillColor = myColorAdd(app.activeDocument, "My Custom Color", ColorModel.PROCESS, [80,50,30,10]);
    function color_add(myDocument, myColorName, myColorModel, myColorValue){
        if(myColorValue instanceof Array == false){
            myColorValue = [(parseInt(myColorValue, 16) >> 16 ) & 0xff, (parseInt(myColorValue, 16) >> 8 ) & 0xff,    parseInt(myColorValue, 16 ) & 0xff ];
            myColorSpace = ColorSpace.RGB;
            if(myColorValue.length == 3)
              myColorSpace = ColorSpace.RGB;
              myColorSpace = ColorSpace.CMYK;
            myColor = myDocument.colors.item(myColorName);
            myName =;
        catch (myError){
            myColor = myDocument.colors.add();
   = {name:myColorName, model:myColorModel, space:myColorSpace ,colorValue:myColorValue};
        return myColor;
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