<a name"2.4.0">
2.4.0 (2018-04-23)
Bug Fixes
- hide app-page-busy component (dec5b043)
- interface fixes (aa702d78)
- test fixes (3ca31a03)
- fix gitrepo remote url (8df55b45)
- languageKey subscription fix (e48d15ed)
- import and interface fixes (9db50d81)
- load route on hike load (6847c73b)
- add formDataPath to ngx-form (126b1cf0)
- import fixes in common-ngx (a40455ff)
- add missing PoiModified action (00cd8324)
- poi title is mandatory (a5d22c1e)
- data path fix (9068f853)
- poi submit fix (bc7dd279)
- disable submit button when the for is untouched/pristine (d8af50b1)
- emoji field fix (19957e80)
- adding multi language component (a33ace6c)
- calculate distanceFromOrigo w/ turf (fcf3306e, closes #174)
- calculate location from the 1st segment (d9ddc257)
- add/remove stops on when add/remove poi (99c1c55c)
- save route total data to editedHike state on route update (dfa826db)
- form slider added (5d31e203)
- multilanguage component for poi save (da8ace0c)
- forms-ngx integrated (2354ff5e)