3.0.0 (2020-10-27)
Bug Fixes
IgnoreCanvasScaler may be enabled unintentionally (d9f9244 )
an error happens during loading scene in editor (ab9d9aa ), closes #101
not working as expected in world simulation space (683fcb4 ), closes #98
if the package was installed via openupm, an unintended directory 'Samples' was included (1913de5 )
animatable properties not working (5b8b0bd ), closes #95
combine Instances error (878f812 ), closes #91
in rare cases, the particle size is incorrect with camera-space mode (90593ac ), closes #93
trails material uses sprite texture (9e65ee7 ), closes #92
ignore missing object on initialize (8bd9b62 )
not masked (4ef5947 )
in Unity 2018.2, PrefabStageUtility is not found (0b6dcff )
removed UIParticle will be saved in prefab mode (08e2d51 )
hide camera for baking (30b4703 )
In ignore canvas scaler mode, Transform.localScale is zero (cc71f2b ), closes #89
In prefab mode, an error occurs (a222f37 ), closes #88
the default value of IgnoreCanvasScaler is true (966fae1 )
build fails (ac080a4 ), closes #85
if in the mask, rendering material will be destroyed (0db40cf )
baking camera settings for camera space (436c5e4 )
fix local simulation (7add9de )
fix camera for baking mesh (6395a4f )
The type or namespace name 'U2D' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.Experimental' in Unity 2019.3 or later (930199e ), closes #82
texture sheet animation module Sprite mode not working (30d1d5d ), closes #79
An exception in the OnSceneGUI caused the scale of the transformation to change unintentionally (75413e0 )
read-only properties in the inspector (f012b23 )
Added CanvasRenderer as a required component (a8950f6 )
If sprite is null, a null exception is thrown (50c6e98 )
fix displayed version in readme (c29bbdd )
abnormal Mesh Bounds with Particle Trails (518a749 ), closes #61
multiple UIParticleOverlayCamera in scene (3f09395 ), closes #73
add package keywords (49d8f3f )
particles not visible if scale.z is 0 (35718e0 ), closes #64
remove unnecessary scripts (0a43740 )
workaround for #70 (4bbcc33 )
change the text in the inspector to make it more understandable. (7ca0b6f ), closes #66
editor crashes when mesh is set to null when ParticleSystem.RenderMode=Mesh (e5ebadd ), closes #69
getting massive errors on editor (ef82fa8 ), closes #67
heavy editor UI (d3b470a )
remove a menu to add overlay camera (f5d3b6e )
rotating the particle rect may cause out of bounds (3439842 ), closes #55
scale will be decrease on editor (0c59846 )
UI darker than normal when change to linear color space (db4d8a7 ), closes #57
cache modified material (6b397f3 ), closes #94
improve the material batching (4be5666 )
un-limit on the number of mesh instances (f133881 )
refresh children ParticleSystem with a gameObjects as root (8bae1d0 )
add API to bind ParticleSystem object (a77bbd3 )
material batching (8f703e6 )
support AnimatableProperty for multiple materials (062d988 )
remove menu in inspector (e7f8f51 )
add menu to create UIParticle (2fa1843 )
add play/pause/stop api (f09a386 )
support for changing rendering orders (745d4a5 )
Support for child ParticleSystem rendering (4ee90be )
UIParticle for trail is no longer needed (466e43c )
add menu to create UIParticle (14f1c78 )
Combine baked meshes to improve performance (633d058 )
improve performance (77c056a )
optimization for vertices transforms and adding node for trails (e070e8d ), closes #75
option to ignoring canvas scaling (fe85fed )
support 3d scaling (42a84bc )
support custom simulation space (a83e647 ), closes #78
support for particle systems including trail only (f389d39 ), closes #61
add support for SpriteAtlas (b31e325 )
add menu to import sample (b8b1827 )
The development branch name has been changed. Most cases are unaffected.
The child UIParticle is no longer needed.
The bake-task has changed significantly. It may look different from previous versions.
update develop environment to Unity 2018.3. Unity 2018.2 will continue to be supported.
You can’t perform that action at this time.