Releases: garlictech/gtrack-admin-site
Releases · garlictech/gtrack-admin-site
<a name"2.7.0">
2.7.0 (2018-05-23)
Bug Fixes
- fix modal compoenent name (ce2e9676)
- test fix (612b27b5)
- test fixes (b8d0ed14)
- Fix action calls (34d5cd9f)
- test fixes (0ddd63d9)
- fix test (3cad30bc)
- "Get new" poi buttons are disabled when loading a saved hike (f1c6f1ed)
- fix route-planner reducer tests (7feb44f1)
- Leaflet usermarker blue dot (56f7f7e4)
- fix overlay url (ab2dd065)
<a name"2.6.0">
2.6.0 (2018-05-04)
Bug Fixes
- comment invalid checkpoint filter (331a18c0)
- Fix saving toaster (b4a31b66)
- optimize waypoint loading when we retrieve the saved plan (8d38f5c3)
- routeLoading optimalizations (b64148c9)
- optimize routingControlService's _moveLastWaypointToRoute method for avoid wrong (612912d7)
- increase toaster timeout (d52258ca)
- update inGtrackPoi flag after every service poi load (7f13de67)
- fix subscribtions (298b02da)
- fix peerDependencies (6fdb3638)
- peerDependencies fix (5174d78a)
<a name"2.4.0">
2.4.0 (2018-04-23)
Bug Fixes
- hide app-page-busy component (dec5b043)
- interface fixes (aa702d78)
- test fixes (3ca31a03)
- fix gitrepo remote url (8df55b45)
- languageKey subscription fix (e48d15ed)
- import and interface fixes (9db50d81)
- load route on hike load (6847c73b)
- add formDataPath to ngx-form (126b1cf0)
- import fixes in common-ngx (a40455ff)
- add missing PoiModified action (00cd8324)
- poi title is mandatory (a5d22c1e)
- data path fix (9068f853)
- poi submit fix (bc7dd279)
- disable submit button when the for is untouched/pristine (d8af50b1)
- emoji field fix (19957e80)
- adding multi language component (a33ace6c)
- calculate distanceFromOrigo w/ turf (fcf3306e, closes #174)
- calculate location from the 1st segment (d9ddc257)
- add/remove stops on when add/remove poi (99c1c55c)
- save route total data to editedHike state on route update (dfa826db)
- form slider added (5d31e203)
- multilanguage component for poi save (da8ace0c)
- forms-ngx integrated (2354ff5e)
<a name"2.3.0">
2.3.0 (2018-04-18)
Bug Fixes
- interface fixes (80e006e0)
- add take(1) to backend observables (dbe62e97)
- subscription fixes (c8dc8e8a)
- remove distFromRoute property from getDbObj method (343fc7ca)
- remove reading poi.isCheckpoint from hikeService (a83fc421)
- Clear poi saved state on modal open (9eb35224, closes #156)
- optimize observable subscribtions (1b6bd0b4)
- Merge common-ngx with the new background location stuff (f924f6ec, closes #153)
- upgrade to the lates common-ngx (0f6e1e10)
<a name"2.1.0">
2.1.0 (2018-04-02)
Bug Fixes
- auth modula and auth import fix (462001be)
- hikeProgram use live data (abab184f)
- DeepstreamModule inport fixes on the effect tests (3971a494)
- check planner exists before destroy (900ae2c1)
- map instance subscribtion (b38a5e9c)
- fix initialized state calling (77794a20)
- Disable getRoute if the segment list is empty (66e76652, closes #141)
- merging latest subrepos (eef0d58b)
- fix initialized state calling (93bf3d6b)
- Disable getRoute if the segment list is empty (b34fe1a3, closes #141)
- staging deepstream endpoint fix (233b7092)
- store uses IPoi instead of Poi (148fcd51)
- remove unnecessary imports (0c78a682)
- fix reset of generalInfoState (8a7b6c8f)
- poi test fixes (93a676c5)
- Graphopper api key added (c1876024, closes #121)
- environment, subrepo, npm deps fixes (041c8fb3)
- proper staging environment (cf1db7a2)
- remove unused import (b864bd79)
- fix hike list subscription (d2451ae2)
- check poi service api errors (18133af5)
- fix route planner bugs (6c5663cd, closes #113)
- fix wrong search param from the prev commit (b90848b7)
- fix facebookLogin parameter (fc6e4dca)
- use pois table for geoSearch (6cb74f75)
- lint fixes (529f9436)
- add missing lodash import (b4e30fe2)
- test fixes (245c7950)
- fix tests based on new poi interfaces (b856007d)
- fix type handling in external poi editor (b433ab61)
- fix tests based on new poi interfaces (98d725fe)
- import fix (a141a9b0)
- deepstream config fix (f199a83b)
- fix mock interfaces (3949cc84)
- increase pagination time in google places query (93d21c05)
- MapMarker private fields changed to protected (09fd4bd3)
- poi hike list (f662753e)
- hike poi list in progress (78bdbe74)
- add langservice to hikeList texts (b79d7f5b)
- handling hike save button state (enabled/disabled) based on necessary data. (9012ba88)
- Button for remove translations from gTrackPoi descriptions (283954b2)
- Button for remove translations from hike descriptions (921f0e93)
- disable hike save if the poi list is empty (9539833f, closes #140)
- isRoundTrip value comes from coords checking selector (b944e675, closes #139)
- handling hike save button state (enabled/disabled) based on necessary data. (e8b6c9fa)
- Button for remove translations from gTrackPoi descriptions (c049ae9e)
- Button for remove translations from hike descriptions (af97630d)
- disable hike save if the poi list is empty (8b038eeb, closes #140)
- isRoundTrip value comes from coords checking selector (0c888715, closes #139)
- update graphHopper param (foot to hike) (8749e8eb)
- use poi interfaces instead of libs (31c6afab)
- remove unused externalPoi libs (e6fc369f)
- getGeoSearchContext selector (91c5c8d9)
- getGeoSearchContext (d9adbcc5)
- geoSearchContext selector (f0fa370c)
- geoSearch context selector (ac6ae909)
- Repaint all markers on MarkerConfigChanged (89553ab4, closes #127)
- load hike data to edit page (ff9534ed)
- hikeList design and subscription update (157acfa5)
- Reset states on HikeEdit page load (6bbb362a)
- reset actions for states (7c8dcd5b)
- After hike save success redirect to the edit page (ba7926a6, closes #104)
- getHikeContext method for hikeProgram selector (4846bbfc)
- save poi ids to hike data (ade62298)
- change new hike route from 'add' to 'new' (aa32211b)
- handle gTrackPoi markers (254cb8c6)
- handleHikeInclusion for marking inHike gTrack pois (1a61a706)
- Add the first and last point as stop point when saving the hike (fe3cf144, closes #112)
- add error toaster to wikipedia poi service (15a9d47a)
- load hikes action to list page (c0b8b953)
- add objectId and additionalData to savable pois (2892a062, closes #1)
- use circle search for gTrackPoi search (e094fb1b)
- save route data (9904f20a)
- geolocation for hike saving (be3aafee, closes #100)
- add dynamic modal to common-ngx (c616f088)
- collect and save hike program data (07805186)
- use uuid/v4 instead of uuid (31f67b4e)
- use uuid/v4 in mapService ([72dda96](