- Drop support for tomcat 8.5 which ended support as previously noted with release 3.4.0
- Correct spring boot filter 2 logback usage
- Fix module name in spring boot 3
- Move demo servlet spec to 4
- Add fallback for caffeine cache in case where service loader fails to work
- Bump site to 2.0 (ie doxia 2)
- Update dependencies and plugins
- Last expected support release for spring 2 boot modules (see Waffle#2177)
- waffle-spring-boot-filter2 will be dropped after release
- waffle-spring-boot2 will be dropped after release
- This is a result of spring making patches no longer free for public usage in November 2023.
- For those affected, presumably you have a paid contract with spring and you can continue using this release with override patches as no compatibility changes will be introduced by spring during their paid support period.
- It is suggested users of Waffle consider upgrading to newer spring sooner rather than later in case new breaking features come along but the framework is otherwise very stable
- Last expected support release for tomcat 8.5 (see Waffle#1993)
- Tomcat 8.5 is now end of life with tomcat since March 2024
- It is suggested to use newer tomcat versions 9 (javax namespace) or 10 (jakarta namespace).
- Notice: Spring 5 will be dropped sometime after spring drops it in December 31,2024 (see Waffle#2002)
- Release requires jdk 11 or better
- All libraries up-to-date
- Removed old deprecated code from tomcat modules
- General code cleanup
- Jetty now on jetty 12 (ee 8 or ee 10) with Jetty Jakarta module being new this release
- Shiro 2 support
- Tomcat 11 support has been added
- Automatic module names added
- Build is reproducible
- Last expected support release for jdk 8. While additonal patches could be made they are not expected as resources not available to support it.
- With OSS mostly moving forwards, we have made that decision as well. The build at this point is getting rather complex with requirement only jdk 17 works to build it.
- Introduce waffle-spring-boot3 module and requires jdk 17
- Introduce waffle-spring-security6 module and requires jdk 17
- Introduce waffle-spring-boot-filter3 demo module and requires jdk 17
- Waffle-tests now compiled to jdk 11
- Waffle-tests-jakarta now compiled to jdk 11
- Drop Waffle-tomcat10 10.0.x support in line with tomcat drop of support in favor of 10.1.x support instead requiring jdk 11. Code should still work with tomcat 10.0.x as long as jdk 11 used.
- Now using slf4j 2, spring boot 2 will continue to use slf4j 1. However, its possible to use slf4j 2 with spring boot 2 by disabling springs logging setup and using standard logback.xml.
- Switched from dependabot to renovate
- Dropped jdk 11 on build in order to build spring 6 / spring boot 3
- Update to jdk 19 GA, add 20-ea, add 21-ea, and baseline required jdk 17 to build
- Change test compilation to jdk 11
- Drop Tomcat 7 support as end of life
- General Build Updates
- Build jdk 11 or better with target to jdk 8 with enforcer to ensure binary compatibility
- Require maven 3.8.6 to build
- Library Updates
- Plugin Updates
- Remove jdepend from build as no longer supported
- Remove animal sniffer as replaced by usage of jdk 11 and enforcer
- Dropped remainder of java 8 build profile
- Replace tidy plugin with sort pom plugin for better support
- Skip license plugin on releases
- JNA base at 5.12.0
- Replace tomcat7 plugin with cargo maven3 plugin and simplify README for waffle-filter demo for same.
- Retool waffle-bom into correct usage
- Cleanup the waffle-distro (note: Spring boot dependencies not additionally added here as too many and located in the sample jar)
- Added readme to all demos with all WARs showing how to use cargo to test and spring boot denoting how to test
- Security patches to clear out any potential pull of bad log4j as well as logback updates and other libraries
- Drop JAAS wildfly 10 support as previously deprecated and proper solution in place for newer wildflys.
- Drop Spring Boot 1 support as end of life for long time and underlying spring 4 now also end of life.
- Drop Spring Security 4 support as end of life
- Dispose of guest WindowsIdentity in NegotiateSecurityFilter for Spring Security when guest login is disabled to avoid leaking the object
- Relicensed project as MIT
- Support different cache solutions (default is caffeine cache) through service loader using '/META-INF/services/waffle.cache.CacheSupplier' pointing to your cache solution.
- Remove use of Group interface and directly use our implementation to allow build on jdk14+ (ie 15/16) (not confirmed JAAS works at those higher versions, just compiles)
- JAAS support was broken with attempt to use wildfly 10. Wildfly since changed and that solution is broken. The wildfly support for 10 is now deprecated, JAAS fixed to support both per PR #1125.
- Cleanup error prone code usage resulting in header treatment without training '\n'
- Add github actions windows builds
Introduction of waffle-tomcat10 module
Introduction of waffle-jna-jakarta module for usage with jakarta package rename direct usage
#956: Fix DelegatingNegotiateSecurityFilter @cmolodo - Fixes #453
- Fixed checkstyle configuration that failed 2.2.0 release.
- Security Check in tomcat valves performs a redirect to servletPath when successful. This is not required to finish the chain and causes an underlying error when servletPath returns empty string. This redirect has been removed.
- Negotiate Check in tomcat valves performs half the necessary negotiation which is resulting in popup to log into windows. By catching the negotiation result and forcing a redirect to error page as intended (similar to security check), the browser and tomcat are able to successfully negotiate the communication without unnecessary popup to the user. Note that first request will still require popup to get data primed but all subsequent after logging out and back in save the hit.
- Added logback to demos. It was defined and confirmed but not setup.
- Cleanup documentation
- Dependency updates
- Add build environment entries to jar, source, and war modules
- Add JPMS automatic module naming throughout
- Moved onto Spring boot 2.2.x (no compatibility changes over 2.1.x)
- Moved onto Spring 5.2.x (no compatibility changes over 5.1.x)
- Fix sonar issues including prevention of XML entity attacks and other security related items
- Fix spring boot modules as JNA alignment was broken
- Cleanup documentation
- Dependency updates
- Cleanup some build issues
- Remove obsolete tomcat8 from project - use tomcat 85 as a direct replacement
- Correctly align spring boot 2 starter to spring security 5 module
- Dependency Updates
- Stabalized Release
- Add spring boot demos to distro
- Add spring boot and spring security 5 modules to distro
- Dependency Updates
- JNA 5.2.0 support (breaking internal changes resulting in beta release for waffle)
- Dependency Updates
- Pom rework / cleanup
- Changes
- [#649] (Waffle#649): Bring dependencies up-to-date including JNA 5.x breaking changes @hazendaz.
- Documentation Updates
- Added some tests for NegotiateSecurityFilter
- Added test for new class waffle.util.CorsPreflightCheck
- Add ability to disable SSO through servlet config parameter.
- Added check for DELETE action in isNtlmType1PostAuthorizationHeader as IE will strip the body on challenge.
- Resume filter chain when not in a windows environment
- Changes
- #631: Added excludeBearerAuthorization and excludeCorsPreflight #627@pedroneil.
- #636: DisableSso flag, Delete option, skip when running on non windows [@MoreHeapSpace}(https://github.com/MoreHeapSpace)
Documentation Updates
Version Updates
Sonar / Coverity Cleanup
Spring boot support
Spring / Spring Security 5 support
Breaking changes
- Requires Java 8+
- Dropped Tomcat 6 and Spring 3 modules
- Moved servlet on Examples to servlet 4.0
- Replaced guava with caffeine for caching
- All remainder guava usage uses standard java routines
- #479: Upgrade to Java 8 - using caffeine #304@ben-manes.
- #482: Remove Spring Security 3 #478@hazendaz.
- #483: Remove Tomcat 6 #323@hazendaz.
- #486: Upgrade to Servlet 3.0 in demos #471@hazendaz.
- #487: Updated guava joiner to string.join #304@hazendaz.
- #488: Use java.util.Base64 with java 8 #304@hazendaz.
- #491: Rewrite guava Files.write to java 7 FilesWrite #304@hazendaz.
- #498: Add third party license files@hazendaz.
- #553: Add spring boot starter and demo@mgoldgeier.
- #558: Add initial support for spring 5 using spring security 4 still@hazendaz.
- #559: Add spring milestone repo and upgrade to spring security 5.0.0.M4@hazendaz.
- #571: Custom instances of GenericPrincipal in WaffleAuthenticatorBase@Snap252.
- #583: Added continueContextsTimeout property to WaffleAuthenticatorBase for tomcat(s): Ported forwards (1.8.4)@alanlavintman.
- #594: Update for use with Atlassian JIRA @wbagdon.
- #596: Pull discussion from CodePlex to markdown docs @wbagdon.
- #609: Use only securityContext.isContinue() to decide if SC_UNAUTHORIZED response is needed to trigger another pass in authentication @tjstuart on behalf @AriSuutariST.
- #614: [tomcat] Finish generic principal logic and sync all tomcats @hazendaz.
- More backporting from 1.9.x master
- #579: Applied PR #196 continueContextsTimeout for tomcats. @hazendaz.
- {#582](Waffle#582): Custom instances of GenericPrincipal in WaffleAuthenticatorBase (backport from @Snap252) @hazendaz.
- #196: Added continueContextsTimeout property to WaffleAuthenticatorBase for tomcat(s). @alanlavintman.
**** Mainly backporting from 1.9.x branch and this release specifically was to add third party licenses ****
- Documentation updates
- Version Updates
- Sonar / Coverity Cleanup
- Added third party license files to distribution to make it easier for those requiring license certification within our distro.
- Lots of documentation updates from the community (many thanks!)
- Moved to 'Waffle' organization with removal of 'dblock' from groupId and documentation
- #338: Don't allow SPNEGO NegTokenArg to start re-authentication process @AriSuutariST.
- #342: Add tomcat 8.5.x support @hazendaz.
- #357: Fix security token handle leak in Tomcat. Issue #355
- #382: Bug fix in DelegatingNegotiateSecurityFilter when no custom authentication provider was declared [@Unaor]
- #397: WindowsLoginModule missing roles in Principal. @devnullpointer
- #454: Tomcat 9.0.0.M15+ support for Realm class simple name change for logging. @hazendaz
- Official notification dropping long-term support on 1.7.x branch
- Rework .net build to be mostly automatic using nuget
- Change .net target to more modern .net 4.0 framework
- #309: Added impersonation support on spring-security filters @sergey-podolsky.
- #296: Added Tomcat 9 support.
- #268: Cannot log in automatically on machine where Tomcat service is running
- #274: Update WindowsSecurityContextImpl.java to handle SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
- #128: Update WindowsSecurityContext.cs to handle SEC_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
- #310: Add equals and hashCode to WindowsPrincipal
*** Java Requirement now 1.7 ***
- Introduction of diamond operator and try with resources firmly requiring java 7.
- #187: Removed Spring 2 and Tomcat 5 support.
- #226: Moving base to java 1.7
- #239: Fix handle leak in LSASS.exe process.
- Backport #239: Fix handle leak in LSASS.exe process.
#188: Added support for service provider to authorize the principal.
#192: Fix: Tomcat 8 MixedAuthenticator uses LoginConfig out of context.
#206: Fix issue #203 ** Tomcat negotiate filters reporting Win32Error 500 status error instead of 401. ** Related to issue #107
#207: Further refinement of test dependencies and now requires java 7 to compile library. ** At this point, still supports java 6 runtimes.
Github gh-pages now built via mvn site plugin.
We use sfl4j, so use jcl-over-slf4j instead of allowing spring to bring in commons-logging.
- Corrected javadoc issues in shiro package to ensure javadocs build.
- Make some package methods private in shiro package.
- Ensure waffle dependencies referenced in poms are against vulnerability free releases.
- Rework java build to conform with maven standard practices.
- Enhance distribution to build zip thus allowing maven central deployment.
- Discovered issues with classpath / javadoc, release aborted upon push to maven central.
- #164: Added unit test in waffle-tests using catch-exception test library to verify the condition caught is actually expected.
- #164: Added try/catch to authorization header base64 decode in cases of invalid or unsupported authentication header. ** Throws runtimeException "Invalid authorization header."
- #168: Exception stack trace on invalid credentials. ** Change in waffle 1.7 per sonar to trap only thrown errors resulted in a regression where user enters invalid creditionals and expected behaviour is to ask again but instead a stack trace was thrown. Special thanks to @gstanchev for finding and helping resolve this issue.
- Drop legacy base64 usage previously deprecated. We use guava for this now.
- Small number of array object creations cleanup.
- Full Mavenized Build
- All demos now mavenized
- Support for Tomcat 8
- Support for Spring 4 & Spring-security 4
- Enhanced logging
- Tomcat Protocol parameter for valves to allow default Negotiate / NTLM or selective setup
- Restructured project for full maven support and clearer intent
- Upgraded .NET build to Visual Studio 10, .NET Framework 4
- Enforce Java code formatting (space based) through maven plugin
- Enforce License information in Java code through maven plugin
- Deprecated Base64 internal usage in favor of using Guava BaseEncoding Base64.
- Mocking Testing of third party implementations for cleaner intent.
- #140: Mocking Unit Tests - @hazendaz.
- Mock implementations used in unit tests for various features such as tomcat/shiro in order to make it clear to intention of waffle tests.
- #136: Enable user logging when using filter @tbenbrahim.
- Added toString to WindowsPrincipal to enable logging of authenticated user when using the servlet filter, using the waffle.servlet.NegotiateSecurityFilter.PRINCIPAL session attribute.
- #120: Application Security License - @hazendaz.
- Using License Maven Plugin to ensure license is up to date on java files
- All donated code to library now has proper license
- License controlled through license.txt under waffle-parent
- #119: Format Enahancement - @hazendaz.
- Using Java Format Maven Plugin to ensure formatting of code consistent
- Now using spaces rather than tabs.
- #108: Spring 4 - @hazendaz.
- Spring 4 / Spring Security 4 support
- Early release [no changes over spring 3]
- #101: Enhance Logging - @hazendaz.
- Use full feature {} of logging and stop concatenating strings.
- #97: Added protocols parameter on Tomcat valves - @hasalex.
- Attribute protocols on the valve in order to limit the authentication to one or some protocols
- #93: Updated Documentation - @hazendaz.
- First cut at updating documentation to reflect maven.
- #92: Pom Corrections - @hazendaz.
- Oops! #91 attempted to remove .settings but actually added them back, removing again.
- #91: Drop eclipse settings - @ryantxu.
- More maven cleanup work, removed .settings, .classpath, and .project files from build as maven creates these.
- Additional benefit here is that this is easily built using many various IDE's tanks to maven.
- #90: Pom Corrections - @hazendaz.
- Corrected missed change #87 on rename of build in multi module pom
- Fixed issue with incorrect objenesis version being picked up by maven resolution
- Reworked parent POM for use with users without their own nexus repo
- Fixed to work properly with GIT so jars show all necessary manifest information
- #88: Full Mavenization - Part 2 - @hazendaz.
- Using standard maven layout now.
- Fixed one test case that was case sensitive
- Added default to case statements with break.
- #87: Renamed 'demo' & 'build' - @hazendaz.
- Renamed these modules to reflect their true nature
- #86: Full Mavenization - Part 1 - @hazendaz.
- Building on maven beginnings of project for making this a maven only build
- Removed ant/ivy configuration
- Known issue in built files due to not using standard maven layout, expect to fix later
- Cleanup git ignores for removed ivy items
- Corrected issue with mockito pulling in old hamcrest
- Reworked demo to be more maven like in layout
- Added more settings for tomcat8
- Jetty skips javadocs due to no public classes
- #84: Added a better embedded Jetty example - @juliangamble.
- See 'Adding a better embedded Jetty example PR #81' for more details
- #83: Added fluido skin - @hazendaz.
- Provides maven site generation using twitter bootstrap for nice look and feel
- #82: Tomcat 8 Support (BETA) - @hazendaz.
- BETA Tomcat 8 support
- #78: POM Updates - @hazendaz.
- Now supporting tomcat 6.0.39 / 7.0.52
- Updated versions throughout
- #76: Add SPNEGO NegTokenArg support - @AriSuutariST.
- Fixed
returning an empty local groups set - @dblock. - #114: Fixed
to loop and allocate memory onSEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY
- @kentcb.
- #64: Upgraded to JNA 4.0 - @ryantxu.
- #40: Added SPNEGO negotiation support - @AriSuutariST.
- #48: Added username/password authentication support for Apache Shiro - @davidmc24.
- #51: Added negotiate authentication support for Apache Shiro - @bhamail.
- #58: Fix: error in
InitializeSecurityContext: The buffers supplied to a function was too small.
when a user belongs to many groups - @dblock.
- #42: Replaced GroboUtils with ContiPerf in the Java load tests to remove use of the "Opensymphony Release" repository - @davidmc24.
- #42: Enhanced the Ant build to allow specifying
to skip running the tests to allow compilation on non-Windows platforms - @davidmc24. - #42: Extracted a new "waffle-tests" component out of the existing "waffle-jna" component to remove compile-scope dependency on mockito - @davidmc24.
- #42: Added Maven POMs for the Java components - @davidmc24.
- Added ContiPerf 2.2.0.
- #44: Add pom.xml files to create a .war and deploy demo filter web app to a local Tomcat server - @bhamail.
This release unifies support for various Java platforms within a single package and significantly improves development infrastructure.
- Waffle now requires Java 1.6 or newer, uses generics where possible - @hazendaz.
- Waffle now requires JNA 3.5.0 (currently private build) - @dblock.
- Native Tomcat and Spring support has been split out of the
- @dblock.waffle-spring-security2.jar
: Spring-security 2.waffle-spring-security3.jar
: Spring-security 3.waffle-tomcat-5.jar
: Tomcat 5 valves.waffle-tomcat-6.jar
: Tomcat 6 valves.waffle-tomcat-7.jar
: Tomcat 7 valves.
- Rewritten documentation in Markdown, the CHM documentation has been removed - @dblock.
- #3: Replaced
- @hazendaz.- slf4j 1.7.2
- logback 1.0.7
- Use jcl over slf4j for Spring, as it uses
- Jacob-based COM interfaces and implementation have been removed - @dblock.
- #1: Adjusted logging from info to debug to reduce noise level - @mcfly83.
- #17: JAR manifest information includes specification and implementation details, such as GIT revision - @ryantxu.
- #23 Added
which collects system information useful for debugging - @ryantxu. - #28 Added
project. This lets developers run Waffle directly within the IDE - @ryantxu. - #33: Added support for servlet3 programmatic login - @amergey.
- Upgraded Wix to version 3.7 - @dblock.
- Waffle
getters now useis*
java standard - @hazendaz.getContinue
is nowisContinue
is nowisDebug
is nowisAllowGuestLogin
is nowisImpersonate
- Fixed case of
, nowrevertToSelf
- @hazendaz. - All array getters now return empty arrays rather than
- @hazendaz.
- Upgraded thirdparty dependencies, using Ivy - @hazendaz.
- tomcat 5.5.36
- tomcat 6.0.35
- tomcat 7.0.32
- guava 13.0.1
- spring 3.1.2
- spring 2.5.6.SEC03
- spring-security 2.0.7
- spring-security 3.1.2
- junit 4.10
- emma 2.1.5320
- Reworked development version to use ivy - @hazendaz.
- Removed all third party included jars.
- Retained tomcat 5.5.36 due to ivy/maven only having 5.5.23 available.
- #24: Use mockito for waffle-mock - @ryantxu.
First release off Github.
- #8559: Added impersonation support on the Servlet security filter.
- #9353: Allow customization of
string in Spring Security filter and authentication manager. - #8493: Intermediate security contexts of unfinished Negotiate protocol instances expire after ten seconds.
- #9854: Added support for query strings with multiple parameters to
. - #243081: Filter providers and protocols specified in configuration can be separated by any type of space.
- #11052: Upgraded thirdparty JNA to 3.3.0.
- #11053: Upgraded thirdparty WIX to 3.5.
- #9552: Upgraded thirdparty Tomcat to 6.0.29.
- #8493: Using Guava (Google collections), which requires a new guava-r07.jar in deployment of Java filters and applications.
- #9456: Added Serializable to
. - #9657: Added
option to theNegotiateSecurityFilter
filter options. - #9895: Upgraded Jacob to 1.15M4 and JacobGen to 0.10.
- #10031: Removed
null initialize and addedtargetName
to the remaining initialize interface method.
- #9274: Guest
leaks a handle when guest login disabled. - #224546: Unable to deploy other Spring-security providers alongside Waffle. Spring Security Filter will now fall through to the remaining filter chain for unsupported security protocols.
- #8965: Anonymous login is not correctly recognized as guest on Windows 7.
- #229310:
broken. Specifying roleFormat as both and callingisUserInRole
with a SID value always incorrectly returns false. - #9615: waffle-form, waffle-mixed and waffle-form samples fail with 404 instead of 401; html files not packaged in the distribution.
- #9889:
sometimes returned wrong number of groups. - #9552:
leaks a handle with new logons.
- Ported Waffle to native Java with JNA 3.2.7, added waffle-jna.jar.
- Added a Negotiate (NTLM and Kerberos) Tomcat authenticator,
in waffle-jna.jar. - Added a JAAS Windows Login module,
in waffle-jna.jar. - Added a Mixed (Negotiate and Form-Based) Tomcat security authenticator,
in waffle-jna.jar. - Added a Negotiate (NTLM and Kerberos) and Basic Servlet security filter,
in waffle-jna.jar. Works with any servlet container, including Tomcat, Jetty and Websphere. - Added a Spring-Security Negotiate (NTLM and Kerberos) and Basic Filter,
in waffle-jna.jar. - Added a Spring-Security Authentication Manager,
in waffle-jna.jar. - Added
- Project upgraded to Visual Studio 2008.
Initial open-source release under the Eclipse Public License.