This version requires to run migrations (php artisan migrate
This is a significant release.
- We have added a much requested feature: custom genders. By default, all accounts now have three default genders in their account (male, female, other). But users can now decide, per account, to remove one of these genders, or to add new ones.
- The edition of contact has gotten a nice visual and UX upgrade.
- Finally, thanks to @asbiin, a lot of energy has been spent to offer a cleaner Docker image, that should take less space and be more efficient. We've also added a lot of unit tests and started to add functional testing as well with Laravel Dusk.
- Add custom genders for contacts (#879 - thanks to djaiss).
- Add ability to search contacts through the API. (#895 - thanks to djaiss).
- Add default avatar color in the API. (#896 - thanks to djaiss).
- Update the Edit contact screen (#890 - thanks to djaiss).
- Remove import contact function from Personalization screen. (#891 - thanks to djaiss).
- Build assets on travis and deploy them on bintray. In a future version, compiled assets (JS and CSS) will be completely removed for the Git repository. (#884 - thanks to asbiin).