- Pierrot now scores full house instead of 3 pair for 2 sets of 3, and has visual changes for the following hands:
- 3 sets of 2 scores as 2 pair, labelled as 3 pair
- 2 sets of 3 scores as full house, labelled as fuller house
- 2 sets of 3 in same suit scores as flush house, labelled as flusher house
- six of a kind scores as 5 of a kind, labelled as 5 of a kind
- Fixed some problems with scouter joker where hiker and to do list were activating while scouter calculated your expected hand.
- fixed reverse high priestess from levelling up hands that aren't visible
- fixed pessimist from causing a crash if there is no available joker to turn negative.
- pessimist now destroys itself when the blind is selected
- reverse Hermit now no longer causes a crash when it gets orbital
sprites no longer override the original sprite file
most functions are no longer being overriden, only evaluate_play, can_play, view_deck, and Card:draw remain, mostly for coal and blank card; evaluate_play probably won't be removed soon, until steammodded supports injection, and even then changes to evaluate_play break scouter_joker.
TL;DR: most mods should now be compatible with JellyMod. Some mods still may have compatibility conflicts.
Full Changelog: 0.1.3...0.1.4