Modderation 1.1.1
Applied Energistics 2 updated from rv2-beta-9 to rv2-beta-13.
Fixes #1030 Fixes crash when shift-clicking a recipe from NEI into a crafting terminal - yueh
Fixes #1024 Added zinc to the grindstone - thatsIch
Update zh_CN.lang - bakaxyf
Fixes #1015 Pattern terminal destroying a single item when not able to satisfy a NEI recipe - yueh
Fixes #1011 skip null values returned by the oredictionary - yueh
Update zh_CN.lang - bakaxyf
Fixes #861 Wireless Terminal notifies player, if it is unlinked - thatsIch
Fixes #920 Increased GUI close distance to match Vanilla MC distance - thatsIch
Fixes #743 Crash with BC plugs
Fixes #942 BC builder can build AE networks again
Update #319 Now compiled against BC 6.4.2, with that MJ is gone
BiblioCraft updated from 1.9.2 to 1.10.2.
Fixed a crash when loading resource packs in folder.
Fixed a crash when using the new Furniture Paneler on a server
Fixed a crash with blue power
Fixed a bug when shift-clicking blocks into the furniture paneler
New Block - Furniture Paneler. This block will allow you to apply the texture of any solid block to any one of the new framed BiblioCraft blocks. It functions much like a crafting table with a dedicated slot for the solid blocks and another dedicated slot for the framed BiblioCraft block. This block can be used with or without a GUI. Right click the correct square with a compatible item in hand to add that item to the table and sneak-right click an item to remove it. Sneak right-clicking the crafting result with craft that item.
New Blocks - Framed Blocks. These blocks are used with the furniture paneler to get a custom textured version. Framed versions include the Bookcase, Shelf, Potion Shelf, Tool rack, Case, Label, Clock, Painting frames, Map frame, Desk, Table, Seat, and all 5 Seat backs. They are crafted using the standard recipes only the wooden slabs are replaced by framing boards and the wooden planks are replaced by framing sheets.
New Item - Framing Saw - used to create framing sheets and boards. Combine with any wood plank in crafting grid.
New Item - Framing Sheet - used in crafting framed blocks in place of wooden planks. Combine with Framing Saw to make Framing Boards.
New Item - Framing Board - used in crafting framed blocks in place of wooden slabs.
New Item Plumb Line - Measures the depth 1 block in front of the block. Right click to measure depth through empty space and liquids. Depth message will also include the y coordinate of the bottom block.
New Feature - Clipboards can be placed on walls now. Sneak right click on a wall with the clipboard in hand to place on a wall. Right click the squares and next/prev page buttons to interact and change pages while the clipboard is on the wall. Sneak right click to pick the clipboard back up.
New feature - Attachable desks. Use the screw gun or hand drill and sneak-right click a desk, than sneak right click a desk to the left or right of that desk to connect them and get a new style desk. Can be an unlimited number of desks wide. This only works with the new framed desks.
New Feature - Borderless painting frames now have a button in the GUI to "hide frame" which will make the painting frame invisible and let the player walk through the bounding box.
New Feature - Per-block fast rendering can be enabled in the config. By default the potion shelf, label, and fancy sign have forced fast rendering enabled by default. This should make the potion shelf much more usable without having to enable fast rendering for the whole game.
Fixed a crash when connecting hoppers to map frames
Fixed sword pedestals not accepting swords from hoppers
Fixed the tape measure not removing the pole at coordinates zero.
*Fixed a duplication bug with the Dinner plates involving items with the same ID but different metadata.
Fixed a bug not allowing custom painting resource packs to be read from folders. Now your custom resource pack with custom paintings does not have to be in a .zip file.
Extra Cells 2 updated from 2.2.58b88 to 2.2.59b89.
Fixed Item removing in fluid interface
shift + left mouse click now work on the interface terminal
fixed other bugs on interface terminal
Forbidden Magic updated from 0.561 (alpha) to 0.562 (alpha).
Bugfix: Crystal Scribing Tools are craftable again
Bugfix: Enchantments are now weighted and should not cause crashes with randomly enchanted gear
Bugfix: Ball and Chain Goblins removed from Wrath Cage support due to funky rendering crashes.
Bugfix: Pech Mage and Stalker removed from Imprinted Crystal list. There's no way to handle those without serious hardcoding.
Bugfix: Botania flowers now affected by Overgrowth Seeds
Bugfix: Botania flowers now have icons in the Lexicon
Bugfix: Warp for Witchwood Wand restored
Change: Ars Magica 2 integration enabled by default because people don't read configs.
Gendustry updated from to 1.4.8.hotfix1.
Fixed crash if BC Core and/or CoFH API is present but not the respective transport API
Mariculture updated from 1.2.4f to
Add an additional number to versioning... Now: MAJOR THEME UPDATE SUBUPDATE (Optional bugfix letter)
Add various coloured pearl coloured buckethats
Surround a buckethat with 8 pearls for different effects when catching fish
Craft the hat with itself to gain the default again
All of the hats have a boost to caught alive modifier, but the default has a higher boost
Default + 10 more boost to caught alive
White Fish think it's freshwater
Green Fish think it's a jungle (freshwater, 24c)
Yellow Fish think it's brackishwater
Orange Always catch fish, never loot
Red Fish think it's the nether
Gold Try to catch loot, otherwise vanilla
Brown Fish think you are at y10
Blue Only catch male fish
Black All fish are caught dead
Pink Only catch female fish
Silver Fish think it's saltwater
Purple Every live fish, and loot item is enchanted
Add a new item to the Magic Module: Hydrophobic Initiator
Craft 4 lilypads around any pearl
When kept in your inventory, you can place blocks on top of fluids
Air Pump changes
Remove surrounding air requirement (lag reduction)
Increase internal buffer to 2000 RF
This means manually spinning will supply 5 minutes worth of air
Increase internal gas buffer to 16000mB
Right clicking air pump now instead adds RF to it's buffer
Every 300 ticks, it supplies air
Every 20 ticks if it has a redstone signal applied, it will try to suck up one surrounding gas
Every 100 ticks it will try to eject it's internal gas to neighbouring tanks (if it has a redstone signal), For if you placed a tank after you started pumping.
Air pumps use 100RF in order to supply air
Air pumps use 10RF to collect natural gas (one right click, supplies 10 buckets!)
Air pump won't animate constantly/randomly.
The Air pump will ONLY animate when:
Right clicked
Supplying air
Collecting gas
Autofishers can be placed directly on top of water, like a lilypad
Fix Resetting Fish food in the feeder: only update tank size when both male and female fish are in the tank.
Fix crash when dirt is registered to the ore dictionary
Fix books missing recipe icons
Fix titanium bucket crashing when a fluid has a null icon
Fix FLUDD Pick block, and fill it's contents with less than 20k pressurised
Fix FLUDD missing gui texture
Fix Scuba Mask not lighting up the area
Mekanism updated from (dev) to (recommended).
Remastered and downmixed audio, improved levels and created seamless looping.
NEI Addons updated from to
Fixed forestry worktable support for unstable 3.5.0
This change is backwards compatible and will work with stable releases as well
Open Computers updated from to
Added: Allow getting array with input / output for all colors for bundled redstone.
Fixed: Initial color value for cables when placed as multiparts.
Fixed: Potential NPE in robot update logic.
Fixed: Potential NPE in item cost computation.
Fixed: Potential NPE in directory listing.
Fixed: LuaJ fallback.
Fixed: Screens potentially preventing chunks to unload.
Fixed: Sound handler potentially leaking memory.
Fixed: Angel upgrade.
PlanetguyLib updated from 1.2 to 1.5.
Project E updated from PE1.3.0 to PE1.4.1.
NEW: German language file updates
NEW: Added missing EMC values for several vanilla items
FIXED: Minor EMC tweaks for items such as moss stone
FIXED: A GraphMapper issue causing some items to be free
FIXED: Null item id crash
NEW: Implemented Dark Matter Pedestal
NEW: Replaced old EMC mapper with new GraphMapper
NEW: Tooltips have been prettied up
FIXED: EntityMobRandomizer NullPointer
Remain in Motion updated from 2.3.3 to 2.5.3.
Requires PlanetguyLib 1.5 (above).
2.5.3 (wasn't announced, but was released on GitHub)
Fixed items causing client-side crash
2.5.2 (wasn't announced, but was released on GitHub)
Fixed crafting-related crash due to mistaken recipe
Added sound config properties
Allow any motion speed down to 1 tick
2.5.1 (wasn't announced, but was released on GitHub)
Added recipe for pre-directed carriage drive
FL-style microblocks that carry adjacent blocks
BC facades that carry adjacent blocks
Special handling for ChickenChunks loaders, so that carriages can stay loaded while moving
A carriage drive with its direction as a property, not by the side signals come from
Improvements to FMP carriages
Much work optimizing the process of motion
2.3.4 (wasn't announced, but was released on GitHub)
Many fixes, including all contributed by @da3dsoul up to 1 Jan 2015.
RFTools updated from 2.55 to 2.62.
Implemented blacklisting of entire mods for material and liquid dimlets. Add a line like this in the 'knowndimlets' section in dimlets.cfg: B:modban.Material.ThermalFoundation=true
Fixed blacklisting of dimlets. It was not working properly (i.e. not at all :-)
The dimlet tooltip will now show if it was blacklisted (in case a user still has one from before being blacklisted).
Added a new /rftdim createtab command that can recreate a dimension tab for a given dimension. Intended to be used in case of emergencies only.
Finally fixed the annoying shift-click inventory bug that I never could reproduce. Apparently the reason I could not reproduce it was that CoFHlib was fixing a bug in Minecraft with mergeItemStack() not respecting inventory constraints. And apparently some modpacks don't have CoFHlib or another version of CoFHlib which does not fix that bug. Now fixed by locally doing the bugfix and not depending on CoFHlib or anything else to fix it for me.
Added the Storage Cell biome from AE2 to the blacklist
Fixed most commands so they no longer depend on a player performing them so they should also work from the server console.
Made the filter biome controller somewhat safer so that it doesn't crash in some rare bordercases.
Fixed a problem when creating random empty worlds. It would crash then.
Added 'nearlands' terrain dimlet. A pun on the farlands.
The shield can now stop rain but you still have to set the 'item' filter to solid.
Bugfix in the dimension enscriber where the first dimlet would not be parsed correctly when a new dimension was constructed.
Implemented dimlet validation in the dimension enscriber. There is a new label that will be red if there is some kind of error and green otherwise. You can hover over it to see what exactly is wrong.
Volcano feature is stable enough to allow at random. When you have volcanoes in your world be careful. They make a very deep noise so you should be able to hear them.
Dimension related changes:
Fundamental change in the way that dimlets are recognized by the game. This is an important change that makes dimlets less dependend on world-specific numeric ids. Instead dimlets will be recognized by type and name. Old dimlets are automatically converted when they are used and when starting all dimensions are also automatically converted (the dimension descriptor string format has changed because it no longer contains the numeric ids of the dimlets). This does mean that once you load a world with 2.60 you cannot get back as older versions cannot read this new dimension information.
A side effect of this refactoring is that dimlets are now sorted properly in NEI.
Fixed a serious bug in single player that could cause the dimension information to be lost/corrupt if a crash happened (for whatever reason).
New Volcano Feature dimlet. This adds 'active' volcanoes to a dimension. This is an experimental feature and probably going to change a bit more. For that reason the volcano feature will not be generated randomly for now.
New Spawn Special dimlet. Adding this dimlet to a dimension will make the player respawn in that dimension (unless it doesn't have enough power). The respawn position cannot be set yet though.
New Weather dimlets. You can also inject these into existing worlds.
Fixed the Oregen Feature dimlet. It didn't do anything.
New 'respawnRfToolsDimension' configuration option which will make it so that players respawn in the rftools dimension if they die (unless the dimension is low on power).
Added various ores to dimlets.json for balancing reasons: Big Reactors, Tinkers Construct, Metallurgy, ReactorCraft, Thaumcraft, Applied Energistics, Factorization, Nether Ores, Mariculture,...
Added an option to control what happens if you try to sleep in a bed in an RFTools dimension. You can set it to do nothing (default) or explode (previous default). There is also an option to actually try to sleep. It only works partially though. The sleep sequence seems to start but the time of day actually doesn't change. However, this does set the spawn point to where the bed is (if the respawn settings for the dimension allow it) so it is useful in that respect.
Improved formatting output of the dump rarity command.
Teleportation system changes:
Added a warning on teleporting when the matter receiver is getting low on power.
Added an option to make a matter transmitter consume power when dialed and idle. Default off so that this does not change default behaviour.
New Matter Booster block. Put this block next to a matter transmitter. It will allow the transmitter to send the player to an unpowered receiver. The player will still get some damage and effects but he will not die. The matter transmitter will need a bit more power to do this.
Various changes:
The Activity Probe, Destination Analyzer and the new Matter Booster blocks are now correctly mineable with a pickaxe and will not disappear anymore.
Fixed a problem with the configuration comments being lost. This made it hard to configure rftools if you don't already know what the options do. It is recommended to delete the rftools config files after updating.
Moved the dimletsettings configuration to dimlets.cfg. If you have your own custom changes you should move them from main.cfg to dimlets.cfg.
Technomancy updated from 0.10.c to 0.10.d.
Fixes Dynamo Right-click bug
Fixes Essentia Coil bug
Refraction has been partly removed (code optimisation and reduces loading time)
Tinker's Construct updated from 1.8.2a to 1.8.3b
Fix a serverside bug in the previous fix. How meta.
Tinker's Mechworks updated from (beta) to (release).
Fixes drawbridges placing EnderStorage blocks.
Adds Block info command.
Vein Miner updated from to 0.26.1.
Make blocklimit and range commands work correctly (or at least, work better).
Add french translations.
Fix bug in version checker.
Fix title
0.25.1 (alpha)
Buggy. (alpha)
Now have Veinminer API as api annotation.
Fix connecting to a server with Veinminer without having it on the client.
This has a serious bug.
TeamCoFH Updates
CoFHCore updated from 3.0.0RC5-207 to 3.0.0RC7-211.
CoFHLib updated from 1.0.0RC5-123 to 1.0.0RC7-127.
Thermal Dynamics updated from 1.0.0RC5-94 to 1.0.0RC7-98.
Bukkit Mods
I'm running these versions on my server. The files in the Modderation server tarball are unversioned. Handy making sure the filenames are saved with the version. :)
MultiWorld 5.2.5
PermissionEx 1.22.7
PurpleIRC 2.1.14-242
WorldEdit 6.0 (when loading WE reports that it may not be for the Bukkit version we have, so this may be the wrong location to get WE; the release page says that it supports Cauldron for 1.7.10).