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Technical debt: Add missing '_disappears' acceptance test cases #13826

ewbankkit opened this issue Jun 18, 2020 · 2 comments · Fixed by #22344

Technical debt: Add missing '_disappears' acceptance test cases #13826

ewbankkit opened this issue Jun 18, 2020 · 2 comments · Fixed by #22344
technical-debt Addresses areas of the codebase that need refactoring or redesign. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.


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ewbankkit commented Jun 18, 2020

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  • Please vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request
  • Please do not leave "+1" or other comments that do not add relevant new information or questions, they generate extra noise for issue followers and do not help prioritize the request
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A resource's _disappears acceptance test case verifies that the provider correctly accounts for the resource being deleted outside of Terraform. Incorrectly handling this scenario can lead to provider crashes or having to manually taint or delete resource from state.

A number of resource do not have a _disappears acceptance test case. Add relevant tests cases for these resources.

Affected Resources

Ideally any submissions for this should be split up per AWS service to ease review and merge process.

An initial list (grep -L _disappears aws/resource_*_test.go | grep -v migrate_test):

  • aws_acm_certificate
  • aws_acm_certificate_validation
  • aws_acmpca_certificate_authority
  • aws_alb_target_group
  • aws_ami_copy
  • aws_ami_from_instance
  • aws_ami_launch_permission
  • aws_api_gateway_account
  • aws_api_gateway_api_key
  • aws_api_gateway_base_path_mapping
  • aws_api_gateway_client_certificate
  • aws_api_gateway_documentation_part
  • aws_api_gateway_documentation_version
  • aws_api_gateway_domain_name
  • aws_api_gateway_gateway_response
  • aws_api_gateway_integration_response
  • aws_api_gateway_integration
  • aws_api_gateway_method_response
  • aws_api_gateway_method_settings
  • aws_api_gateway_method
  • aws_api_gateway_model
  • aws_api_gateway_request_validator
  • aws_api_gateway_resource
  • aws_api_gateway_usage_plan
  • aws_api_gateway_vpc_link
  • aws_appautoscaling_scheduled_action
  • aws_appautoscaling_target
  • aws_app_cookie_stickiness_policy
  • aws_appmesh_mesh
  • aws_appmesh_route
  • aws_appmesh_virtual_node
  • aws_appmesh_virtual_router
  • aws_appmesh_virtual_service
  • aws_appsync_api_key
  • aws_appsync_datasource
  • aws_athena_database
  • aws_athena_named_query
  • aws_autoscaling_attachment
  • aws_autoscaling_group
  • aws_autoscaling_group_waiting
  • aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook
  • aws_autoscaling_notification
  • aws_batch_compute_environment
  • aws_batch_job_definition
  • aws_budgets_budget
  • aws_cloudfront_public_key
  • aws_cloudhsm2_cluster
  • aws_cloudhsm2_hsm
  • aws_cloudtrail
  • aws_cloudwatch_dashboard
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_permission
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
  • aws_cloudwatch_event_target
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_destination_policy
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_destination
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter
  • aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy
  • aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
  • aws_codebuild_project
  • aws_codebuild_source_credential
  • aws_codebuild_webhook
  • aws_codecommit_repository
  • aws_codecommit_trigger
  • aws_codedeploy_app
  • aws_codedeploy_deployment_config
  • aws_codepipeline
  • aws_codepipeline_webhook
  • aws_codestarnotifications_notification_rule
  • aws_cognito_identity_pool
  • aws_cognito_identity_provider
  • aws_cognito_resource_server
  • aws_cognito_user_group
  • aws_cognito_user_pool_domain
  • aws_cognito_user_pool
  • aws_config_aggregate_authorization
  • aws_config_config_rule
  • aws_config_configuration_aggregator
  • aws_config_configuration_recorder_status
  • aws_config_configuration_recorder
  • aws_config_delivery_channel
  • aws_cur_report_definition
  • aws_dax_cluster
  • aws_dax_parameter_group
  • aws_dax_subnet_group
  • aws_db_cluster_snapshot
  • aws_db_instance
  • aws_db_option_group
  • aws_db_parameter_group
  • aws_db_security_group
  • aws_db_subnet_group
  • aws_default_network_acl
  • aws_default_security_group
  • aws_default_subnet
  • aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options
  • aws_default_vpc
  • aws_directory_service_conditional_forwarder
  • aws_directory_service_log_subscription
  • aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy
  • aws_dms_certificate
  • aws_dms_endpoint
  • aws_dms_replication_instance
  • aws_dms_replication_subnet_group
  • aws_dms_replication_task
  • aws_docdb_cluster_snapshot
  • aws_docdb_cluster
  • aws_dx_bgp_peer
  • aws_dx_connection_association
  • aws_dx_connection
  • aws_dx_gateway_association
  • aws_dx_gateway
  • aws_dx_hosted_private_virtual_interface
  • aws_dx_hosted_public_virtual_interface
  • aws_dx_hosted_transit_virtual_interface
  • aws_dx_lag
  • aws_dx_private_virtual_interface
  • aws_dx_public_virtual_interface
  • aws_dx_transit_virtual_interface
  • aws_dynamodb_global_table
  • aws_dynamodb_table_item
  • aws_ebs_default_kms_key
  • aws_ebs_encryption_by_default
  • aws_ebs_snapshot
  • aws_ec2_availability_zone_group
  • aws_ec2_traffic_mirror_filter_rule
  • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_accepter
  • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_association
  • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation
  • aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_accepter
  • aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy
  • aws_ecr_repository_policy
  • aws_ecr_repository
  • aws_ecs_task_definition
  • aws_egress_only_internet_gateway
  • aws_eks_cluster
  • aws_elasticache_cluster
  • aws_elasticache_parameter_group
  • aws_elasticache_replication_group
  • aws_elasticache_security_group
  • aws_elasticache_subnet_group
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_application
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_application_version
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_configuration_template
  • aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment
  • aws_elasticsearch_domain_policy
  • aws_elasticsearch_domain
  • aws_elb_attachment
  • aws_emr_instance_group
  • aws_emr_security_configuration
  • aws_fms_admin_account
  • aws_gamelift
  • aws_glacier_vault_lock
  • aws_glacier_vault
  • aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator
  • aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group
  • aws_globalaccelerator_listener
  • aws_glue_catalog_database
  • aws_glue_classifier
  • aws_glue_connection
  • aws_glue_crawler
  • aws_glue_job
  • aws_glue_security_configuration
  • aws_glue_trigger
  • aws_glue_workflow
  • aws_guardduty_detector
  • aws_guardduty_invite_accepter
  • aws_guardduty_ipset
  • aws_guardduty_member
  • aws_guardduty_organization_admin_account
  • aws_guardduty_organization_configuration
  • aws_guardduty
  • aws_guardduty_threatintelset
  • aws_iam_access_key
  • aws_iam_account_alias
  • aws_iam_account_password_policy
  • aws_iam_group_membership
  • aws_iam_group_policy_attachment
  • aws_iam_group
  • aws_iam_instance_profile
  • aws_iam_policy_attachment
  • aws_iam_service_linked_role
  • aws_iam_user_group_membership
  • aws_iam_user_login_profile
  • aws_iam_user_policy_attachment
  • aws_iam_user_ssh_key
  • aws_inspector_resource_group
  • aws_iot_certificate
  • aws_iot_policy_attachment
  • aws_iot_policy
  • aws_iot_role_alias
  • aws_iot_thing_principal_attachment
  • aws_iot_thing
  • aws_iot_thing_type
  • aws_iot_topic_rule
  • aws_kinesis_analytics_application
  • aws_kinesis_stream
  • aws_kms_alias
  • aws_kms_ciphertext
  • aws_lambda_alias
  • aws_lambda_layer_version
  • aws_launch_configuration
  • aws_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy
  • aws_lb_listener_certificate
  • aws_lb_listener_rule
  • aws_lb_listener
  • aws_lb_target_group
  • aws_lb
  • aws_licensemanager_association
  • aws_licensemanager_license_configuration
  • aws_lightsail_instance
  • aws_lightsail_key_pair
  • aws_load_balancer_backend_server_policy
  • aws_load_balancer_listener_policy
  • aws_macie_member_account_association
  • aws_macie_s3_bucket_association
  • aws_main_route_table_association
  • aws_media_package_channel
  • aws_media_store_container_policy
  • aws_media_store_container
  • aws_mq_configuration
  • aws_msk_cluster
  • aws_msk_configuration
  • aws_nat_gateway
  • aws_neptune_cluster_instance
  • aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_group
  • aws_neptune_cluster_snapshot
  • aws_neptune_cluster
  • aws_neptune_event_subscription
  • aws_neptune_parameter_group
  • aws_neptune_subnet_group
  • aws_network_interface_attachment
  • aws_opsworks_application
  • aws_opsworks_custom_layer
  • aws_opsworks_ganglia_layer
  • aws_opsworks_haproxy_layer
  • aws_opsworks_instance
  • aws_opsworks_java_app_layer
  • aws_opsworks_memcached_layer
  • aws_opsworks_mysql_layer
  • aws_opsworks_nodejs_app_layer
  • aws_opsworks_permission
  • aws_opsworks_php_app_layer
  • aws_opsworks_rails_app_layer
  • aws_opsworks_rds_db_instance
  • aws_opsworks_stack
  • aws_opsworks_static_web_layer
  • aws_opsworks_user_profile
  • aws_organizations_account
  • aws_organizations_organizational_unit
  • aws_organizations_organization
  • aws_organizations_policy_attachment
  • aws_organizations_policy
  • aws_pinpoint_adm_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_apns_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_apns_sandbox_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_apns_voip_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_apns_voip_sandbox_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_app
  • aws_pinpoint_baidu_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_email_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_event_stream
  • aws_pinpoint_gcm_channel
  • aws_pinpoint_sms_channel
  • aws_proxy_protocol_policy
  • aws_qldb_ledger
  • aws_ram_resource_share_accepter
  • aws_ram_resource_share
  • aws_rds_cluster_endpoint
  • aws_rds_cluster
  • aws_redshift_cluster
  • aws_redshift_event_subscription
  • aws_redshift_parameter_group
  • aws_redshift_security_group
  • aws_redshift_snapshot_schedule_association
  • aws_redshift_snapshot_schedule
  • aws_redshift_subnet_group
  • aws_resourcegroups_group
  • aws_route53_delegation_set
  • aws_route53_query_log
  • aws_route53_resolver_endpoint
  • aws_route53_resolver_rule_association
  • aws_route53_resolver_rule
  • aws_route_table
  • aws_s3_bucket_analytics_configuration
  • aws_s3_bucket_inventory
  • aws_s3_bucket_metric
  • aws_s3_bucket_notification
  • aws_s3_bucket_object
  • aws_s3_bucket_policy
  • aws_s3_bucket
  • aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration
  • aws_sagemaker_endpoint
  • aws_sagemaker_model
  • aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configuration
  • aws_secretsmanager_secret
  • aws_secretsmanager_secret_version
  • aws_security_group_rules_matching
  • aws_security_group_rule
  • aws_security_group
  • aws_securityhub_account
  • aws_securityhub_member
  • aws_securityhub_product_subscription
  • aws_securityhub_standards_subscription
  • aws_securityhub
  • aws_servicecatalog_portfolio
  • aws_servicequotas_service_quota
  • aws_ses_configuration_set
  • aws_ses_domain_dkim
  • aws_ses_domain_identity_verification
  • aws_ses_email_identity
  • aws_ses_identity_notification_topic
  • aws_ses_identity_policy
  • aws_ses_receipt_filter
  • aws_sfn_activity
  • aws_sfn_state_machine
  • aws_shield_protection
  • aws_simpledb_domain
  • aws_sns_platform_application
  • aws_sns_sms_preferences
  • aws_sns_topic_policy
  • aws_sns_topic_subscription
  • aws_sns_topic
  • aws_spot_instance_request
  • aws_sqs_queue_policy
  • aws_sqs_queue
  • aws_ssm_association
  • aws_ssm_document
  • aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task
  • aws_ssm_patch_group
  • aws_ssm_resource_data_sync
  • aws_storagegateway_cached_iscsi_volume
  • aws_storagegateway_cache
  • aws_storagegateway_gateway
  • aws_storagegateway_nfs_file_share
  • aws_storagegateway_smb_file_share
  • aws_storagegateway_upload_buffer
  • aws_storagegateway_working_storage
  • aws_subnet
  • aws_swf_domain
  • aws_transfer_ssh_key
  • aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association
  • aws_vpc_endpoint_connection_notification
  • aws_vpc_endpoint_route_table_association
  • aws_vpc_endpoint_service_allowed_principal
  • aws_vpc_endpoint_service
  • aws_vpc_endpoint_subnet_association
  • aws_vpc_endpoint
  • aws_vpc_ipv4_cidr_block_association
  • aws_vpc_peering_connection_accepter
  • aws_vpc_peering_connection_options
  • aws_vpc_peering_connection
  • aws_vpn_connection_route
  • aws_vpn_gateway_attachment
  • aws_vpn_gateway_route_propagation
  • aws_wafv2_ip_set
  • aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set
  • aws_wafv2_rule_group
  • aws_wafv2_web_acl_association
  • aws_wafv2_web_acl
  • aws_worklink_fleet
  • aws_worklink_website_certificate_authority_association
  • aws_workspaces_workspace
  • aws_xray_sampling_rule


@ewbankkit ewbankkit added enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. technical-debt Addresses areas of the codebase that need refactoring or redesign. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure. and removed enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. labels Jun 18, 2020
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Jun 25, 2020
…m state when not found instead of returning error

Reference: #12337
Reference: #13826


=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears
    TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears: testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during follow-up refresh:

        Error: One compute environment is expected, but AWS return no compute environment

    TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears: testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
        may exist. The full state and error is shown below.

        Error: errors during refresh: One compute environment is expected, but AWS return no compute environment

        State: <nil>
--- FAIL: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears (59.70s)

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2WithoutComputeResources (35.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpotWithoutBidPercentage (35.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createWithNamePrefix (64.40s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createUnmanagedWithComputeResources (67.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createUnmanaged (67.28s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears (71.92s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_launchTemplate (72.52s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpot (72.67s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpotWithAllocationStrategy (74.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2 (80.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2WithTags (81.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateState (93.78s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateInstanceType (105.25s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateComputeEnvironmentName (114.21s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_UpdateLaunchTemplate (114.41s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_MaxVcpus (135.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_DesiredVcpus_Computed (171.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_MinVcpus (216.35s)
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Jun 25, 2020
…m state when not found instead of returning error (#13935)

Reference: #12337
Reference: #13826


=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears
    TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears: testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during follow-up refresh:

        Error: One compute environment is expected, but AWS return no compute environment

    TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears: testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
        may exist. The full state and error is shown below.

        Error: errors during refresh: One compute environment is expected, but AWS return no compute environment

        State: <nil>
--- FAIL: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears (59.70s)

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2WithoutComputeResources (35.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpotWithoutBidPercentage (35.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createWithNamePrefix (64.40s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createUnmanagedWithComputeResources (67.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createUnmanaged (67.28s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_disappears (71.92s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_launchTemplate (72.52s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpot (72.67s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createSpotWithAllocationStrategy (74.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2 (80.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_createEc2WithTags (81.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateState (93.78s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateInstanceType (105.25s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_updateComputeEnvironmentName (114.21s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_UpdateLaunchTemplate (114.41s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_MaxVcpus (135.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_DesiredVcpus_Computed (171.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchComputeEnvironment_ComputeResources_MinVcpus (216.35s)
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Jul 14, 2020

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws/ -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSubnet_disappears (21.85s)
ok	21.901s
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 21, 2020
…etries on all errors and add disappears test

Reference: #13409
Reference: #13826

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_multipleTargets (20.68s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_optionalRoleArn (25.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_basic (43.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_spotFleetRequest (57.42s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_disappears (71.79s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_emrCluster (840.33s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameName (24.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_table (26.58s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameResource (28.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_index (37.07s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_spotFleetRequest (71.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_disappears (75.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_basic (77.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_scaleOutAndIn (79.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_ResourceId_ForceNew (83.72s)
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 27, 2020
…etries on all errors and add disappears test (#14259)

Reference: #13409
Reference: #13826

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_multipleTargets (20.68s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_optionalRoleArn (25.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_basic (43.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_spotFleetRequest (57.42s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_disappears (71.79s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_emrCluster (840.33s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameName (24.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_table (26.58s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameResource (28.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_index (37.07s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_spotFleetRequest (71.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_disappears (75.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_basic (77.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_scaleOutAndIn (79.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_ResourceId_ForceNew (83.72s)
anGie44 pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 27, 2020
author Brian Flad <[email protected]> 1594769808 -0400
committer Angie Pinilla <[email protected]> 1595878294 -0400

parent b69af0579e0415631faa9b77559a55a5f6e7c208
author Brian Flad <[email protected]> 1594769808 -0400
committer Angie Pinilla <[email protected]> 1595878093 -0400

tests/provider: Update testacc target to error when provided example test pattern (#14091)

* tests/provider: Update testacc target to error when provided example test pattern


The pull request template suggests an example of how to run acceptance testing, but uses a placeholder example since its not feasible to reliably determine this automatically via git, etc. Also given that we have begun adding many more Go packages beyond just the top level provider one, the output can look potentially valid when it really is not meaningful:

$ $ make testacc TESTARGS='-run=TestAccXXX'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./... -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccXXX -timeout 120m
?	[no test files]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	2.594s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.409s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.792s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	1.619s [no tests to run]
?	[no test files]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.373s [no tests to run]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.343s [no tests to run]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	1.022s [no tests to run]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	2.115s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	2.212s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.326s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.412s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	2.086s [no tests to run]
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.248s [no tests to run]

This now focuses the acceptance testing on the top level package to remove the extraneous package output and returns an error when attempting to use the example verbatim:

$ make testacc TESTARGS='-run=TestAccXXX'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...

Error: Skipping example acceptance testing pattern. Update TESTARGS to match the test naming in the relevant *_test.go file.

For example if updating aws/resource_aws_acm_certificate.go, use the test names in aws/resource_aws_acm_certificate_test.go starting with TestAcc and up to the underscore:
make testacc TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_'

See the contributing guide for more information:
make: *** [testacc] Error 1

$ make testacc TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSAvailabilityZones_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSAvailabilityZones_ -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSAvailabilityZones_basic

* docs/provider: Remove TEST=./aws usage in running acceptance testing section

resource/aws_s3_bucket: Convert region to read-only attribute (#14127)


Output from acceptance testing (NOTE: CUR data source and resource need to be tested in standalone account due to Organization permissions and appear to be failing due to new validation in the API that's not handled in the resource yet):

--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_acceleration (65.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_AclToGrant (67.94s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_basic (37.25s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Bucket_EmptyString (35.95s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Cors_Delete (31.78s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Cors_EmptyOrigin (37.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Cors_Update (65.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_disableDefaultEncryption_whenDefaultEncryptionIsEnabled (62.31s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_enableDefaultEncryption_whenAES256IsUsed (37.28s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_enableDefaultEncryption_whenTypical (43.14s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_forceDestroy (31.61s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_forceDestroyWithEmptyPrefixes (31.54s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_forceDestroyWithObjectLockEnabled (37.95s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_generatedName (35.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_GrantToAcl (57.50s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_LifecycleBasic (86.93s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_LifecycleExpireMarkerOnly (62.03s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_LifecycleRule_Expiration_EmptyConfigurationBlock (31.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Logging (55.35s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_namePrefix (35.81s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_objectLock (60.93s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Policy (88.67s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Replication (147.39s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration_Rule_Destination_AccessControlTranslation (86.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationConfiguration_Rule_Destination_AddAccessControlTranslation (84.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationExpectVersioningValidationError (28.14s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationSchemaV2 (152.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationWithoutPrefix (52.74s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_ReplicationWithoutStorageClass (51.40s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_RequestPayer (63.26s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_shouldFailNotFound (15.41s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_tagsWithNoSystemTags (118.49s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_tagsWithSystemTags (163.94s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_UpdateAcl (58.70s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_UpdateGrant (91.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Versioning (90.14s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_Website_Simple (89.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_WebsiteRedirect (86.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_WebsiteRoutingRules (63.97s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSsmResourceDataSync_basic (15.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSsmResourceDataSync_update (28.49s)

    TestAccAwsCurReportDefinition_basic: testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:

        Error: Error creating AWS Cost And Usage Report Definition: ValidationException: Failed to verify customer bucket permission. accountId= --OMITTED--, bucket name: tf-test-bucket-3532084976228094739, bucket region: us-east-1

    TestAccDataSourceAwsCurReportDefinition_basic: testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:

        Error: Error creating AWS Cost And Usage Report Definition: ValidationException: Failed to verify customer bucket permission. accountId= --OMITTED--, bucket name: tf-test-bucket-9147728765044904331, bucket region: us-east-1

Update CHANGELOG for #14127

Corrects name of Workspaces Workspace sweeper

let subject_alternative_names be a set

re-add computed: true to subject_alternative_names attribute

resource/aws_acm_certificate: Finalize subject_alternative_names change from TypeList to TypeSet


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_imported_IpAddress (11.98s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_wildcard (14.66s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_emailValidation (14.79s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_root (15.12s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_disableCTLogging (15.15s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_TrailingPeriod (15.80s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_wildcardAndRootSan (16.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_root_TrailingPeriod (16.44s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_rootAndWildcardSan (18.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_single (18.38s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_dnsValidation (18.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_multiple (19.06s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_privateCert (22.34s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_imported_DomainName (26.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_tags (37.20s)

Remove hardcoded AMI IDs from launch_config data source

Removing import of aws_security_group_rule for rules associated with aws_security_group implicitly during its import. Acceptance tests updated to account for removed rules in import state check.

rebased and addressed review feedback

Update CHANGELOG for #12616

update documentation attributes

add missing validation value for comparison_operator argument

delete_on_termination on ENI has to be optional

like the EBS delete_on_termination this can be optional and cannot
be treated like a real bool but has to be treated as a string which
can be empty or a bool representation

testing all possible inputs

now testing as well `delete_on_termination = ""` and
`delete_on_termination = null` which both should not set the value to

adding upgrade instructions

version 3 upgrade details

Update CHANGELOG for #8612

add private_ips field

change private_ips to secondary_private_ips and enable update

update to using expandstringset method

Update CHANGELOG for #14079

Removed hardcoded AMI IDs from AutoscalingAttachment

docs/resource/aws_codebuild_webhook: Add COMMIT_MESSAGE to acceptable codebuild filter types (#14207)

Co-authored-by: mikiya771 <norep>

Fixes aws_lambda_alias import to set function_name attribute correctly instead of function's ARN

resource/aws_lambda_alias: Finalize resource import adjustments


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaAlias_FunctionName_Name (35.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaAlias_basic (53.18s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaAlias_nameupdate (62.70s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaAlias_routingconfig (63.82s)

Update CHANGELOG for #12876

remove trailing period from domainname/name attributes

update to using TrimSuffix strings method

isolate changes to only route53_zone

return error for singular data source

Error when data.aws_ecr_repository cannot find repository


adjust error messaging

return error for singular data source

add angie and dirk

consolidate maintainer lists

Ignore hardcoded AMI because not actually used

Add underscore to acceptance test names, minor naming convention fixes

provider: Remove unnecessary fmt.Sprint()/fmt.Sprintf() (#14242)


Update Terraform github to v2.9.2 (#14021)

* Update Terraform github to v2.9.2

* infrastructure/repository: Use organization argument instead of owner in github provider configuration

Appears that the provider reverted the deprecation of the `organization` argument and inclusion of the new `owner` argument in 2.9.x, delaying until 3.0.0.


Error: Unsupported argument

  on line 14, in provider "github":
  14:   owner = "terraform-providers"

An argument named "owner" is not expected here.

Co-authored-by: Renovate Bot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Brian Flad <[email protected]>


add old roadmap section

fix milestone link

remove currently in progress in case it causes confusion

r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: suppress diff for passthrough_behavior

Update CHANGELOG for #13062

Update to fix formatting omissions

docs/provider: Setup and document release/* branch convention, link 2.x and earlier changelog entries (#14177)

* docs/provider: Setup and document release/* branch convention, link 2.x and earlier changelog entries


* tests/provider: Ensure release/* branches are ran on push via GitHub Actions

docs/provider: Document max_retries default (#14256)

adjust error formatting and handling

tests/resource/aws_s3_bucket: Add S3 Same-Region Replication acceptance test (#10170)

Output from acceptance testing in AWS Commercial:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_SameRegionReplicationSchemaV2 (52.57s)

Output from acceptance testing in AWS GovCloud (US):

--- PASS: TestAccAWSS3Bucket_SameRegionReplicationSchemaV2 (56.62s)

tests/resource/aws_rds_cluster: Remove aws_s3_bucket region argument from TestAccAWSRDSCluster_s3Restore (#14272)


Missed during test configuration cleanup after the referenced argument removal. Fixes the initial configuration issue, but does not fix the (still) broken test which is presumably something to do with the backup file or engine version.


--- FAIL: TestAccAWSRDSCluster_s3Restore (0.99s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: config is invalid: "region": this field cannot be set

Output from acceptance testing:

=== CONT  TestAccAWSRDSCluster_s3Restore
    TestAccAWSRDSCluster_s3Restore: testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:

        Error: Error waiting for RDS Cluster state to be "available": unexpected state 'migration-failed', wanted target 'available'. last error: %!s(<nil>)

refactor resource import

set virtual attributes in import func

Update CHANGELOG for #10520 and #10521

update default value for min_capacity in scaling_configuration block of rds_cluster

Update CHANGELOG for #14268

keep throttling disabled by default in api gateway method settings resource

update import ID pattern

Update CHANGELOG for #14266

add plan time validation to `self_managed_active_directory.dns_ips`

add support for multi az deployment

add deployment type to test

add computed flag to deployment_type

add docs

fix docs

remove computed

fix multi az test


fix lint issue

add support for `SINGLE_AZ_2` type

Update website/docs/r/fsx_windows_file_system.html.markdown

Co-authored-by: Simon Davis <[email protected]>

Update website/docs/r/fsx_windows_file_system.html.markdown

Co-authored-by: Simon Davis <[email protected]>

Update website/docs/r/fsx_windows_file_system.html.markdown

Co-authored-by: Simon Davis <[email protected]>

Update for #12676

Fix schema set errors (#14167)

* Fix schema set errors

* Fix wrong attribute

* Fix type

* Flatten ssm parameters

* resource/elasticsearch_domain: update method to set advanced_security_options  (#14198)

* set advanced security options only if enabled

* refactor and set values depending on enabled field

Co-authored-by: angie pinilla <[email protected]>

tests/provider: Enable AWSAT004 check for CI (#14216)


resource/aws_launch_configuration: Remove DescribeLaunchConfigurations retries on all errors (#14260)


Does not seem to be occurring anymore, but could require additional load to manifest. Can re-add explicit retries as necessary.

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withSpotPrice (11.31s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_ebs_noDevice (13.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withBlockDevices (13.44s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withInstanceStoreAMI (13.67s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withEncryption (14.02s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_basic (22.34s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withIAMProfile (24.19s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_encryptedRootBlockDevice (25.59s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_userData (28.60s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_RootBlockDevice_VolumeSize (28.91s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_updateEbsBlockDevices (30.96s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withVpcClassicLink (32.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_RootBlockDevice_AmiDisappears (353.93s)

resource/aws_spot_fleet_request: Only retry RequestSpotFleet on IAM eventual consistency errors, use standard 2 minute timeout (#14265)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_associatePublicIpAddress (251.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_basic (314.23s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_changePriceForcesNewRequest (612.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_disappears (261.47s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_diversifiedAllocation (403.92s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_fleetType (316.94s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_iamInstanceProfileArn (251.69s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_instanceInterruptionBehavior (253.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_LaunchSpecification_EbsBlockDevice_KmsKeyId (112.90s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_LaunchSpecification_RootBlockDevice_KmsKeyId (142.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_launchSpecToLaunchTemplate (467.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_launchTemplate (253.11s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_launchTemplate_multiple (254.84s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_launchTemplateToLaunchSpec (468.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_launchTemplateWithOverrides (253.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_lowestPriceAzInGivenList (274.51s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_lowestPriceAzOrSubnetInRegion (314.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_lowestPriceSubnetInGivenList (276.90s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_multipleInstancePools (486.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_multipleInstanceTypesInSameAz (406.36s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_multipleInstanceTypesInSameSubnet (231.26s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_overriddingSpotPrice (295.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_placementTenancyAndGroup (57.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_tags (342.55s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_updateExcessCapacityTerminationPolicy (597.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_updateTargetCapacity (753.34s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_withEBSDisk (255.16s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_WithELBs (277.96s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_withoutSpotPrice (232.56s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_withTags (282.39s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_WithTargetGroups (427.61s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSpotFleetRequest_withWeightedCapacity (335.33s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14265

resource/aws_codepipeline: Only retry CreatePipeline errors for IAM eventual consistency (#14264)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_emptyStageArtifacts (33.11s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_WithNamespace (35.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_multiregion_basic (36.83s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_deployWithServiceRole (42.85s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_basic (57.83s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_multiregion_Update (61.32s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_tags (76.28s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCodePipeline_multiregion_ConvertSingleRegion (79.20s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14264

resource/aws_ssm_activation: Only retry CreateActivation on IAM eventual consistency error, allow retries for standard 2 minutes (#14263)


API does not seem to validate IAM Role permissions on creation.

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMActivation_expirationDate (19.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMActivation_disappears (25.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMActivation_basic (27.39s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMActivation_update (37.23s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14263

resource/aws_network_acl_rule: Immediately return DescribeNetworkAcls errors on creation (#14261)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_allProtocol (44.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_basic (32.50s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_disappears (32.83s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_disappears_NetworkAcl (27.16s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_ingressEgressSameNumberDisappears (30.24s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_ipv6 (29.23s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_ipv6ICMP (28.65s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_ipv6VpcAssignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlockUpdate (47.71s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_missingParam (15.14s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSNetworkAclRule_tcpProtocol (40.32s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14261

Add function to check TypeSet pairs

Add unit tests for TestCheckTypeSetElemAttrPair

tests/resource/aws_rds_cluster: Fix TestAccAWSRDSCluster_EngineVersion (#14286)

isolate changes to only route53_record resource

update additional domian name example in upgrade guide

Co-authored-by: Brian Flad <[email protected]>

update with CR comments

isolate changes to only resolver rule

isolate changes to only acm_certificate

isolate changes to only ses_domain_identity

re-add trailing period acctest

merge with parent branch and update statefuncs to use global method

update statefuncs to use global method and update tests w/trailingp period domains

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Make deployment_id a computed attribute.

Update for #13644

bump to go v1.14.5

r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: Add 'request_parameters' attribute.

Update for #14080

r/aws_apigatewayv2_route: Update route key.

Update for #13833

Revert "Remove 'tls_config' attribute. It doesn't seem to do anything right now."

This reverts commit ffbce32f931a9b33adc8407a267ba176c510bd44.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: Test HTTP API VPC Link integration.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_integration: Additional import test step in 'TestAccAWSAPIGatewayV2Integration_VpcLinkHttp'.


Update for #13013


add atleastoneof property to filter attributes

Update CHANGELOG for #14230

Remove hardcoded AMI and AZ

Improve static check for hardcoded partition in ARN

resource/aws_lambda_function: Increase IAM retry timeout for create to 2 minutes (#14291)


Increased the retry timeout for eventual consistency IAM errors during a
lambda function create from 1 minute to 2 minute.

Output from acceptance testing:

make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_'
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_basic (28.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_java8 (34.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfigUpdated (160.32s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_VpcConfig_ProperIamDependencies (208.54s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_VPC_withInvocation (567.54s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_VPCRemoval (596.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_LayersUpdate (49.02s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_VPC (362.84s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_VPCUpdate (797.25s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_nilDeadLetterConfig (120.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_DeadLetterConfig (51.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_envVariables (153.15s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_versioned (39.16s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_versionedUpdate (61.80s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_python37 (31.16s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_encryptedEnvVariables (51.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_dotnetcore31 (36.20s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_ruby27 (40.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_Layers (38.54s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_tracingConfig (51.87s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_KmsKeyArn_NoEnvironmentVariables (36.57s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_concurrencyCycle (54.03s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_ruby25 (36.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_expectFilenameAndS3Attributes (13.34s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_python38 (28.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_tags (51.19s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_java11 (36.59s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_updateRuntime (51.42s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_s3Update_unversioned (43.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_localUpdate (39.80s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_s3Update_basic (44.15s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_localUpdate_nameOnly (40.02s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_python36 (32.09s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_FileSystemConfig (721.87s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_s3 (31.68s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_provided (36.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_python27 (33.63s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_NodeJs10x (38.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_noRuntime (0.91s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_concurrency (46.63s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_EmptyVpcConfig (38.38s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_disappears (36.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLambdaFunction_runtimeValidation_NodeJs12x (38.47s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14291

error when iops provided for unsupported type

improve upgrade docs for iops

Update CHANGELOG for #14310

Update CHANGELOG with Go versioning

Remove hardcoded AMIs and AZs

Remove hardcoded AMIs and AZs

Removed hardcoded AMIs and AZs

Remove hardcoded AMI and AZ

Remove hardcoded AMI

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: 'data_trace_enabled' and 'logging_level' are only valid for WebSocket APIs.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: No need for diff-suppression for new resources.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Additional route_settings and default_route_settings test cases.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Add computed 'api_protocol_type' attribute.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Pass API protocol type to 'flattenApiGatewayV2RouteSettings'.

Revert "r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Pass API protocol type to 'flattenApiGatewayV2RouteSettings'."

This reverts commit 9337272b7842879cdbae5be19ec076bea314b20c.

Revert "r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Add computed 'api_protocol_type' attribute."

This reverts commit a7eb7cf9976ecabb04696dbe2f39805cc0ec1401.

Fix mess from rebase.

r/aws_apigatewayv2_stage: Change 'route_setting.logging_level' to computed to address different defaults for WebSocket vs. HTTP.

Update for #13809

resource/aws_acm_certificate: Convert domain_validation_options to TypeSet and calculate elements during plan (#14199)

* resource/aws_acm_certificate: Convert domain_validation_options to TypeSet and calculate elements during plan


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_imported_IpAddress (11.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_rootAndWildcardSan (15.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_root_TrailingPeriod (15.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_root (15.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_emailValidation (15.91s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_TrailingPeriod (16.38s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_wildcardAndRootSan (16.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_single (16.51s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_dnsValidation (16.85s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_disableCTLogging (17.06s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_wildcard (18.71s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_san_multiple (19.49s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_privateCert (20.85s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_imported_DomainName (26.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificate_tags (42.99s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsEmail (11.56s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_timeout (19.20s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdns (107.31s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsSan (110.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_basic (143.58s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsWildcardAndRoot (153.05s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsRoot (212.21s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsRootAndWildcard (212.95s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAcmCertificateValidation_validationRecordFqdnsWildcard (247.43s)

Please note that this was also tested manually with a few iterations of this configuration:

terraform {
    required_providers {
        aws = "2.70.0"
    required_version = "0.12.28"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-2"

variable "public_root_domain" {
  description = "Publicly accessible domain for ACM testing"
  type        = string

data "aws_route53_zone" "public_root_domain" {
  name = var.public_root_domain

resource "aws_acm_certificate" "new" {
  domain_name               = "new.${var.public_root_domain}"
  subject_alternative_names = [
  validation_method         = "DNS"

resource "aws_route53_record" "new" {
  for_each = {
    for dvo in dvo.domain_name => {
      name   = dvo.resource_record_name
      record = dvo.resource_record_value
      type   = dvo.resource_record_type

  allow_overwrite = true
  name            =
  records         = [each.value.record]
  ttl             = 60
  type            = each.value.type
  zone_id         = data.aws_route53_zone.public_root_domain.zone_id

resource "aws_acm_certificate_validation" "new" {
  certificate_arn         =
  validation_record_fqdns = [for record in record.fqdn]

resource "aws_acm_certificate" "wildcard" {
  domain_name               = var.public_root_domain
  subject_alternative_names = ["*.${var.public_root_domain}"]
  validation_method         = "DNS"

resource "aws_route53_record" "wildcard" {
  for_each = {
    for dvo in aws_acm_certificate.wildcard.domain_validation_options: dvo.domain_name => {
      name   = dvo.resource_record_name
      record = dvo.resource_record_value
      type   = dvo.resource_record_type

  allow_overwrite = true
  name            =
  records         = [each.value.record]
  ttl             = 60
  type            = each.value.type
  zone_id         = data.aws_route53_zone.public_root_domain.zone_id

resource "aws_acm_certificate_validation" "wildcard" {
  certificate_arn         = aws_acm_certificate.wildcard.arn
  validation_record_fqdns = [for record in aws_route53_record.wildcard: record.fqdn]

* docs/service/acm: Fix terrafmt reports



Update CHANGELOG for #14199

Implement Disappears test for API Gateway resources (#13243)

* add disappears test case for APIGW API Key

* add disappears test case for APIGW Authorizer

* add disappears test case for APIGW Base Path

* add disappears test case for APIGW Client Cert

* add disappears test case for APIGW Deployment

* add disappears test case for APIGW Doc Part

* add disappears test case for APIGW Doc Ver

* add disappears test case for APIGW Domain Name

* add disappears test case for APIGW Gateway Response

* add disappears test case for APIGW Integration Response

* add disappears test case for APIGW Integration

* add disappears test case for APIGW Method

* add disappears test case for APIGW Method Response

* add disappears test case for APIGW Method Settings

* add disappears test case for APIGW Model

* add disappears test case for APIGW Request Validator

* add disappears test case for APIGW Resource

* add disappears test case for APIGW Rest API

* add disappears test case for APIGW Stage

* add disappears test case for APIGW Usage Plan Key

* add disappears test case for APIGW Usage Plan

* add disappears test case for APIGW VPC Link

* fix

* fix lint

docs/resource/aws_codebuild_project: Add SECRETS_MANAGER to the CodeBuild environment_variable type (#14200)

Updates alexa example

Updates api-gateway-websocket-chat-app example

Updates asg example

Updates cloudhsm example

Updates cloudwatch-events kinesis and sns examples

Updates cognito-user-pool example

Updates count example

Updates dx-gateway-cross-account-vgw-association example

Updates ecs-alb example

Updates eip example

Updates eks-getting-started example

Updates elasticsearch-domain example

Updates elb example

Updates lambda example

Updates lambda-file-system example

Updates networking example

Updates rds example

Updates s3-api-gateway-integration example

Updates s3-cross-account-access

Updates sagemaker example

Updates transit-gateway-cross-account-peering-attachment example

Updates transit-gateway-cross-account-vpc-attachment example

Updates two-tier example

Updates workspaces example

Updates example action workflow to validate only with Terraform 0.12. Adds error for testing

Restore `terraform validate` output

Only check for warnings if there are no errors

Fixes bash conditional

Wraps jq result in quotes to force it into a string to avoid "unary operator expected" error

Tightens warning check

Updates warning equality

Simplify warning check since it will exit on syntax errors

Resetting warning test to debug it

Add back terraform validate -json

Adds back jq

Echoes warning count


Baby steps

One step back


Try anything

Drops checks for warnings

Removes error added for testing

Got it!

resource/aws_ssm_maintenance_window_task: Remove deprecated logging_info and task_parameters configuration blocks (#14311)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_emptyNotificationConfig (13.56s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationStepFunctionParameters (14.66s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_updateForcesNewResource (22.46s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_basic (22.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationLambdaParameters (36.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationAutomationParameters (36.56s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSSMMaintenanceWindowTask_TaskInvocationRunCommandParameters (39.53s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14311

resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Remove deprecated condition configuration block field and values arguments (#14309)


Already documented in the version 3 upgrade guide.

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_Action_Order (242.39s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_Action_Order_Recreates (172.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_BackwardsCompatibility (192.52s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_basic (205.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_changeListenerRuleArnForcesNew (234.49s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_cognito (190.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionAttributesCount (10.86s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionHostHeader (227.40s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionHttpHeader (194.36s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionHttpHeader_invalid (1.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionHttpRequestMethod (195.55s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionMultiple (269.78s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionPathPattern (199.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionQueryString (195.57s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionSourceIp (186.73s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionUpdateMixed (274.24s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_conditionUpdateMultiple (267.11s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_fixedResponse (213.36s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_forwardWeighted (213.62s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_oidc (206.04s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_priority (377.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_redirect (248.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_updateFixedResponse (189.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSLBListenerRule_updateRulePriority (206.44s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14309

resource/aws_cognito_user_pool: Remove deprecated admin_create_user_config.unused_account_validity_days argument (#14294)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_basic (16.93s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_MfaConfiguration_SmsConfiguration (47.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_MfaConfiguration_SmsConfigurationAndSoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration (50.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_MfaConfiguration_SmsConfigurationToSoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration (46.37s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_MfaConfiguration_SoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration (41.83s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_MfaConfiguration_SoftwareTokenMfaConfigurationToSmsConfiguration (35.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_SmsAuthenticationMessage (36.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration (45.69s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration_ExternalId (43.87s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_SmsConfiguration_SnsCallerArn (41.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_SmsVerificationMessage (21.39s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_update (38.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withAdminCreateUserConfiguration (26.14s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withAdminCreateUserConfigurationAndPasswordPolicy (13.70s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withAdvancedSecurityMode (32.33s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withAliasAttributes (23.59s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withDeviceConfiguration (21.89s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withEmailVerificationMessage (21.15s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withLambdaConfig (46.71s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withPasswordPolicy (36.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withSchemaAttributes (22.83s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withTags (33.77s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withUsernameConfiguration (28.12s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSCognitoUserPool_withVerificationMessageTemplate (21.48s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14294

tests/provider: Ensure awsproviderlint source is dependency and lint checked (#14131)

* tests/provider: Ensure awsproviderlint source is dependency and lint checked


* provider: Add awsproviderlint to make fmt target

provider: Initial snapshot build workflow (#14140)

Using GitHub Actions artifacts, sets up daily snapshot builds of master and allows other snapshot builds.

resource/aws_iam_access_key: Remove deprecated ses_smtp_password attribute (#14299)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAccessKey_basic (5.87s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAccessKey_encrypted (5.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAccessKey_inactive (9.72s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14299

provider: Remove deprecated kinesis_analytics and r53 custom endpoint arguments (#14238)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_Region_AwsCommercial (3.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_Region_AwsChina (3.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_Region_AwsGovCloudUs (3.65s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_KeyPrefixes_Multiple (4.00s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_Keys_None (4.00s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_Keys_Multiple (4.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_Keys_One (4.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_KeyPrefixes_None (4.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_KeyPrefixes_One (4.02s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_IgnoreTags_EmptyConfigurationBlock (4.01s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_Endpoints (4.08s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSProvider_AssumeRole_Empty (7.80s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14238

resource/aws_glue_job: Remove deprecated allocated_capacity argument (#14296)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_basic (14.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_Description (21.70s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_GlueVersion (21.74s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_MaxRetries (21.92s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_Command (21.95s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_DefaultArguments (22.08s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_NotificationProperty (22.10s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_Timeout (22.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_ExecutionProperty (22.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_MaxCapacity (22.43s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_SecurityConfiguration (22.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_WorkerType (29.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_Tags (29.29s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSGlueJob_PythonShell (30.12s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14296

resource/aws_iam_instance_profile: Remove deprecated roles argument (#14303)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSIAMInstanceProfile_withoutRole (6.44s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSIAMInstanceProfile_basic (6.92s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSIAMInstanceProfile_namePrefix (6.94s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAutoScalingGroup_LaunchTemplate_IAMInstanceProfile (53.25s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_emrCluster (790.81s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSBeanstalkEnv_tier (518.46s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSIAMRole_testNameChange (12.80s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSInstance_instanceProfileChange (204.32s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSInstance_withIamInstanceProfile (115.26s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSLaunchConfiguration_withIAMProfile (21.61s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14303

Remove hardcoded AMIs and AZs

resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Use paginated ListSubscriptionsByTopic and return immediately on errors (#14262)

* tests/resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Fix recurring and unrelated test configuration error


--- FAIL: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_autoConfirmingSecuredEndpoint (63.28s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: After applying this step, the plan was not empty:
UPDATE: aws_api_gateway_authorizer.test
authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds: "300" => "0"

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_autoConfirmingSecuredEndpoint (91.18s)

* resource/aws_sns_topic_subscription: Use paginated ListSubscriptionsByTopic and return immediately on errors


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_basic (13.47s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_rawMessageDelivery (27.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_filterPolicy (28.12s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_deliveryPolicy (28.38s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_autoConfirmingEndpoint (48.31s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSSNSTopicSubscription_autoConfirmingSecuredEndpoint (91.18s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14262

service/directconnect: vpn_gateway_id Argument Removals and Increase aws_dx_gateway_association Default Timeouts (#14144)

* resource/aws_dx_gateway_association: Increase default create/update/delete timeouts to 30 minutes

Previously, we were seeing consistent failures across many of acceptance tests:

    TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewaySingleAccount: testing.go:684: Step 1 error: errors during apply:

        Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-a59d30b3-e6de-435e-bb17-cd7ed23f400evgw-06bccd6488d2b8d87) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'updating', timeout: 10m0s)

    TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewayCrossAccount: testing.go:684: Step 1 error: errors during apply:

        Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-a8b1b976-c0a1-4b64-8560-9d9cc45d11a3vgw-0a2e52679acf9c250) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'updating', timeout: 10m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicTransitGatewaySingleAccount (989.81s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-48d0e3d3-e131-443d-9693-e64eff519baatgw-0a2a0ea77f65ed202) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicTransitGatewayCrossAccount (991.80s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-9f9c1ed2-97b6-41c5-8018-0724f6162b59tgw-06f7ce56df96282d7) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicVpnGatewaySingleAccount (1816.92s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-76c9d0f4-b0aa-4b1b-96d9-10ce8c3ca025vgw-0c47a2c63baf7d4d8) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
may exist. The full state and error is shown below.
Error: errors during apply: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-76c9d0f4-b0aa-4b1b-96d9-10ce8c3ca025vgw-0c47a2c63baf7d4d8) to be deleted: timeout while waiting for state to become 'disassociated, deleted' (last state: 'disassociating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewaySingleAccount (1816.89s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-12a5c1e8-322e-4bc1-8a5a-f4b778a00db3vgw-09c811d121256131b) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
may exist. The full state and error is shown below.
Error: errors during apply: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-12a5c1e8-322e-4bc1-8a5a-f4b778a00db3vgw-09c811d121256131b) to be deleted: timeout while waiting for state to become 'disassociated, deleted' (last state: 'disassociating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewayCrossAccount (1819.25s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-ccf678f2-5d51-441e-86c5-308c731f26abvgw-063e75f539bc3719c) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
may exist. The full state and error is shown below.
Error: errors during apply: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-ccf678f2-5d51-441e-86c5-308c731f26abvgw-063e75f539bc3719c) to be deleted: timeout while waiting for state to become 'disassociated, deleted' (last state: 'disassociating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_multiVpnGatewaysSingleAccount (2487.01s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-5d93ccd0-8344-4ee6-95f8-58af27e01301vgw-054e2b0e7ecf45c8d) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-5d93ccd0-8344-4ee6-95f8-58af27e01301vgw-057b39dbec7338ec1) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
may exist. The full state and error is shown below.
Error: errors during apply: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-5d93ccd0-8344-4ee6-95f8-58af27e01301vgw-057b39dbec7338ec1) to be deleted: timeout while waiting for state to become 'disassociated, deleted' (last state: 'disassociating', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicVpnGatewayCrossAccount (2529.42s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-ad8143a9-657e-4ed2-9ebb-a78dd2bee2c1vgw-0d552249edec48941) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

testing.go:745: Error destroying resource! WARNING: Dangling resources
may exist. The full state and error is shown below.
Error: errors during apply: Error waiting for VPN Gateway "vgw-0d552249edec48941" to detach from VPC "vpc-0cbba5ddf6a4ec7ba": timeout while waiting for state to become 'detached' (last state: 'detaching', timeout: 15m0s)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_deprecatedSingleAccount (2551.41s)
testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:
Error: error waiting for Direct Connect gateway association (ga-c1c37095-ab8d-4dcd-9f97-b369face1ad4vgw-0576f5ab3096ace51) to become available: timeout while waiting for state to become 'associated' (last state: 'associating', timeout: 15m0s)

* service/directconnect: Remove vpn_gateway_id arguments



* resource/aws_dx_gateway_association: Remove `vpn_gateway_id` argument
* resource/aws_dx_gateway_association_proposal: Remove `vpn_gateway_id` argument

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicTransitGatewaySingleAccount (2063.56s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicTransitGatewayCrossAccount (2556.75s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_multiVpnGatewaysSingleAccount (2668.06s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicVpnGatewaySingleAccount (2674.09s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_basicVpnGatewayCrossAccount (2677.20s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewaySingleAccount (3612.36s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_allowedPrefixesVpnGatewayCrossAccount (3856.32s)

--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociationProposal_basicVpnGateway (88.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociationProposal_disappears (96.50s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociationProposal_AllowedPrefixes (121.18s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociationProposal_basicTransitGateway (182.42s)

* tests/resource/aws_dx_gateway_association: Ensure v0 state upgrade is still covered by acceptance testing

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxGatewayAssociation_V0StateUpgrade (2605.48s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14144

docs/resource/aws_security_group: Update `cidr_blocks` value to list (#14329)

add support for zero ttl

add validation for `authorizer_uri`, `authorizer_credentials`
changes for %w
remove deprecated func

use set len func

revert validation for `authorizer_uri`

refactor tests

refactor tests

Update CHANGELOG for #12643

resource/aws_appautoscaling_target: Remove  DeregisterScalableTarget retries on all errors and add disappears test (#14259)


Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_multipleTargets (20.68s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_optionalRoleArn (25.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_basic (43.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_spotFleetRequest (57.42s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_disappears (71.79s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingTarget_emrCluster (840.33s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameName (24.97s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_table (26.58s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_multiplePoliciesSameResource (28.13s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_dynamodb_index (37.07s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_spotFleetRequest (71.64s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_disappears (75.45s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_basic (77.30s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_scaleOutAndIn (79.17s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppautoScalingPolicy_ResourceId_ForceNew (83.72s)

Update CHANGELOG for #14259

update statefuncs to use global method

update statefuncs to use global method

Update provider's S3 bucket lookup to use GetBucketRegion utility (#14221)

* Update provider's S3 bucket lookup to use GetBucketRegion utility

Replaces the usage of S3's GetBucketLocation with the aws-sdk-go's
GetBucketRegion utility. This utility can discover the bucket's region
without authentication, and can be configured to be compatible with
FIPS endpoints.

Related to

* Add AWS SDK for Go s3manager dependency

Adds a dependency on the AWS SDK for Go's `s3manager`, and `s3iface`
packages. These packages make the s3manager packages's GetBucketRegion
utility available for discovering a S3 bucket's locations.

These packages are used by PR #14221.

Update CHANGELOG for #14221 and other minor formatting fixes

refactor trimTrailingPeriod method
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 6, 2020
Reference: #10333
Reference: #13527
Reference: #13826
Reference: #14215


* Add disappears testing to aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization.
* Ensure aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization example shows implicit ordering for downstream aws_route53_zone_association usage
* Fix aws_route53_zone_association VPC Region handling by including it in the ID, falling back to the attribute state, or falling back to the provider region. Document additional import handling.
* Add aws_route53_zone_association error handling to remove resource from state.
* Standardize aws_route53_zone_association disappears testing.

Output from acceptance testing:

--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53VpcAssociationAuthorization_disappears (110.26s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53VpcAssociationAuthorization_basic (113.19s)

--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_CrossAccount (211.48s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_CrossRegion (275.34s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_disappears_Zone (280.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_disappears (281.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_disappears_VPC (281.85s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSRoute53ZoneAssociation_basic (283.83s)
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Aug 21, 2020
…test (hashicorp#13527, hashicorp#13826).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears (191.83s)
ok	191.883s
bflad added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 22, 2020
…crease default accelerator creation timeout, remove health_check_path default (#14486)

* Add client_ip_preservation_enabled to global accelerator

* commit test

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Use 'tfawsresource.TestCheckTypeSetElemNestedAttrs'.

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint: Increase deployment wait time (#14161).

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Make 'client_ip_preservation_enabled' computed.

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Delete security group created by Global Accelerator service in acceptance tests.

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_ALB_ClientIP (650.27s)
ok	650.320s

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Document 'client_ip_preservation_enabled'.

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Add 'TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint'.

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint
    testing.go:684: Step 0 error: errors during apply:

        Error: Error creating Global Accelerator endpoint group: InvalidArgumentException: Client IP Preservation cannot be set to false for EC2 instances

          on /tmp/tf-test004466997/ line 86:
          (source code not available)

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_InstanceEndpoint (133.29s)
FAIL	133.338s
GNUmakefile:26: recipe for target 'testacc' failed
make: *** [testacc] Error 1

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Simplify 'TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic'.

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
    testing.go:684: Step 0 error: After applying this step, the plan was not empty:


        UPDATE: aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group.test
          endpoint_configuration.#:      "0" => "0"
          endpoint_group_region:         "us-west-2" => "us-west-2"
          health_check_interval_seconds: "30" => "30"
          health_check_path:             "" => "/"
          health_check_port:             "80" => ""
          health_check_protocol:         "TCP" => "TCP"
          id:                            "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59/endpoint-group/e84317b2d005" => "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59/endpoint-group/e84317b2d005"
          listener_arn:                  "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59" => "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59"
          threshold_count:               "3" => "3"
          traffic_dial_percentage:       "100" => "100"


          ID = arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0
          provider =
          attributes.# = 1
          attributes.0.flow_logs_enabled = false
          attributes.0.flow_logs_s3_bucket =
          attributes.0.flow_logs_s3_prefix =
          dns_name =
          enabled = false
          hosted_zone_id = Z2BJ6XQ5FK7U4H
          ip_address_type = IPV4
          ip_sets.# = 1
          ip_sets.0.ip_addresses.# = 2
          ip_sets.0.ip_addresses.0 =
          ip_sets.0.ip_addresses.1 =
          ip_sets.0.ip_family = IPv4
          name = tf-acc-test-809980946792323534
          ID = arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59/endpoint-group/e84317b2d005
          provider =
          endpoint_group_region = us-west-2
          health_check_interval_seconds = 30
          health_check_path =
          health_check_port = 80
          health_check_protocol = TCP
          listener_arn = arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59
          threshold_count = 3
          traffic_dial_percentage = 100

          ID = arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0/listener/38d2eb59
          provider =
          accelerator_arn = arn:aws:globalaccelerator::xxxxxxxxxxxx:accelerator/9e848383-b09a-4439-ac4f-eacb46aa04c0
          client_affinity = NONE
          port_range.# = 1
          port_range.0.from_port = 80
          port_range.0.to_port = 80
          protocol = TCP

--- FAIL: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic (179.82s)
FAIL	179.872s
GNUmakefile:26: recipe for target 'testacc' failed
make: *** [testacc] Error 1

* Fix health_check_path for GA TCP endpoint group

- Set `health_check_path` to Computed without Default
- Update documentation

* Update website/docs/r/globalaccelerator_endpoint_group.html.markdown

Co-authored-by: Brian Flad <[email protected]>

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Change 'health_check_port' to Computed (#12882).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_basic (183.26s)
ok	183.312s
$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_update (241.78s)
ok	241.856s

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Add '_disappears' acceptance test (#13527, #13826).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorEndpointGroup_disappears (191.83s)
ok	191.883s

* r/aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group: Set 'client_ip_preservation_enabled' to 'true' for EC2 instance endpoint test.

Co-authored-by: Zuhaib Siddique <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: LOU Xun <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Brian Flad <[email protected]>
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Dec 1, 2020
Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSAppmesh/VirtualNode/disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSAppmesh/VirtualNode/disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial
=== RUN   TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial/VirtualNode
=== RUN   TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial/VirtualNode/disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial (13.06s)
    --- PASS: TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial/VirtualNode (13.06s)
        --- PASS: TestAccAWSAppmesh_serial/VirtualNode/disappears (13.06s)
ok	13.121s
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Jan 4, 2021

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSVpcEndpointRouteTableAssociation_disappears (40.62s)
ok	40.670s
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Feb 11, 2021
… '_disappears' test (hashicorp#13826, hashicorp#13527).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_ -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_disappears
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_update
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_update
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_attributes
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_attributes
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_tags
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_attributes
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_update
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_disappears (68.53s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_basic (77.55s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_tags (101.99s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_update (103.04s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorAccelerator_attributes (112.32s)
ok	112.414s
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Feb 21, 2021
…ages. Add '_disappears' test (hashicorp#13826, hashicorp#13527).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsGlobalAcceleratorListener_disappears (120.32s)
ok	120.416s
ewbankkit added a commit to gmazelier/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Apr 19, 2021
Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears (9.67s)
ok	14.046s
ewbankkit added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 19, 2021
* Add platform capability to job definition

* Update base test case

* Add platform capability EC2 test case

* Add platform capability Fargate test case

* Add platform_capability doc reference and examples

* Fix linter warnings

* Platform capability validation simplification

* Add CHANGELOG entry.

* r/aws_batch_job_definition: Rename 'platform_capability' -> 'platform_capabilities'.

* r/aws_batch_job_definition: Rename 'platform_capability' -> 'platform_capabilities'.

Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic (15.37s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2 (15.44s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced (19.44s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate (19.81s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource (24.59s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags (30.90s)
ok	33.926s

* Fix awsproviderlint 'XAT001: missing ErrorCheck' errors.

* r/aws_batch_job_definition: Add '_disappears' test (#13826).

Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears (9.67s)
ok	14.046s

* r/aws_batch_job_definition: Simplify import handling

Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic (12.62s)
ok	15.829s

* r/aws_batch_job_definition: Add and use internal batch/finder package.

Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
=== RUN   TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate
=== CONT  TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_disappears (13.05s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_ContainerProperties_Advanced (15.72s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_basic (15.84s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_EC2 (16.82s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_PlatformCapabilities_Fargate (18.69s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_updateForcesNewResource (25.88s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSBatchJobDefinition_Tags (31.97s)
ok	35.037s

Co-authored-by: Kit Ewbank <[email protected]>
ewbankkit added a commit to voidlily/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Jun 21, 2021
…ars' test (hashicorp#13826).

Acceptance test output:

% make testacc TEST=./aws TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic\|TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic\|TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears -timeout 180m
=== RUN   TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears
=== CONT  TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAWSEksCluster_basic (673.27s)
--- PASS: TestAccAWSEksCluster_disappears (681.94s)
ok	685.380s
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Aug 24, 2021

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsDxLag_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsDxLag_ -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxLag_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxLag_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxLag_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxLag_disappears
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxLag_Tags
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxLag_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxLag_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxLag_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxLag_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxLag_disappears (26.06s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxLag_basic (40.96s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxLag_Tags (53.00s)
ok	53.107s
ewbankkit added a commit to ewbankkit/terraform-provider-aws that referenced this issue Aug 24, 2021
…est (hashicorp#13826).

Acceptance test output:

$ make testacc TEST=./aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAwsDxConnection_'
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
TF_ACC=1 go test ./aws -v -count 1 -parallel 20 -run=TestAccAwsDxConnection_ -timeout 120m
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxConnection_basic
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxConnection_basic
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxConnection_disappears
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxConnection_disappears
=== RUN   TestAccAwsDxConnection_Tags
=== PAUSE TestAccAwsDxConnection_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxConnection_basic
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxConnection_Tags
=== CONT  TestAccAwsDxConnection_disappears
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxConnection_disappears (24.89s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxConnection_basic (29.22s)
--- PASS: TestAccAwsDxConnection_Tags (51.74s)
ok	51.844s
@github-actions github-actions bot added this to the v3.71.0 milestone Jan 3, 2022
Copy link

github-actions bot commented Jan 6, 2022

This functionality has been released in v3.71.0 of the Terraform AWS Provider. Please see the Terraform documentation on provider versioning or reach out if you need any assistance upgrading.

For further feature requests or bug reports with this functionality, please create a new GitHub issue following the template. Thank you!

Copy link

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.
If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.

@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators May 21, 2022
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technical-debt Addresses areas of the codebase that need refactoring or redesign. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

1 participant