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schlompf edited this page Oct 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

How can we detect the content of strings and words. This example usess just javascript build in functions to get a count for every word. You also should have a look into RegExp.

    This is text analysis the javascript way
    This script splits a string by its words and checks for doubles
    function main(){
      // create doc, get page, add textframe
      var doc = app.documents.add();
      var page = doc.pages[0];
      var docpref = doc.documentPreferences; // these are the prefs
    // some values
      var pw = 200; 
      var ph = 200;
      // set the doc size
     docpref.pageWidth = pw;
     docpref.pageHeight = ph;
    // make a textframe
      var tf = page.textFrames.add({geometricBounds:[12.7,12.7,ph-12.7,pw-12.7]});
      // add some placeholder text
      tf.contents = TextFrameContents.PLACEHOLDER_TEXT;
    // et the content of the textFrame
    var content_string = tf.contents;
    // now we split that string into an array
    var splitted_string_arr = content_string.split(" ");
    // the function compress returns an array of object like this
    // [({value:"Miu", count:1}), ({value:"sidet;", count:1}), ({value:"num", count:6})] 
    var result = compressArray (splitted_string_arr);
    alert("\n"+ result.toSource());
    Array compress function found here
    by ryanbosinger
    function compressArray(original) {
        var compressed = [];
        // make a copy of the input array
        var copy = original.slice(0);
        // first loop goes over every element
        for (var i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
            var myCount = 0;
            // loop over every element in the copy and see if it's the same
            for (var w = 0; w < copy.length; w++) {
                if (original[i] == copy[w]) {
                    // increase amount of times duplicate is found
                    // sets item to undefined
                    delete copy[w];
             // if the counter is hier than 0 do something
            if (myCount > 0) {
                var a = new Object(); // greate an object called a
                a.value = original[i]; // add the text of the word
                a.count = myCount; // add the count
                compressed.push(a); // push into the return array
        return compressed;
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