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@pstibrany pstibrany released this 14 Dec 15:34
· 4527 commits to main since this release

This release contains 230 PRs from 43 authors, including new contributors Aldo D'Aquino, Anıl Mısırlıoğlu, Charles Korn, Danny Staple, Dylan Crees, Eduardo Silvi, FG, Jesse Weaver, KarlisAG, Leegin-darknight, Rohan Kumar, Wille Faler, Y.Horie, manohar-koukuntla, paulroche, songjiayang, Éamon Ryan. Thank you!

Grafana Mimir version 2.5 release notes

Grafana Labs is excited to announce version 2.5 of Grafana Mimir.

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release. For the complete list of changes, see the changelog.

Features and enhancements

  • Alertmanager Discord support
    Alertmanager can now be configured to send alerts in Discord channels.

  • Configurable TLS minimum version and cipher suites
    We added the flags -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites that can be used to define the minimum TLS version and the supported cipher suites in all HTTP and gRPC servers in Mimir.

  • Lower memory usage in store-gateway, ingester and alertmanager
    We made various changes related to how index lookups are performed and how the active series custom trackers are implemented, which results in better performance and lower overall memory usage in the store-gateway and ingester.
    We also optimized the alertmanager, which results in a 50% reduction in memory usage in use cases with larger numbers of tenants.

  • Improved Mimir dashboards
    We added two new dashboards named Mimir / Overview resources and Mimir / Overview networking. Furthermore, we have made various improvements to the following existing dashboards:

    • Mimir / Overview: Add "remote read", "metadata", and "exemplar" queries.
    • Mimir / Writes: Add optional row about the distributor's new forwarding feature.
    • Mimir / Tenants: Add insights into the read path.

Helm chart improvements

  • Zone aware replication
    Helm now supports deploying the ingesters and store-gateways as different availability zones. The replication is also zone-aware, therefore multiple instances of one zone can fail without any service interruption and roll outs can be performed faster because many instances of each zone can be restarted together, as opposed to them all restarting in sequence.

    This is a breaking change, for details on how to upgrade please review the Helm changelog.

  • Running without root privileges
    All Mimir, GEM and Agent processes now don't require root privileges to run anymore.

  • Unified reverse proxy (gateway) configuration for Mimir and GEM
    This change allows for an easier upgrade path from Mimir to GEM, without any downtime. The unified configuration also makes it possible to autoscale the GEM gateway pods and it supports OpenShift Route. The change also deprecates the nginx section in the configuration. The section will be removed in release 7.0.0.

  • Updated MinIO
    The MinIO sub-chart was updated from 4.x to 5.0.0, note that this update inherits a breaking change because the MinIO gateway mode was removed.

  • Updated sizing plans
    We updated our sizing plans to make them reflect better how we recommend running Mimir and GEM in production. Note that this includes a breaking change for users of the "small" plan, more details can be found in the Helm changelog.

  • Various quality of life improvements

    • Rollout strategies without downtime
    • Read path and compactor configuration refresh, providing better default settings
    • OTLP ingestion support in the Nginx configuration
    • A default configuration for alertmanager, so the user interface and the sending of alerts from the ruler works out of the box

Bug fixes

  • Flusher: Added Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. PR 3151
  • Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. PR 3302
  • Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. PR 3392
  • Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors occur. PR 3538



Grafana Mimir

  • [CHANGE] Flag -azure.msi-resource is now ignored, and will be removed in Mimir 2.7. This setting is now made automatically by Azure. #2682
  • [CHANGE] Experimental flag -blocks-storage.tsdb.out-of-order-capacity-min has been removed. #3261
  • [CHANGE] Distributor: Wrap errors from pushing to ingesters with useful context, for example clarifying timeouts. #3307
  • [CHANGE] The default value of -server.http-write-timeout has changed from 30s to 2m. #3346
  • [CHANGE] Reduce period of health checks in connection pools for querier->store-gateway, ruler->ruler, and alertmanager->alertmanager clients to 10s. This reduces the time to fail a gRPC call when the remote stops responding. #3168
  • [CHANGE] Hide TSDB block ranges period config from doc and mark it experimental. #3518
  • [FEATURE] Alertmanager: added Discord support. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -server.tls-min-version and -server.tls-cipher-suites flags to configure cipher suites and min TLS version supported by HTTP and gRPC servers. #2898
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Add age filter to forwarding functionality, to not forward samples which are older than defined duration. If such samples are not ingested, cortex_discarded_samples_total{reason="forwarded-sample-too-old"} is increased. #3049 #3113
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: Reduce memory allocation when generating ids in index cache. #3179
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: truncate queries based on the configured creation grace period (--validation.create-grace-period) to avoid querying too far into the future. #3172
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: Reduce activity tracker memory allocation. #3203
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: Log more detailed information in the case of a failed query. #3190
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added -usage-stats.installation-mode configuration to track the installation mode via the anonymous usage statistics. #3244
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: Add new cortex_compactor_block_max_time_delta_seconds histogram for detecting if compaction of blocks is lagging behind. #3240 #3429
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: reduced the memory footprint of active series custom trackers. #2568
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Include X-Scope-OrgId header in requests forwarded to configured forwarding endpoint. #3283 #3385
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager: reduced memory utilization in Mimir clusters with a large number of tenants. #3309
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add experimental flag -shutdown-delay to allow components to wait after receiving SIGTERM and before stopping. In this time the component returns 503 from /ready endpoint. #3298
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Go: update to go 1.19.3. #3371
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: added RulerRemoteEvaluationFailing alert, firing when communication between ruler and frontend fails in remote operational mode. #3177 #3389
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Clarify which S3 signature versions are supported in the error "unsupported signature version". #3376
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved index header reading performance. #3393 #3397 #3436
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store-gateway: improved performance of series matching. #3391
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Move the validation of incoming series before the distributor's forwarding functionality, so that we don't forward invalid series. #3386 #3458
  • [ENHANCEMENT] S3 bucket configuration now validates that the endpoint does not have the bucket name prefix. #3414
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: added "fetched index bytes" to query statistics, so that the statistics contain the total bytes read by store-gateways from TSDB block indexes. #3206
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: push wrapper should only receive unforwarded samples. #2980
  • [BUGFIX] Flusher: Add Overrides as a dependency to prevent panics when starting with -target=flusher. #3151
  • [BUGFIX] Updated dependency to fix CVE-2022-32149. #3285
  • [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: properly close gRPC streams to the query-scheduler to stop memory and goroutines leak. #3302
  • [BUGFIX] Ruler: persist evaluation delay configured in the rulegroup. #3392
  • [BUGFIX] Ring status pages: show 100% ownership as "100%", not "1e+02%". #3435
  • [BUGFIX] Fix panics in OTLP ingest path when parse errors exist. #3538


  • [CHANGE] Alerts: Change MimirSchedulerQueriesStuck for time to 7 minutes to account for the time it takes for HPA to scale up. #3223
  • [CHANGE] Dashboards: Removed the Querier > Stages panel from the Mimir / Queries dashboard. #3311
  • [CHANGE] Configuration: The format of the autoscaling section of the configuration has changed to support more components. #3378
    • Instead of specific config variables for each component, they are listed in a dictionary. For example, autoscaling.querier_enabled becomes autoscaling.querier.enabled.
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview resources" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster resources utilization. #3481
  • [FEATURE] Dashboards: Added "Mimir / Overview networking" dashboard, providing an high level view over a Mimir cluster network bandwidth, inflight requests and TCP connections. #3487
  • [FEATURE] Compile baremetal mixin along k8s mixin. #3162 #3514
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: Add MimirRingMembersMismatch firing when a component does not have the expected number of running jobs. #2404
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add optional row about the Distributor's metric forwarding feature to the Mimir / Writes dashboard. #3182 #3394 #3394 #3461
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Remove the "Instance Mapper" row from the "Alertmanager Resources Dashboard". This is a Grafana Cloud specific service and not relevant for external users. #3152
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add "remote read", "metadata", and "exemplar" queries to "Mimir / Overview" dashboard. #3245
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Use non-red colors for non-error series in the "Mimir / Overview" dashboard. #3246
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add support to multi-zone deployments for the experimental read-write deployment mode. #3256
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: If enabled, add new row to the Mimir / Writes for distributor autoscaling metrics. #3378
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add read path insights row to the "Mimir / Tenants" dashboard. #3326
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: Add runbook urls for alerts. #3452
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Configuration: Make it possible to configure namespace label, job label, and job prefix. #3482
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: improved resources and networking dashboards to work with read-write deployment mode too. #3497 #3504 #3519 #3531
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: Added "MimirDistributorForwardingErrorRate" alert, which fires on high error rates in the distributor’s forwarding feature. #3200
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve phrasing in Overview dashboard. #3488
  • [BUGFIX] Dashboards: Fix legend showing persistentvolumeclaim when using deployment_type=baremetal for Disk space utilization panels. #3173 #3184
  • [BUGFIX] Alerts: Fixed MimirGossipMembersMismatch alert when Mimir is deployed in read-write mode. #3489
  • [BUGFIX] Dashboards: Remove "Inflight requests" from object store panels because the panel is not tracking the inflight requests to object storage. #3521


  • [CHANGE] Replaced the deprecated policy/v1beta1 with policy/v1 when configuring a PodDisruptionBudget. #3284
  • [CHANGE] Common storage configuration is now used to configure object storage in all components. This is a breaking change in terms of Jsonnet manifests and also a CLI flag update for components that use object storage, so it will require a rollout of those components. The changes include: #3257
    • blocks_storage_backend was renamed to storage_backend and is now used as the common storage backend for all components.
      • So were the related blocks_storage_azure_account_(name|key) and blocks_storage_s3_endpoint configurations.
    • storage_s3_endpoint is now rendered by default using the aws_region configuration instead of a hardcoded us-east-1.
    • ruler_client_type and alertmanager_client_type were renamed to ruler_storage_backend and alertmanager_storage_backend respectively, and their corresponding CLI flags won't be rendered unless explicitly set to a value different from the one in storage_backend (like local).
    • alertmanager_s3_bucket_name, alertmanager_gcs_bucket_name and alertmanager_azure_container_name have been removed, and replaced by a single alertmanager_storage_bucket_name configuration used for all object storages.
    • genericBlocksStorageConfig configuration object was removed, and so any extensions to it will be now ignored. Use blockStorageConfig instead.
    • rulerClientConfig and alertmanagerStorageClientConfig configuration objects were renamed to rulerStorageConfig and alertmanagerStorageConfig respectively, and so any extensions to their previous names will be now ignored. Use the new names instead.
    • The CLI flags *.s3.region are no longer rendered as they are optional and the region can be inferred by Mimir by performing an initial API call to the endpoint.
    • The migration to this change should usually consist of:
      • Renaming blocks_storage_backend key to storage_backend.
      • For Azure/S3:
        • Renaming blocks_storage_(azure|s3)_* configurations to storage_(azure|s3)_*.
        • If ruler_storage_(azure|s3)_* and alertmanager_storage_(azure|s3)_* keys were different from the block_storage_* ones, they should be now provided using CLI flags, see configuration reference for more details.
      • Removing ruler_client_type and alertmanager_client_type if their value match the storage_backend, or renaming them to their new names otherwise.
      • Reviewing any possible extensions to genericBlocksStorageConfig, rulerClientConfig and alertmanagerStorageClientConfig and moving them to the corresponding new options.
      • Renaming the alertmanager's bucket name configuration from provider-specific to the new alertmanager_storage_bucket_name key.
  • [CHANGE] The overrides-exporter.libsonnet file is now always imported. The overrides-exporter can be enabled in jsonnet setting the following: #3379
      _config+:: {
        overrides_exporter_enabled: true,
  • [FEATURE] Added support for experimental read-write deployment mode. Enabling the read-write deployment mode on a existing Mimir cluster is a destructive operation, because the cluster will be re-created. If you're creating a new Mimir cluster, you can deploy it in read-write mode adding the following configuration: #3379 #3475 #3405
      _config+:: {
        deployment_mode: 'read-write',
        // See operations/mimir/read-write-deployment.libsonnet for more configuration options.
        mimir_write_replicas: 3,
        mimir_read_replicas: 2,
        mimir_backend_replicas: 3,
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add autoscaling support to the mimir-read component when running the read-write-deployment model. #3419
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added $._config.usageStatsConfig to track the installation mode via the anonymous usage statistics. #3294
  • [ENHANCEMENT] The query-tee node port ($._config.query_tee_node_port) is now optional. #3272
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for autoscaling distributors. #3378
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Make auto-scaling logic ensure integer KEDA thresholds. #3512
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed query-scheduler ring configuration for dedicated ruler's queries and query-frontends. #3237 #3239
  • [BUGFIX] Jsonnet: Fix auto-scaling so that ruler-querier CPU threshold is a string-encoded integer millicores value. #3520


  • [FEATURE] Added mimirtool alertmanager verify command to validate configuration without uploading. #3440
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added mimirtool rules delete-namespace command to delete all of the rule groups in a namespace including the namespace itself. #3136
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Refactor mimirtool analyze prometheus: add concurrency and resiliency #3349
    • Add --concurrency flag. Default: number of logical CPUs
  • [BUGFIX] --log.level=debug now correctly prints the response from the remote endpoint when a request fails. #3180


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Documented how to configure HA deduplication using Consul in a Mimir Helm deployment. #2972
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve MimirQuerierAutoscalerNotActive runbook. #3186
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve MimirSchedulerQueriesStuck runbook to reflect debug steps with querier auto-scaling enabled. #3223
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use imperative for docs titles. #3178 #3332 #3343
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Docs: mention gRPC compression in "Production tips". #3201
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Update #3224 #3225
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add a note for jsonnet deploying. #3213
  • [ENHANCEMENT] out-of-order runbook update with use case. #3253
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Fixed TSDB retention mentioned in the "Recover source blocks from ingesters" runbook. #3280
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Run Grafana Mimir in production using the Helm chart. #3072
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use common configuration in the tutorial. #3282
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Updated detailed steps for migrating blocks from Thanos to Mimir. #3290
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add scheme to DNS service discovery docs. #3450
  • [BUGFIX] Remove reference to file that no longer exists in contributing guide. #3404
  • [BUGFIX] Fix some minor typos in the contributing guide and on the runbooks page. #3418
  • [BUGFIX] Fix small typos in API reference. #3526
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed TSDB retention mentioned in the "Recover source blocks from ingesters" runbook. #3278
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed configuration example in the "Configuring the Grafana Mimir query-frontend to work with Prometheus" guide. #3374


  • [FEATURE] Add copyblocks tool, to copy Mimir blocks between two GCS buckets. #3264
  • [ENHANCEMENT] copyblocks: copy no-compact global markers and optimize min time filter check. #3268
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Mimir rules GitHub action: Added the ability to change default value of label when running prepare command. #3236
  • [BUGFIX] Mimir rules Github action: Fix single line output. #3421

All changes in this release: mimir-2.4.0...mimir-2.5.0