v0.3.0-beta (2019-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
v0.2.2-beta (2019-10-24)
- Sorting of products, Categories etc #138
- Accessing meta_data product property? #121
- Improved ordering for some connections #145 (kidunot89)
- "product_connection_catalog_visibility" hook implemented. #142 (kidunot89)
- "format" arg added to Product description fields #139 (kidunot89)
- Ajax call /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments clears cart when plugin installed #143
- subcategory shows empty when image field is present #140
- Extension breaks the hierarchy between pages #122
- Order id undefined #119
- categoryNameIn not filtering #116
- Fixes product taxonomy hierachy resolution #150 (kidunot89)
- Adds WPGraphQL JWT Auth fields to Customer type and mutations #148 (kidunot89)
- Escape hatch added on non-GraphQL requests. #146 (kidunot89)
- Release v0.2.1 #114 (kidunot89)
Closed issues:
- Order Creation directly #149
- Customer checkout and order mutations are not working #147
- Price Type, and name not showing up for product as Typed values #137
- Add AND and OR statement to where clause. #120
Merged pull requests:
- FUNDING.yml added. #151 (kidunot89)
- CONTRIBUTING.md added #144 (kidunot89)
- v0.2.1 hotfix to develop #135 (kidunot89)
v0.2.1-beta (2019-08-27)
Breaking changes:
- Hooks for mutations #108
- productBy query should support querying by slug #95
- Support update of multiple quantities in cart in a single mutation #94
- Other mutations #19
- Order mutations #16
- customerRegister mutation resolves wrong object for
field #111 - I cant see the category thumbnail #93
- Session header bugfix #113 (kidunot89)
v0.2.0-beta (2019-07-11)
Closed issues:
- Customer id doesn't match user id #90
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.2-beta (2019-06-23)
Closed issues:
- Tests needed #46
v0.1.1-beta (2019-06-06)
Breaking changes:
- Provide guest user authentication #79
- Codeception versioning problem in Travis-CI build #77 (kidunot89)
Closed issues:
- Release v0.1.0 Summary #74
v0.1.0-beta (2019-05-11)
Closed issues:
- Release v0.0.4 Summary #66
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.4-beta (2019-05-10)
- Add filter for restricted_cap in models #51
- Add name to ProductVariation #41
- Cart type and queries #12
- Adds "*_restricted_cap" filters #53 (kidunot89)
- ProductAttribute completion #50 (kidunot89)
- Query products by categories returns an empty array. #44
- More ProductVariation fields #49 (kidunot89)
- Bugfix/#44 #45 (kidunot89)
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.3-beta (2019-04-25)
Closed issues:
- Unsetting "object_ids" on all connections #39
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.2-beta (2019-04-22)
- TaxClass type #27
- Order-Item type queries #13
- Order items, TaxRate, and ShippingMethod #28 (kidunot89)
- Where args for Coupon, Order, and Refund connections #24 (kidunot89)
- Testing and CI renovation #21 (kidunot89)
- WPGraphQL v0.3.0 migration #9 (kidunot89)
- no queries work #31
- after_success script added #32 (kidunot89)
- Polishing Product types and connections #22 (kidunot89)
Merged pull requests:
- Formatting code to WordPress Coding Standards #8 (kidunot89)
- Feature/Product type #7 (kidunot89)
- Feature/coupon type #6 (kidunot89)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator