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build: enable npm package publication from master branch #878

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Jul 29, 2019
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# Test files

# Files from package for backward compatibility
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions build-tasks/back-compat/recommended_ruleset.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
* These rule settings are a broad, general recommendation for a good default configuration.
* This file is exported in the npm/nuget package as ./tslint.json.
module.exports = {
'rules': {
* Security Rules. The following rules should be turned on because they find security issues
* or are recommended in the Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL)
'insecure-random': true,
'no-banned-terms': true,
'no-cookies': true,
'no-delete-expression': true,
'no-disable-auto-sanitization': true,
'no-document-domain': true,
'no-document-write': true,
'no-eval': true,
'no-exec-script': true,
'no-function-constructor-with-string-args': true,
'no-http-string': [true, '*', 'http://localhost:?.*'],
'no-inner-html': true,
'no-octal-literal': true,
'no-reserved-keywords': true,
'no-string-based-set-immediate': true,
'no-string-based-set-interval': true,
'no-string-based-set-timeout': true,
'non-literal-fs-path': true,
'non-literal-require': true,
'possible-timing-attack': true,
'react-anchor-blank-noopener': true,
'react-iframe-missing-sandbox': true,
'react-no-dangerous-html': true,

* Common Bugs and Correctness. The following rules should be turned on because they find
* common bug patterns in the code or enforce type safety.
'await-promise': true,
'forin': true,
'jquery-deferred-must-complete': true,
'label-position': true,
'match-default-export-name': true,
'mocha-avoid-only': true,
'mocha-no-side-effect-code': true,
'no-any': true,
'no-arg': true,
'no-backbone-get-set-outside-model': true,
'no-bitwise': true,
'no-conditional-assignment': true,
'no-console': [true, 'debug', 'info', 'error', 'log', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'trace'],
'no-constant-condition': true,
'no-control-regex': true,
'no-debugger': true,
'no-duplicate-super': true,
'no-duplicate-switch-case': true,
'no-duplicate-variable': true,
'no-empty': true,
'no-floating-promises': true,
'no-for-in-array': true,
'no-implicit-dependencies': true,
'no-import-side-effect': true,
'no-increment-decrement': true,
'no-invalid-regexp': true,
'no-invalid-template-strings': true,
'no-invalid-this': true,
'no-jquery-raw-elements': true,
'no-misused-new': true,
'no-non-null-assertion': true,
'no-object-literal-type-assertion': true,
'no-parameter-reassignment': true,
'no-reference-import': true,
'no-regex-spaces': true,
'no-sparse-arrays': true,
'no-string-literal': true,
'no-string-throw': true,
'no-submodule-imports': true,
'no-unnecessary-bind': true,
'no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper': true,
'no-unnecessary-initializer': true,
'no-unnecessary-override': true,
'no-unsafe-any': true,
'no-unsafe-finally': true,
'no-unused-expression': true,
'no-use-before-declare': true,
'no-with-statement': true,
'promise-function-async': true,
'promise-must-complete': true,
'radix': true,
'react-this-binding-issue': true,
'react-unused-props-and-state': true,
'restrict-plus-operands': true, // the plus operand should really only be used for strings and numbers
'strict-boolean-expressions': true,
'switch-default': true,
'switch-final-break': true,
'triple-equals': [true, 'allow-null-check'],
'use-isnan': true,
'use-named-parameter': true,
'use-simple-attributes': true,

* Code Clarity. The following rules should be turned on because they make the code
* generally more clear to the reader.
'adjacent-overload-signatures': true,
'array-type': [true, 'array'],
'arrow-parens': false, // for simple functions the parens on arrow functions are not needed
'ban-comma-operator': true, // possibly controversial
'binary-expression-operand-order': true,
'callable-types': true,
'chai-prefer-contains-to-index-of': true,
'chai-vague-errors': true,
'class-name': true,
'comment-format': true,
'completed-docs': [true, 'classes'],
'export-name': true,
'file-name-casing': true,
'function-name': true,
'import-name': true,
'informative-docs': true,
'interface-name': true,
'jsdoc-format': true,
'max-classes-per-file': [true, 3], // we generally recommend making one public class per file
'max-file-line-count': true,
'max-func-body-length': [true, 100, { 'ignore-parameters-to-function-regex': '^describe$' }],
'max-line-length': [true, 140],
'member-access': true,
'member-ordering': [true, { 'order': 'fields-first' }],
'mocha-unneeded-done': true,
'new-parens': true,
'newline-per-chained-call': true,
'no-construct': true,
'no-default-export': true,
'no-duplicate-imports': true,
'no-dynamic-delete': true,
'no-empty-interface': true,
'no-for-in': true,
'no-function-expression': true,
'no-inferrable-types': false, // turn no-inferrable-types off in order to make the code consistent in its use of type decorations
'no-multiline-string': false,
'no-null-keyword': true,
'no-parameter-properties': true,
'no-redundant-jsdoc': true,
'no-relative-imports': true,
'no-require-imports': true,
'no-return-await': true,
'no-shadowed-variable': true,
'no-suspicious-comment': true,
'no-this-assignment': true,
'no-typeof-undefined': true,
'no-unnecessary-field-initialization': true,
'no-unnecessary-local-variable': true,
'no-unnecessary-qualifier': true,
'no-unnecessary-type-assertion': true,
'no-unsupported-browser-code': true,
'no-useless-files': true,
'no-var-keyword': true,
'no-var-requires': true,
'no-void-expression': true,
'number-literal-format': true,
'object-literal-sort-keys': false, // turn object-literal-sort-keys off and sort keys in a meaningful manner
'one-variable-per-declaration': true,
'only-arrow-functions': false, // there are many valid reasons to declare a function
'ordered-imports': true,
'prefer-array-literal': true,
'prefer-const': true,
'prefer-for-of': true,
'prefer-method-signature': true,
'prefer-object-spread': true,
'prefer-readonly': true,
'prefer-template': true,
'prefer-while': true,
'type-literal-delimiter': true,
'typedef': [true, 'call-signature', 'arrow-call-signature', 'parameter', 'arrow-parameter', 'property-declaration', 'variable-declaration', 'member-variable-declaration'],
'underscore-consistent-invocation': true,
'unified-signatures': true,
'use-default-type-parameter': true,
'variable-name': true,

* Accessibility. The following rules should be turned on to guarantee the best user
* experience for keyboard and screen reader users.
'react-a11y-anchors': true,
'react-a11y-aria-unsupported-elements': true,
'react-a11y-event-has-role': true,
'react-a11y-image-button-has-alt': true,
'react-a11y-img-has-alt': true,
'react-a11y-input-elements': true,
'react-a11y-lang': true,
'react-a11y-meta': true,
'react-a11y-no-onchange': true,
'react-a11y-props': true,
'react-a11y-proptypes': true,
'react-a11y-required': true,
'react-a11y-role': true,
'react-a11y-role-has-required-aria-props': true,
'react-a11y-role-supports-aria-props': true,
'react-a11y-tabindex-no-positive': true,
'react-a11y-titles': true,

* Whitespace related rules. The only recommended whitespace strategy is to pick a single format and
* be consistent.
'align': [true, 'parameters', 'arguments', 'statements'],
'curly': true,
'encoding': true,
'eofline': true,
'import-spacing': true,
'indent': [true, 'spaces'],
'linebreak-style': true,
'newline-before-return': true,
'no-consecutive-blank-lines': true,
'no-empty-line-after-opening-brace': false,
'no-irregular-whitespace': true,
'no-single-line-block-comment': true,
'no-trailing-whitespace': true,
'no-unnecessary-semicolons': true,
'object-literal-key-quotes': [true, 'as-needed'],
'one-line': [true, 'check-open-brace', 'check-catch', 'check-else', 'check-whitespace'],
'quotemark': [true, 'single'],
'semicolon': [true, 'always'],
'space-within-parens': true,
'trailing-comma': [true, { 'singleline': 'never', 'multiline': 'never' }], // forcing trailing commas for multi-line
// lists results in lists that are easier to reorder and version control diffs that are more clear.
// Many teams like to have multiline be 'always'. There is no clear consensus on this rule but the
// internal MS JavaScript coding standard does discourage it.
'typedef-whitespace': false,
'whitespace': [true, 'check-branch', 'check-decl', 'check-operator', 'check-separator', 'check-type'],

* Controversial/Configurable rules.
'ban': false, // only enable this if you have some code pattern that you want to ban
'ban-types': true,
'cyclomatic-complexity': true,
'deprecation': false, // deprecated APIs are sometimes unavoidable
'file-header': false, // enable this rule only if you are legally required to add a file header
'import-blacklist': false, // enable and configure this as you desire
'interface-over-type-literal': false, // there are plenty of reasons to prefer interfaces
'no-angle-bracket-type-assertion': false, // pick either type-cast format and use it consistently
'no-inferred-empty-object-type': false, // if the compiler is satisfied then this is probably not an issue
'no-internal-module': false, // only enable this if you are not using internal modules
'no-magic-numbers': false, // by default it will find too many false positives
'no-mergeable-namespace': false, // your project may require mergeable namespaces
'no-namespace': false, // only enable this if you are not using modules/namespaces
'no-reference': true, // in general you should use a module system and not /// reference imports
'no-unexternalized-strings': false, // the VS Code team has a specific localization process that this rule enforces
'object-literal-shorthand': false, // object-literal-shorthand offers an abbreviation not an abstraction
'prefer-conditional-expression': false, // unnecessarily strict
'prefer-switch': false, // more of a style preference
'prefer-type-cast': true, // pick either type-cast format and use it consistently
'return-undefined': false, // this actually affects the readability of the code
'space-before-function-paren': false, // turn this on if this is really your coding standard

* Deprecated rules. The following rules are deprecated for various reasons.
'missing-jsdoc': false,
'missing-optional-annotation': false, // now supported by TypeScript compiler
'no-duplicate-case': false,
'no-duplicate-parameter-names': false, // now supported by TypeScript compiler
'no-empty-interfaces': false, // use tslint no-empty-interface rule instead
'no-missing-visibility-modifiers': false, // use tslint member-access rule instead
'no-multiple-var-decl': false, // use tslint one-variable-per-declaration rule instead
'no-stateless-class': false,
'no-switch-case-fall-through': false, // now supported by TypeScript compiler
'no-unnecessary-class': true,
'no-var-self': false,
'react-tsx-curly-spacing': false,
'typeof-compare': false, // the valid-typeof rule is currently superior to this version
'valid-typeof': false,

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