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Insteon Installation

Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision
    • Important Note**:
This page is out of date. SVN is no longer used. Parts of this guide will be merged into the MisterhouseOnUbuntu soon and this page will be deleted. Do not use this page.

Quick mh setup guide for the beginner

Below is a quick summary of what I had to do on a linux/debian system to install mh from svn, based off the official instructions, which is a better place to start from than the main web/man page (that page is really good to read later, especially when you start programming within mh). Another page you may like is Getting to Know mh, although hopefully the quick instructions below will get you going. You can skip this section if you already have mh running and you're just adding Insteon.

I downloaded the source from svn in ///var/local/src/misterhouse/mh-svn// and then, I did //ln -s mh-svn mh// This lets you have multiple versions of MH and select with a symlink what ///var/local/src/misterhouse/mh// is going to point to.

If you'd like, you can have those on your own server docs like this (under bash): code ln -s /var/local/src/misterhouse/mh /var/www/html/mhdocs gargamel:/var/www/html/mhdocs# for i in *.pod; do pod2html $i > ${i/.pod/}.html; done code Now you can go to //http://yourserver/mhdocs/// and see your local copy of the docs code About the install, if you have any decent linux, you already have perl and you can likely install the cpan modules with apt-get install (note that perl 5.10 already has some of the modules built in, so some of the modules recommended in mh are already built in mh). You may want to try something like this (adjust for non debian derived distros) code

  1. If apt-file is not on your system you may need to install it. (Debian and its derivatives - apt-get install apt-file )
  2. It's not part of Cent OS, Fedora or Red Hat
for i in Tk Tk::JPEG Tk::CursorControl DB_File Term::ReadKey Time::HiRes \ Audio::Mixer GD Test::LevenshteinXS DBI DBD::mysql do echo "Searching $i" apt-file search $i | sed s/:.* //| grep 'lib.*-perl' | uniq// //done// code For my debian system, I ran: code //apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl libdb-file-lock-perl libterm-readkey-perl \// //libaudio-mixer-perl libgd-gd2-perl libapache-dbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl// code Then see the comment at the top of //misterhouse/mh/bin/mh.ini//, and put this in your /etc/profile or equivalent: //export mh_parms=/var/local/src/misterhouse/mh.private.ini// code //code// //It is recommended to have your own// /var/local/src/misterhouse/{data,code}// directories and just point to them in your own mh.private.ini (you can start with the mh ones just to see what you get, and then switch to your own later).
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