released this
09 Dec 14:46
77 commits
to main
since this release
- Icons: Added new icons 'TruckPercent' and 'ShieldCheckmark' 🎉. (#3416)
- ActionMenu: Added 'align'-prop to 'ActionMenu.Content'. This allows menu to 'start' or 'end' align in reference to anchor. (#3414)
- ReadMore: Added size 'large'. (#3372)
- DatePicker/MonthPicker: Remove pointerEvents=none on CalendarIcon so that the title shows up as tooltip on hover (#3390)
- Combobox: Single-select now shows cursor closer to selected item. (#3384)
- ReadMore: Added size 'large'. (#3372)
- Select: Now shows focus-outline when ':focus' is set trough pointer or label in all browsers. Chrome and Firefox handles :focus-visible differently for 'select', previously causing outline-border not to show in Firefox. (#3415)
- Modal: Don't add scroll shadow when polyfilled (#3408)
- Modal: Now shows up while screensharing with Vergic (#3407)
- FileUpload: Remove browser styling from FileUpload.Item when used in list. (#3413)
Combobox: Single-select now shows cursor closer to selected item. (#3384)