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Note on current project organisation

Louis Maddox edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 12 revisions

Current project organisation (may be useful for others to see/compare to) is:

  • /gits/ contains git-versioned repositories
  • Time-based projects (e.g "msc" for MSc year, "benev" for internship with etc.) are stored under ~/
  • In the case of ~/benev/, there are 2 types of sub-node: development (code) and notes (documentation in and around projects, which isn't the code itself).
    • the code is symlinked to a repo under /gits/, e.g. to /gits/benev/projectnamegoeshere
    • the notes folders are related to other repos I've made in the past, so under ~/benev/ there are:
      • copermut - service that spins up Wiki with various levels of interactivity, enrichment, connectivity etc. as Wiki projects tend towards with linked data automated services: see
      • devnotes - useful for just jotting down pure plaintext notes rather than worrying about going carefully into a notes repo such as this straight away - allowing maturation and ensuring proper confidentiality etc. in sharing technical details on the fly (guarding against accidental disclosures that would otherwise make open source style programming untenable or undesirable)
      • spin - see spinneret, in general [ongoing] and ideas around literature feed services as enrichment (e.g. scholaRbots - at time of writing on hiatus due to technical breakdown)


Why not?

  • Doesn't work nicely with tmux: split into a new pane, will show /gits hidden path... workaround available
  • If not careful [i.e. without systematic avoidance] splintering of versioned services [e.g. devnotes], falling behind current

Further resources

Space for improvement

  • The movement aliases that go to things would be better done with the tool Samuel Lampa shared a while ago and I never got round to using (Go tool?)

  • Note lowercase ensuring deterministic behaviours without -i for example with tools like grep
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