20230324 1435 General Release - DON'T USE - FIXING A BUG
28 commits
to master
since this release
The primary reason for this release is to Address Issue #158. A few other issues are also addressed.
See the release notes in the Manual.
Normal builds. These must be flashed with the STLink-V1 / SWIM interface.
- NetworkModule-Browser.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT.sx
Upgradeable builds. To use Upgradeable builds you must add an I2C EEPROM. See the Manual for instructions. Once installed future releases can be installed over Ethernet. ALWAYS install the new CodeUploader, then the Strings file, then the UPG code load, in that order.
- NetworkModule-CodeUploader.sx
- NetworkModule-Strings.sx
- NetworkModule-Browser-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-UPG.sx
- NetworkModule-MQTT-UPG-BME280.sx
Code changes:
- Addressed Issue #138 "Consider parsing URL commands as a string instead of digits"
- Addressed Issue #147 "Question for team: How to handle the MQTT state-req message with PCF8574"
- Addressed Issue #156 "URL command /82 is not returning a valid webpage"
- Addressed Issue #157 "When changing code load types the Configuration settings need to be checked for compatibility"
- Addressed Issue #158 "BME280 build - all pins are outputs even if defined as an input"
Document changes:
- Added section “Developers: URL Command Map”
- Updated section “Notes on MQTT” to include the new state_req24 command for PCF8574 hardware configurations per Issue #147.
- Improved the "Selecting Alternative Pinouts" section.
- Added Issue #148 to the 20230312 release notes. It was addressed in that release but the notation was not included. #148 "When ST-LINK V2 is used to program the device it starts running before reset is released"
- Addressed Issue #160 “PCF8574 startup: All outputs are "weak pullup" for several seconds at power on or reboot” by adding section “Notes on PCF8574 Outputs”.
- Added section “LED” to describe the red LED on the HW-584.