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Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision

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Configure MisterHouse

There are a few more things to complete before Misterhouse is fully functional. The next few steps will complete the required configurations and set up Misterhouse to start at boot up.

__Set up directories for local code__

It is best to have the files that come with the misterhouse distribution in a separate directory called mh under the main misterhouse directory as we have done. Custom code that you write and other files that you generate should be stored in directories directly under the misterhouse directory. This way, when upgrading to a new version of misterhouse, you can simply replace all of the files under the mh directory and you will not lose you customized setup.

Create these directories: //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo mkdir /opt/misterhouse/code //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo mkdir /opt/misterhouse/data //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo mkdir /opt/misterhouse/sounds

Make a copy of the mh example configuration file and place it in the misterhouse directory. You will make customized configuration changes to this file instead of the one that comes with the distribution. MisterHouse will use the defaults in in bin/mh.ini first then override those with any parameters you place in your mh.private.ini file. //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo cp /opt/misterhouse/mh/bin/mh.example.ini /opt/misterhouse/mh.private.ini

Edit your local config file: //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo nano /opt/misterhouse/mh.private.ini

At a minimum you should specify the following parameters:

code_dir = /opt/misterhouse/code data_dir = /opt/misterhouse/data sound_dir = /opt/misterhouse/sounds tk =0 sound_program = aplay voice_text = festival # Default Voice synthesis engine
Save and exit this file.

Move all of the test code to your local directory: //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo mv /opt/misterhouse/mh/code/test/* /opt/misterhouse/code

__Change File Owner__

You need to make all of the files and directories accessible to the user 'mh'. This is the user that we want to run mh with. //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo achown -R mh:mh /opt/misterhouse

__Test Misterhouse__

At this point, you should be able to test your installation to make sure that everything is working correctly. //**root@mh_server:/#**// su mh //**mh@mh_server:/#**// export mh_parms=/opt/misterhouse/mh.private.ini //**mh@mh_server:/#**// /opt/misterhouse/mh/bin/mh

You may see a few miscellaneous errors on as Misterhouse starts but nothing fatal. If you open a web browser on your client machine and point it to http:[mh_server]//:8080 you should see the misterhouse page. Once you are satisfied that things are basically working, you can stop the program with a Ctrl+C at the terminal.

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