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Optical character recogntion for NAO robots using Tesseract

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NAOOCR is a software module that enables the Aldebaran NAO ATOM humanoid robot to read text from an image. The module is entirely written in c++ and can be directly run on the robot.


For building Tesseract and Leptonica on OpenNAO:

  • m4
  • automake
  • autoconfig
  • libtool

Building and setup as a remote module

Remote module is run on the remote computer that is connected to the robot via Ethernet or WiFi (we suggest Ethernet as image from the camera is sent to the module). Building a remote module is the easiest way to set up and try the nao-ocr package.

Dependencies and requirements

Nao-ocr is built and tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04. For 16.04 you need to downgrade gcc to version 4.8. Other dependencies are:

  • Naoqi C++ SDK 2.1.4
  • OpenCV 2.4.9
  • Tesseract 3.02
  • Leptonica

Build nao-ocr as remote module

Download and install naoqi C++ SDK (v2.1.4) using this guide: Next, you need to fix OpenCV installation in the SDK by downloading and building OpenCV 2.4.9. Then, copy all OpenCV libraries in the corresponding folder inside the C++ SDK. You may use the following guide to see which dependencies you should install before building OpenCV: Next, install tesseract and leptonica libraries: sudo apt install libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev You may also want to install tesseract-ocr and any other tesseract language packages you think you will need (tesseract-ocr will install support for english language). Finally, in your qibuild worktree, clone this repo, configure and build. Make sure to set the flag TXTREC_IS_REMOTE to ON in CMakeLists.txt.

Running the nao-ocr module as remote

To run the module, go to build/sdk/bin and run the OcrModule by passing the robot IP and PORT: ./OcrModule --pip robot.ip --pport robot.port The module should be registered in the naoqi (you can check via the robot web-page).

Building and setup as a local module

This requires a bit more work, as you need to build Tesseract and Leptonica for NAO's operating system. To do so, you need to set up a OpenNAO virtual machine using the OpenNAO system image (make sure it corresponds to the version of naoqi you have on the robot). You can use this guide for that:

These instructions were working for the older version of OpenNAO (v1.14.5). TODO: check which versions does emerge install currently and update instructions.


  • OpenNAO virtual machine with the following
    • autotools (m4, automake, autoconfig, libtool)
  • Leptonica sources
  • Tesseract sources
  • Naoqi C++ cross-compilation SDK (v2.1.4)

Steps that are to be performed on the virtual machine are denoted VM, and steps on the host machine (i.e. your computer) are denoted HM.

Building nao-ocr dependencies on the OpenNAO VM

Pull tesseract and leptonica sources from github (use https as you probably don't have ssh keys in the VM):

(VM):$ cd worktree
(VM)/worktree:$ git clone
(VM)/worktree:$ git clone

You can use specific releases of the libraries by checking out a tag:

(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ git tag -l
(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ git checkout tags/tag_name

We used leptonica v1.73 and tesseract v3.02.02.

Prepare local directories for installation of leptonica and tesseract files as we need those files later to build our local module:

(VM)/worktree:$ mkdir leptonica_install tessract_install

Now, build leptonica first. Make sure to set the install directory you just created by using the --prefix flag:

(VM)/worktree:$ cd leptonica
(VM)/worktree/leptonica:$ ./configure --prefix=/home/nao/worktree/leptonica_install
(VM)/worktree/leptonica:$ make
(VM)/worktree/leptonica:$ make install

Next, build tesseract. You need to tell the system where leptonica is and also specify to install tesseract in the directory you previously created:

(VM)/worktree:$ cd tesseract
(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ ./
(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ LIBLEPT_HEADERSDIR=/home/nao/worktree/leptonica_install/include/ ./configure --prefix=/home/nao/worktree/tesseract_install --with-extra-libraries=/home/nao/worktree/leptonica_install/lib/
(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ make
(VM)/worktree/tesseract:$ make install

To test the installation in the virtual machine, prepare an image with some text (i.e. test_image.png), and transfer it to the VM from your host machine using scp. Virtual machine is registered at the localhost and uses port 2222 sou you need to specify that using -P flag:

(HM)/Pictures:$ scp -P 2222 test_image.png nao@localhost:~/worktree/tesseract_install/bin/

Password for the virtual machine is nao. Tesseract also needs language data to perform the recognition. On the host machine, download the language packages for your release and desired languages from here: Next, from your host machine copy the contents of tessdata folder to the VM:

(HM)/.../tessdata:$ scp -r -P 2222 ./* nao@localhost:~/worktree/tesseract_install/share/tessdata

On the virtual machine, specify where the tessdata folder is and run tesseract:

(VM)/worktree/tesseract_install/bin:$ export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/home/nao/worktree/tesseract_install/share/
(VM)/worktree/tesseract_install/bin:$ ./tesseract test_image.png out -l eng

You can check the output of the recognition by looking into out.txt file that was produced:

(VM)/worktree/tesseract_install/bin:$ less out.txt

Adding leptonica and tesseract to cross-compilation toolchain

Archive the install folders to prepare them for transfer to your host machine:

(VM)/worktree:$ tar -cvzf leptonica.tar.gz leptonica_install/*
(VM)/worktree:$ tar -cvzf tesseract.tar.gz tesseract_install/*

Now you can copy the files from install directories to your host machine:

(HM)/worktree:$ scp -r -P 2222 nao@localhost:~/worktree/leptonica.tar.gz .
(HM)/worktree:$ scp -r -P 2222 nao@localhost:~/worktree/tesseract.tar.gz .

Extract the archives on your host machine, and you should have leptonica_install and tesseract_install directories inside your workree. We suggest to rename them to leptonica and tesseract and assume you did so in the remainder of the instructions.

Next step is to convert both leptonica and tesseract to qibuild packages:

(HM)/worktree:$ cd leptonica
(HM)/worktree/leptonica:$ qibuild gen-cmake-module --name leptonica .
(HM)/worktree/leptonica:$ cd ../tesseract
(HM)/worktree/tesseract:$ qibuild gen-cmake-module --name tesseract .

You can check the generated .cmake files, but you probably don't need to. Next step is to add package.xml file to each of the folders. Structure of the file is:

<!--- in /tmp/foo/package.xml -->
<package name="foo" version="0.1" target="linux64" >
	 <depends buildtime="true" runtime="true" names="bar" />

Leptonica has no dependencies, so the file for leptonica package is:

<package name="leptonica" version="1.73" target="opennao" >
  <license> TBD </license>

Tesseract has leptonica as dependency, and package.xml should be someting like this:

<package name="tesseract" version="3.02" target="opennao" >
	<depends buildtime="true" runtime="true" names="leptonica" />

Once both packages have their package.xml files, you can create packages for the toolchain:

(HM)/worktree/leptonica:$ qitoolchain make-package .
(HM)/worktree/leptonica:$ cd ../teseract
(HM)/worktree/tesseract:$ qitoolchain make-package .

which will create and in corresponding folders. Next, you just add newly created packages to your cross-compilation toolchain:

(HM)/worktree:$ qitoolchain add-package -c ctc-21 leptonica/
(HM)/worktree:$ qitoolchain add-package -c ctc-21 tesseract/

Make sure to provide your correct configuration name for cross-compilation (ours is ctc-21). Now both leptonica and tesseract are added to your cross-compilation toolchain which you can check by running:

(HM)/worktree:$ qitoolchain info ctc-21

Also make sure to provide the name of your cross-compilation toolchain instead of ours (ctc-21).

Steps to add : 6. Build this project on your machine using cross-compilation toolchain. Make sure to add tesseract and leptonica you built on the VM to the toolchain. Make sure to set the flag TXTREC_IS_REMOTE to OFF in CMakeLists.txt 7. Transfer the to the robot and add it to autoload.ini, then restart the robot. 8. On your machine, run naoocr, provide the correct ip of the robot and see if everything is running.


The module is called by the naoocr program. For the naoocr program to run there must be a nao.config file in the same directory as the program. This file defines the default parameters for the program.

  • NAO_IP - the NAO IP address
  • NAO_PORT - the port (usually 9559)
  • NAO_MOVEMENT - example positioning program for better reading. For now, set this to FALSE.
  • INPUT_MODE - the input mode. Can be FILE or CAMERA. If FILE is specified, make sure to put the correct path in PICTURE_LOCATION
  • OUTPUT_MODE - the output mode. Can be SILENT or SPEAK. If SPEAK is set, NAO will automatically say the text using english (i.e. we don't set the TTS language of the NAO currently).
  • OCR_MODE - the OCR mode. Can be SEGMENTED or WHOLE. If SEGMENTED, the robot will read the text line by line (meaning that he will start speaking as soon as ocr processes the first line, and will continue speaking and recognizing text in parallel). Usually you get better recognition using WHOLE, but if there is a lot of text you may get a large delay before the robot actually starts to utter the text.
  • LANGUAGE - OCR language. Can be eng or hrv (It should work for other languages too, but you need to have the tesseract language package installed. Not tested though.)
  • RESULT_LOCATION - the location of the file where the result will be saved
  • PICTURE_LOCATION - the location of the input picture. Is used only if the input mode is FILE
  • DEBUG - boolean to enable debug outputs through steps
  • DEBUG_LOCATION - the location of the debug outputs

These arguments can also be directly given to the program. For more information run naoocr --help.


Optical character recogntion for NAO robots using Tesseract






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