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IntelliJ IDEA

Gabor Szarnyas edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 10 revisions


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Using multiple projects

Using multiple projects in Eclipse fashion

Setting up a new project

"No SDK Specified. Do you want to create a project with no SDK assigned? [...]" Add a new SDK to the Project SDK combobox, e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle

Font antialiasing problems on Linux

See for details.

Go to File | Settings, search for Font, ues the Saves As operation on the Default scheme and change the Primary font to Source Code Pro.

For alternative fonts, see also:

Rerun only selected Gradle tests

Configure Gradle project to "Run tests using: IntelliJ IDEA".


Gradle import issues

Problem: while trying to open a Gradle project, IntelliJ throws an error: Unable to load class 'org.slf4j.LoggerFactory'.

Solution: instead of the local gradle distribution, choose the use gradle wrapper task configuration option.


Problem: Lombok projects do not work with Gradle.

Solution: check Enable annotation processing in Settings | Compiler | Annotation Processors (source)

Despite changing the keyboard layout, the physical Ctrl+Z key does the Undo operation

Go to the keymap and simply remap the Undo operation to Ctrl+Y. Do not forget to remap the Redo operation Ctrl+Alt+Y.

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