Releases: monicahq/monica
Releases · monicahq/monica
5.0.0-beta.4 (2024-05-03)
Bug Fixes
- fix calendar toggle in vault setting (#7066) (45c9f18)
- fix company not moving when moving a contact (#7202) (37da37f)
- fix privacy policy and terms of service display (#7224) (91c1773)
- fix typo in fr.json (#7203) (6268c0f)
- fix webauthn login (#7222) (c8cc301)
- misc bugfixes to reminders (#6931) (9c86c4d)
- skip contactreminders for deleted contacts (#7223) (7f932bd)
- storage_limit can be unlimited (#6989) (a75643a)
- add more vcard exports (#6997) (84d6a3f)
- add notice to support markdown on notes (#7011) (97f11b1)
- calls: allow DatePicker to display only past and today's dates (#7100) (c099c93)
- order currencies by code (#7009) (43ce1d2)
- remove twitter socialite provider (#7099) (89b9f65)
- show notes as multi-line instead of single line (#6995) (5709fbd)
- show reminders in chronological order (#7185) (1422407)
4.1.0 (2024-05-02)
- add a name order with the last name outside of brackets (#6286) (0a9112e)
- add filter to journal (#6758) (6ec0735)
- add LDAP import command to artisan (#6164) (15d7b0e)
- add the number of contacts not tagged (#6761) (3ecf57b)
- added sendmail-env for custom-sendmail-command (#6642) (0dfbc17)
- allow disabling smtp server cert verification (#6608) (7f72437)
- allow to edit tags in settings (#6760) (bdffa9b)
- edit Option For Daily Journal (#6759) (e4a41d8)
- update dependencies, use php 8.2 and fix webauthn (#7251) (b215690)
Bug Fixes
- bug 2fa redirect to unallowed method (#6703) (91cf915)
- config: cast redis port into int (#7067) (deaecec)
- fix contact tags count (#6994) (0f636e4)
- fix default timezone can't be empty (#6992) (3c9638d)
- fix incorrect connection between date label and input (#6928) (3a0b189)
- migration 2017_01_28_222114_remove_viewed_at_from_contacts (#6963) (ff22463)
- render markdown in notes on the dashboard (#6576) (4612bb1)
- selected sort not updated first time selected (#6709) (a24704d)
- settings: appending the me-contact only if it is not null (#6728) (3799ab5)
5.0.0-beta.3 (2023-10-29)
Bug Fixes
- add doctrine/dbal (#6817) (67a3acf)
- correct ordering of contacts based on preferred displaying of names (#6962) (a46e92b)
- default template cant be deleted (#6911) (eef206d)
- fix Dockerfile (#6966) (452f59f)
- fix locale in DatePicker (#6958) (e6157e7)
- fix quick facts not being able to be saved (#6912) (b6b78e5)
- fix sync_tokens id table change (#6801) (60bdd08)
- fix syntax error (#6957) (1b351e4)
- fix uploadcare (#6942) (e9c4f9d)
- add logs for addressbook subscriptions (#6841) (094916d)
- add monica:getversion command (#6965) (cd1b699)
- add more vcard exports (#6878) (457081c)
- add webauthn cookie when registering a new key (#6952) (142de32)
- download one contact as vcard (#6747) (dd27398)
- implement DAV client subscriptions (#6751) (2286e79)
- implement Dav for groups (#6799) (b9783c6)
- update langs and monica:localize command. Add 3 new languages. (#6917) (2fe7abc)
5.0.0-beta.2 (2023-07-08)
Bug Fixes
- fix AddPostToSliceOfLife (#6681) (7c45d0d)
- fix address image show (#6672) (ec3a44d)
- fix addresses report list (#6725) (9c86677)
- fix basic auth with token (#6673) (fab6c32)
- fix call reasons (#6686) (ba06e85)
- fix contact selector (#6680) (05c1333)
- fix empty useForm() (#6671) (06851c9)
- fix help links (#6727) (63574d1)
- fix important date form (#6722) (46f4713)
- fix ModuleFamilySummaryViewHelper (#6682) (7e77bea)
- fix sentry integration and some slight errors (#6651) (d94c4ec)
- fix setting a locale (#6721) (ddcb6e2)
- fix some vue errors (#6685) (00548f8)
- fix useForm (#6724) (d356688)
- fix vue errors (#6707) (c69297f)
- fix vue refs targets (#6675) (133e426)
- fix vue refs targets (again) (#6676) (7b8997c)
5.0.0-beta.1 (2023-06-10)
First pre-release of chandler.
Bug Fixes
- bug fix on loan (monicahq/chandler#85) (bfe5ebe)
- fix
collection macro return keys (monicahq/chandler#556) (c3605ba) - fix address pivot (monicahq/chandler#419) (59924a2)
- fix app_version warnings (monicahq/chandler#411) (b9e32e9)
- fix avatar not showing on reminder list (monicahq/chandler#229) (3d9cc3b)
- fix avatar not uploaded in tabs (5c98f0c)
- fix avatars here and there (monicahq/chandler#180) (438782f)
- fix batch of reminders (monicahq/chandler#402) (a23da58)
- fix batch of scheduled reminders (monicahq/chandler#401) (6a0d603)
- fix cities blank state (monicahq/chandler#473) (9d2d103)
- fix contact being clickable when choosing a contact (monicahq/chandler#398) (79f8b9c), closes monicahq/chandler#395
- fix contact information without a protocol (monicahq/chandler#347) (e53b7ac)
- fix contacts not being displayed (monicahq/chandler#470) (f7e8101)
- fix cron again (monicahq/chandler#403) (50c98da)
- fix dates not being saved (monicahq/chandler#76) (5df1726)
- fix destroy file (monicahq/chandler#488) (5234096)
- fix documentation links (monicahq/chandler#264) (2850688)
- fix due tasks not being displayed on dashboard (monicahq/chandler#351) (ac1a724)
- fix edit reminder (monicahq/chandler#152) (0759d58)
- fix emojis on windows (monicahq/chandler#483) (b8b5950)
- fix empty div showing when no tasks on dashboard (monicahq/chandler#379) (4752f68)
- fix errors handle (monicahq/chandler#487) (8e2d5f8)
- fix family summary (monicahq/chandler#265) (478d574)
- fix favicon url (monicahq/chandler#247) (7230c5d)
- fix flash emit (monicahq/chandler#389) (03f332c)
- fix french translation (monicahq/chandler#524) (a7e2302)
- fix generating api doc (monicahq/chandler#360) (2e11c10)
- fix i18n for contact selector (monicahq/chandler#489) (2324f87)
- fix i18n plural forms (monicahq/chandler#486) (721abb9)
- fix important date type cant be null (monicahq/chandler#397) (6e9362f), closes monicahq/chandler#377
- fix inconsistency in wording (monicahq/chandler#485) (24786cd)
- fix life event modal not reset upon save (monicahq/chandler#510) (c791202)
- fix meilisearch indexes import (monicahq/chandler#378) (55b4bbb)
- fix memcache fortrabbit integration (monicahq/chandler#372) (8bcd595)
- fix mixin added for testing (monicahq/chandler#355) (bc6b273)
- fix months discrimination (monicahq/chandler#560) (1c8e84e)
- fix notifications looping when processing the batch (monicahq/chandler#392) (dd6d45f), closes monicahq/chandler#390 monicahq/chandler#391
- fix password saving at registration (monicahq/chandler#306) (88e5502)
- fix reminders (monicahq/chandler#154) (9227a1a)
- fix reminders one more time (monicahq/chandler#405) (bf4a138)
- fix scout config for groups (monicahq/chandler#374) (070503e)
- fix scribe generate (monicahq/chandler#310) (df63469)
- fix scribe generate on docker image (monicahq/chandler#309) (74ccb06)
- fix search with scout database (monicahq/chandler#223) (62978fa)
- fix setup and dummy in case meilisearch not activated (monicahq/chandler#185) (6a85bca)
- fix signup form not working (monicahq/chandler#221) (d291bbe)
- fix socialite integration (monicahq/chandler#554) (2fddbe1)
- fix suffix label ([monicahq/chandler#394](
4.0.0 (2023-01-30)
- add DB_TESTING_PORT in database config (#6201) (fefa799)
- add disallow in robots.txt (#6268) (be2e280)
- add name to user resource (#6174) (8465803)
- check male translation and fall back to generic (#6039) (4ba9062)
- drop php 7.4 support (#6246) (84d0232)
- focus tags input box (#6392) (2d75053)
- load more activities (#5973) (117fe19)
- switch to php 8.1+ dependency (#6250) (6a7f49f)
Bug Fixes
- allow configuring port for test database (#6236) (aeffb71), closes #6200
- allow empty completed_at task date (#6025) (d4504e3)
- change APP_TRUST_PROXIES to APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES (#6095) (5f63bed)
- Continuously pressing enter shows empty tags (#6314) (2386096), closes #6235
- fix avatar not being loaded on dashboard (#6224) (7c8105c)
- fix blurry modals from sweet-modal-vue (#6026) (4cc1d8f)
- fix Journal sidebar width on mobile (#6027) (d690bf6)
- fix laravel cloudflare proxy (#6264) (d0b50fe)
- life event creation with unknown month/day (#6046) (d81123b)
- only include real contacts in carddav sync (#6014) (626f078)
- php8.1: deprecated trim with null value (#6374) (b4c1c03)
- skip version check if current version is empty (#6137) (4e1e4ee)
- typo in french translation of nephew (#6074) (ad11e01)
- vcard bday export format with unknown year (#6087) (f0db671)