- A dynamic wallpaper bundle for iOS 7
- Review (Japanese)
- Animated wallpaper
- Customizable fan speed and more!
Use Xcode to build the bundle, however you should remember to :
- Set the active scheme to "iOS Devices" (unplug your iDevices if it doesn't appear)
- Install "ProceduralWallpaperLoader" in Cydia, it can prevent SpringBoard from respring loop if the bundle is invalid.
- Your bundle should be placed in /System/Library/ProceduralWallpaper or /Library/ProceduralWallpaper (if ProceduralWallpaperLoader is installed).
MIT. Please kindly keep the credit of contributors.
- @sillyleo, the one who make the graphic prototype of fan
- @evenwu, the one who make the PSD version of this fan and allow everyone use it.
- @vincicat, the one who make the dynamic html+css animation of fan
- LegibilitySettings (UIStatusbar Color and Time Color) always white