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Discussion: Improving typings #3413

Gozala opened this issue Nov 21, 2020 · 12 comments

Discussion: Improving typings #3413

Gozala opened this issue Nov 21, 2020 · 12 comments


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Gozala commented Nov 21, 2020


Here is the set of constraints following proposal attemts to satisfy (please call
out if you find something is missing or doesn't belong)

  • Provide a way to ensure that ipfs-core and ipfs-http-client implement
    same base API.
    • They could intentionally diverge a bit (e.g. http-client takes extra HTTPOptions)
      and so could ipfs-core but there should be common subset between two.
      • Compatibility should be ensured type checker as opposed to discipline or
        peer review
  • Should require no type annotation repetitions.
  • Types should be simple and stright forward, meaning avoid
    magic types
    that are hard to understand.
  • Cross package type dependecies should not depend on internal file structure
    (as much as possible)


I propose to satisify all of the listed constraints by doing following

  1. Create a designated directory for reusable type definitions (e.g.
    src/interface or whatever wins bikeshed contest and have component specific
    interface definitions for, ipfs.files, ipfs.dag, etc..

    Note: This still creates file structure but it is agnostic of implementation
    details. Alternative could be to use TS namespaces,
    but they are left over from pre-esm days in TS and seems like non futureproof
    approach, which is why using naming convetion seems like a better option -> interface/pin, ipfs.files -> interface/files, etc...

    Below is illustration of what interface/pin.ts could look like:

    import CID from "cids"
    import { AbortOptions } from "./utils"
    export interface API {
      addAll (source: ToPins, options?: AddOptions & AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<CID>
      add(source: ToPin, options?: AddOptions & AbortOptions): Promise<CID>
      rmAll(source: ToPins, options?: RemoveOptions & AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<CID>
      rm(source: ToPin, options?: RemoveOptions & AbortOptions): Promise<CID>
      ls(options?: ListOptions & AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<PinEntry>
    export type ToPin =
      | CID
      | string
      | ToPinWithPath
      | ToPinWithCID
    export type ToPinWithPath = {
      path: string
      recursive?: boolean
      metadata?: any
      cid?: undefined
    export type ToPinWithCID = {
      cid?: CID
      recursive?: boolean
      metadata?: any
      path?: string
    export type ToPins =
      | ToPin
      | Iterable<ToPin>
      | AsyncIterable<ToPin>
    export type Pin = {
      path: string | CID
      recursive: boolean
      metadata?: any
    export type PinEntry = {
    cid: CID
    type: PinType
    export type PinType =
      | 'direct'
      | 'recursive'
      | 'indirect'
    export type RemoveOptions = {
       * Recursively unpin the object linked
      recursive?: boolean
    export type AddOptions = {
      lock?: boolean
    type ListOptions = {
       * CIDs or IPFS paths to search for in the pinset
      paths?: Array<string|CID>
       * Filter by this type of pin ("recursive", "direct" or "indirect")
      type?: PinType | 'all'
  2. Each IPFS component that can provide @implements {API} annotation that type
    checker will ensure.

    Note: That does imply that implementer implements that exact API or it's
    superset which enables deriviation across ipfs-core and
    ipfs-http-client like added options in the later.

    Below is illustration of how ipfs-core can use this on the same pin

     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * @param {GCLock} config.gcLock
       * @param {DagReader} config.dagReader
       * @param {PinManager} config.pinManager
      constructor ({ gcLock, dagReader, pinManager }) {
        // ...
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/pin').API} API

    This will work regardless if we choose to do Incidental Complexity: Dependency injection is getting in the way #3391 or a slight variation on
    keep the current style used everywhere in chore: make IPFS API static (remove api-manager) #3365. If we keep
    the current style above will look as:

    const createAddAll = require('./add-all')
     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * @param {GCLock} config.gcLock
       * @param {DagReader} config.dagReader
       * @param {PinManager} config.pinManager
      constructor ({ gcLock, dagReader, pinManager }) {
        this.addAll = createAddAll({ gcLock, dagReader, pinManager })
        // ...
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/pin').API} API

    Where ./add-all.js looks like:

      * @param {Object} config
      * @param {GCLock} config.gcLock
      * @param {DagReader} config.dagReader
      * @param {PinManager} config.pinManager
    module.exports = ({ pinManager, gcLock, dagReader }) => {
        * Adds multiple IPFS objects to the pinset and also stores it to the IPFS
        * repo. pinset is the set of hashes currently pinned (not gc'able)
        * @param {ToPins} source - One or more CIDs or IPFS Paths to pin in your repo
        * @param {AddOptions & AbortOptions} [options]
        * @returns {AsyncIterable<CID>} - CIDs that were pinned.
      async function * addAll (source, options = {}) {
        // ...
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/pin').API} API
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/pin').ToPins} ToPins
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/pin').AddOptions} AddOptions
     * @typedef {import('../../interface/util').AbortOptions} AbortOptions
     * ...

    Note that all the types are imported from interface/*.

    And if we choose to reduce to remove dependency incejection (as per Incidental Complexity: Dependency injection is getting in the way #3391) things work just as well (better actually)

     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * @param {GCLock} config.gcLock
       * @param {DagReader} config.dagReader
       * @param {PinManager} config.pinManager
      constructor ({ gcLock, dagReader, pinManager }) {
        // ...
        * Adds multiple IPFS objects to the pinset and also stores it to the IPFS
        * repo. pinset is the set of hashes currently pinned (not gc'able)
        * @param {ToPins} source - One or more CIDs or IPFS Paths to pin in your repo
        * @param {AddOptions & AbortOptions} [options]
        * @returns {AsyncIterable<CID>} - CIDs that were pinned.
      addAll(source, options) {
        return addAll(this.state, source, options)
      // ...
  3. ipfs-http-client will do more or less the same, with the
    difference that config is whatever it is in ipfs-http-client:

     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * ....
      constructor (config) {
        // ...
      // ...
     * @typedef {import('ipfs-core/src/interface/pin').API} API

    Here as well we can continue with our current approach of
    dependency injections:

    const createAddAll = require('./add-all')
     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * ....
      constructor (config) {
        this.addAll = createAddAll(config)
        // ...
      // ...
     * @typedef {import('ipfs-core/src/interface/pin').API} API

    Or move to dependency injection free approach:

    const addAll = require('./add-all')
     * @implements {API}
    class PinAPI {
       * @param {Object} config
       * ....
      constructor (config) {
        // ...
       * @param {ToPins} source
       * @param {AddOptions & ClientOptions} [options]
      addAll (source, options) {
        return addAll(this.state, source, options)
      // ...
     * @typedef {import('ipfs-core/src/interface/pin').API} API
     * @typedef {import(ipfs-core/src/interface/pin').ToPins} ToPins
     * @typedef {import('ipfs-core/src/interface/pin').AddOptions} AddOptions
     * @typedef {import('../../util').HTTOptions} ClientOptions

    Note: That implementation uses ClientOptions in place of AbortOptions (which it extends) while the class itself also implements pin API that type checker will ensure.

Additional notes

  • I believe @hugomrdias mentioned that in the future release of TS @typedef {import('ipfs-core/src/interface/pin')} Pin would gain namespace like behavior which will reduce amount of imports in the examples.
  • I expect that future improvements of TS to allow following patterns as well:
     import * from "./pin"
     export pin
     // ...
    Which will basically provide namespace like behavior so we could just have a single import.
@Gozala Gozala added the need/triage Needs initial labeling and prioritization label Nov 21, 2020
@achingbrain achingbrain added exploration and removed need/triage Needs initial labeling and prioritization labels Nov 29, 2020
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Sounds good. Moving them somewhere central instead of having everything depend on ipfs-core also seems sensible.

🚲 🏡 Put them in the interface-ipfs-core module as that's what defines the core-api, which is what we're trying to type. 🚲 🏡

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Gozala commented Dec 4, 2020

I'll follow this pattern in implementing #3293

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Gozala commented Dec 4, 2020

@achingbrain do you have

🚲 🏡 Put them in the interface-ipfs-core module as that's what defines the core-api, which is what we're trying to type. 🚲 🏡

Where in interface-ipfs-core do you think it should go ? Currently ./src/ follows same layout as components but hosts tests. So we should either have parallel tree e.g. ./type or naming convention to diff between test modules and interface defs. For the #3293 I'll just go with ./type/ happy restructure as necessary.

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I don't have a strong opinion TBH, ./type is fine unless there's a convention we can follow?

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i would prefer types but its just a nit, we are already using types.ts in other repos so for a big group of types a types folder would make sense.

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Gozala commented Dec 11, 2020

@hugomrdias @achingbrain I would like to discuss / reach a consensus in regards to function overloads that have certain issues. This change e1ec19d is an illustrative of the genera problem so I'll use that as an example.

We have certain APIs that produce different output based on the input (in terms of types and shapes). Let's consider this example from that has following interface (it is simplified here to keep discussion on point):

const example = async (api:LS) => {
  for await (const entry of {
    //    ^^^^ Property 'stat' does not exist on type 'Entry'

  for await (const entry of{ stat: true })) {
    // works fine because stat was passed

interface LS {
  ls(options?:AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<Entry>
  ls(options:{stat:true} & AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<EntryWithStat>

interface AbortOptions { signal?: AbortSignal }
interface Entry { /** ... not important */}
interface EntryWithStat extends Entry { stat: Stat }
interface Stat {
  pinned: number
  /* ... not important */

As you can see with about interface definitions type checker can identify if stat will be in place or not and catch problems at compile time. Problem however is it is pretty much impossible to have an implementation in JS that is able to satisfy that interface, without sprinkling any types over it, which in turn can easily miss or/and introduce other issues.

Another alternative is to use less precise types, here is an example illustrating that

const example = async (api:LS) => {
  for await (const entry of {
    //    ^^^^ Object is possibly 'undefined'

  for await (const entry of{ stat: true })) {
    //    ^^^ Object is possibly 'undefined'

  for await (const entry of{ stat: true })) {
    if (entry.stat) {
      // works here
    } else {
      // what to do here though ?

interface LS {
  ls(options?:{stat?:true} & AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<Entry>

interface AbortOptions { signal?: AbortSignal }
interface Entry { stat?: Stat /** ... not important */}
interface Stat {
  pinned: number
  /* ... not important */

Doing that (which is mostly what we have today) makes API more cumbersome to use for others and ourselves as well. Furthermore it introduces a questions like what to do if stat is supposed to be there but is not.

Finally there is yet another approach, that is not overloading functions in first place as this example illustrates

const example = async (api:LS) => {
  for await (const entry of {
    //    ^^^^ Property 'stat' does not exist on type 'Entry'.(2339)

  for await (const entry of api.lsWithStat()) {
    // Stats are there

interface LS {
  ls(options?:AbortOptions): AsyncIterable<Entry>

interface AbortOptions { signal?: AbortSignal }
interface Entry { /** ... not important */}
interface EntryWithStat extends Entry { stat: Stat }
interface Stat {
  pinned: number
  /* ... not important */

I personally believe that last approach is best compromise because:

  • It's easy to type and implement
  • Usage is more convenient, no unnecessary checks that property is there or questions what to do if it is not.
  • It does not introduce any types which can lead to other issues.
  • It forces implementation to uphold invariants (like when stat should be there and when it should not be), without which it's easier to make a mistake of not having stat when it's expected.

Tradeoff is however just like with (add & addAll) API surface becomes larger even if simpler & more convenient to use.

What do you think the right compromise here is, or is would it vary from case by case basis ? If there is one we should probably encode it into aegir ts guide.

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an option shouldn't change the return type, in the past "changing the return type" was more ambiguous we didn't pay much attention to the structure of an object return but we would still apply this rule in other cases (ie. string or number) so we should evolve this rule to the current context and go with your 3rd option and make a new method.

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Gozala commented Dec 16, 2020

🚲 🏡 Put them in the interface-ipfs-core module as that's what defines the core-api, which is what we're trying to type. 🚲 🏡

So I have tried factor out some of the types like UnixFSEntry and it's associates to address problem with typedef generation. In the process I have found out that interface-ipfs-core is not a good place to host interface definitions because:

  1. ipfs-core, ipfs-http-client, ipfs-message-port-client all import UnixFSEntry type.
  2. But generated types end up with imports like import("../../../../interface-ipfs-core/types") because
    • Non of the above declare dependency on interface-ipfs-core
    • Which is why TS ends up using relative path (but that's not going to work either)
    • They have it as devDependency, but dependents aren't guaranteed to install it.

This also suggest that ipfs-core isn't going to be a good home for interface defs, because ipfs-http-client and ipfs-message-port-client do not depend on it.

So I think we need a whole new package e.g. ipfs-interface or ipfs-types for just interface files and all the other packages can they directly depend on it, which I believe will resolve these problems.

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dapplion commented Dec 16, 2020

Today I bumped http-ipfs-client and was happy to find types. I love IPFS but the current types are not great, to put it mildly. I casted the Ipfs constructor to any. Hope the type situation improves to ensure a good developer experience around IPFS in the long term ❤️

@achingbrain achingbrain changed the title Discussion: Improving typeings Discussion: Improving typings Dec 16, 2020
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the current types are not great, to put it mildly

Thanks for the feedback - could you please open issues with what you see vs what you expect to see?

At the very least they can be used as datapoints to feed into this conversation, but also they will represent discrete items of work that you or others can open PRs to address.

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the current types are not great, to put it mildly

Thanks for the feedback - could you please open issues with what you see vs what you expect to see?

At the very least they can be used as datapoints to feed into this conversation, but also they will represent discrete items of work that you or others can open PRs to address.

I've opened issues #3450 and #3451

I'm sorry for the negative tone but working with Ipfs JS this last two years with frequent breaking changes has been very frustrating for the lack of proper types.

achingbrain added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 18, 2020
Addresses #3442 (comment) by refactoring some of the common types used by root APIs as per #3413 

Co-authored-by: achingbrain <[email protected]>
SgtPooki referenced this issue in ipfs/js-kubo-rpc-client Aug 18, 2022
Addresses ipfs/js-ipfs#3442 (comment) by refactoring some of the common types used by root APIs as per #3413 

Co-authored-by: achingbrain <[email protected]>
@SgtPooki SgtPooki moved this to 🥞 Todo in js-ipfs deprecation May 17, 2023
@whizzzkid whizzzkid moved this from 🥞 Todo to 🛑 Blocked in js-ipfs deprecation May 23, 2023
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whizzzkid commented May 31, 2023

js-ipfs is being deprecated in favor of Helia. You can follow the migration plan here #4336 and read the migration guide.

This issue has been resolved in Helia! if this does not address your concern please let us know by reopening this issue before 2023-06-05!

@github-project-automation github-project-automation bot moved this from 🛑 Blocked to ✅ Done in js-ipfs deprecation May 31, 2023
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