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Update conv docs and tests per interpreter guideline (#2239)
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This is part 3 of #1964 to implement the remaining parts of #1314.

One notable change in TypeInference.cpp is (C27), whose verification
differs whether element type is quantized.

We have the following constraints in the spec (excluding
quantization-related constraints C28-C33):

(I1) `lhs` tensor.
(I2) `rhs` tensor.
(I3) `window_strides` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I4) `padding` 2-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I5) `lhs_dilation` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I6) `rhs_dilation` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I7) `window_reversal` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `i1`.
(I8) `input_batch_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I9) `input_feature_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I10) `input_spatial_dimensions` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I11) `kernel_input_feature_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I12) `kernel_output_feature_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I13) `kernel_spatial_dimensions` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I14) `output_batch_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I15) `output_feature_dimension` constant of type `si64`.
(I16) `output_spatial_dimensions` 1-dimensional tensor constant of type `si64`.
(I17) `feature_group_count` constant of type `si64`.
(I18) `batch_group_count` constant of type `si64`.
(I19) `precision_config` variadic number of enums of `DEFAULT`, `HIGH`, and `HIGHEST`.
(C1) `N = rank(lhs) = rank(rhs)`.
(C2) `size(window_strides) = N - 2`.
(C3) `0 < window_strides`.
(C4) `shape(padding) = [N - 2, 2]`.
(C5) `size(lhs_dilation) = N - 2`.
(C6) `0 < lhs_dilation`.
(C7) `size(rhs_dilation) = N - 2`.
(C8) `0 < rhs_dilation`.
(C9) `size(window_reversal) = N - 2`.
(C10) `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) % batch_group_count = 0`.
(C11) `dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count = 0`.
(C12) `size(input_spatial_dimensions) = N - 2`.
(C13) Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
     input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
* `is_unique(input_dimensions)`.
* `0 <= input_dimensions < N`.
(C14) `dim(rhs, kernel_input_feature_dimension = dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) / feature_group_count`.
(C15) `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % batch_group_count = 0`.
(C16) `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count = 0`.
(C17) `size(kernel_spatial_dimensions) = N - 2`.
(C18) Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
      [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
* `is_unique(kernel_dimensions)`.
* `0 <= kernel_dimensions < N`.
(C19) `size(output_spatial_dimensions) = N - 2`.
(C20) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
      output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
* `is_unique(output_dimensions)`.
* `0 <= output_dimensions < N`.
(C21) `0 < feature_group_count`.
(C22) `0 < batch_group_count`.
(C23) `feature_group_count = 1 or batch_group_count = 1`.
(C24) `size(precision_config) = 2`.
(C25) `dim(result, result_dim)` is defined as:
* `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) / batch_group_count` if `result_dim = output_batch_dimension`.
* `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension)` if `result_dim = output_feature_dimension`.
* `num_windows` otherwise, where:
  * `output_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim] = result_dim`.
  * `lhs_dim = input_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
  * `rhs_dim = kernel_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
  * `dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(lhs, lhs_dim) = 0 ? 0 : (dim(lhs, lhs_dim) - 1) * lhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
  * `padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] = padding[spatial_dim, 0] + dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] + padding[spatial_dim, 1]`.
  * `dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(rhs, rhs_dim) = 0 ? 0 : (dim(rhs, rhs_dim) - 1) * rhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
  * `is_empty_window[lhs_dim] = padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] = 0 || dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] > padded_input_shape[lhs_dim]`.
  * `num_windows = is_empty_window[lhs_dim] ? 0 : floor((padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] - dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim]) / window_strides[spatial_dim]) + 1`.
(C26) `rank(result) = N`.
(C27) `element_type(lhs) = element_type(rhs) = element_type(result)`.

These constraints will be comprehensively covered by the following

I1: a) `lhs` tensor. (Covered by ODS).
I2: a) `rhs` tensor. (Covered by ODS).
I3: a) `window_strides` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
    b) element_type(`window_strides`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I4: a) `padding` is not a 2-dimensional tensor.
    b) element_type(`padding`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I5: a) `lhs_dilation` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
    b)  element_type(`lhs_dilation`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I6: a) `rhs_dilation` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
    b) element_type(`rhs_dilation`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I7: a) `window_reversal` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
    b) element_type(`window_reversal`) != `i1`. (Covered by ODS).
I8: a) element_type(`input_batch_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I9: a) element_type(`input_feature_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I10: a) `input_spatial_dimensions` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
     b) element_type(`input_spatial_dimensions`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I11: a) element_type(`kernel_input_feature_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I12: a) element_type(`kernel_output_feature_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I13: a) `kernel_spatial_dimensions` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
     b) element_type(`kernel_spatial_dimensions`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I14: a) element_type(`output_batch_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I15: a) element_type(`output_feature_dimension`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I16: a) `output_spatial_dimensions` is not a 1-dimensional tensor. (Covered by ODS).
     b) element_type(`output_spatial_dimensions`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I17: a) element_type(`feature_group_count`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I18: a) element_type(`batch_group_count`) != `si64`. (Covered by ODS).
I19: a) `precision_config` does not have variadic number of enums of `DEFAULT`, `HIGH`, and `HIGHEST`. (Covered by ODS).
C1: a) N = rank(`lhs`) != rank(`rhs`).
C2: a) size(`window_strides`) != N - 2.
C3: a) `window_strides[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`window_strides`)).
C4: a) dim(`padding`, 0) != N - 2.
    b) dim(`padding`, 1) != 2.
C5: a) size(`lhs_dilation`) != N - 2.
C6: a) `lhs_dilation[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`lhs_dilation`)).
C7: a) size(`rhs_dilation`) != N - 2.
C8: a) `rhs_dilation[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`rhs_dilation`)).
C9: a) size(`window_reversal`) != N - 2.
C10: a) `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) % batch_group_count != 0`.
C11: a) `dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count != 0`.
C12: a) size(`input_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C13: a) Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
     input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
     * Any dimensions in `input_dimensions` are not unique.
     b) Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
     input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `input_dimensions`, i < 0.
     c) Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
     input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `input_dimensions`, i >= N.
C14: a) `dim(rhs, kernel_input_feature_dimension != dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) / feature_group_count`.
C15: a) `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % batch_group_count != 0`.
C16: a) `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count != 0`.
C17: a) size(`kernel_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C18: a) Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
     [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
     * Any dimensions in `kernel_dimensions` are not unique.
     b) Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
     [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in$ `kernel_dimensions`, i < 0.
     c) Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
     [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `kernel_dimensions`, i >= N.
C19: a) size(`output_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C20: a) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * Any dimensions in `output_dimensions` are not unique.
     b) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `output_dimensions`, i < 0.
     c) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `output_dimensions`, i >= N.
C21: a) `feature_group_count <= 0`.
C22: a) `batch_group_count <= 0`.
C23: a) `feature_group_count` != 1 and `batch_group_count` != 1.
C24: a) size(`precision_config`) != 2.
C25: a) For result_dim in [0, N):
        `dim(result, result_dim)` != `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) / batch_group_count`, if `result_dim = output_batch_dimension`.
     b) For result_dim in [0, N):
        `dim(result, result_dim)` != `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension)`, if `result_dim = output_feature_dimension`.
     c) For result_dim in [0, N):
        `dim(result, result_dim)` != `num_windows` otherwise, where:
       * `output_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim] = result_dim`.
       * `lhs_dim = input_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
       * `rhs_dim = kernel_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
       * `dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(lhs, lhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(lhs, lhs_dim) - 1) * lhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
       * `padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] = padding[spatial_dim, 0] + dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] + padding[spatial_dim, 1]`.
       * `dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(rhs, rhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(rhs, rhs_dim) - 1) * rhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
       * `num_windows = (padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] == 0 || dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] > padded_input_shape[lhs_dim]) ? 0 : floor((padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] - dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim]) / window_strides[spatial_dim]) + 1`.
C26: a) rank(result) != N.
C27: a) element_type(`lhs`) != element_type(`rhs`).

If we drop the "Covered by ODS" pieces, this will leave us with the
following test cases:

I4a: `padding` is not a 2-dimensional tensor.
C1a: rank(`lhs`) != rank(`rhs`) != N.
C2a: size(`window_strides`) != N - 2.
C3a: `window_strides[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`window_strides`)).
C4a: dim(`padding`, 0) != N - 2.
C4b: dim(`padding`, 1) != 2.
C5a: size(`lhs_dilation`) != N - 2.
C6a: `lhs_dilation[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`lhs_dilation`)).
C7a: size(`rhs_dilation`) != N - 2.
C8a: `rhs_dilation[i]` <= 0 for any i in [0, size(`rhs_dilation`)).
C9a: size(`window_reversal`) != N - 2.
C10a: `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) % batch_group_count != 0`.
C11a: `dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count != 0`.
C12a: size(`input_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C13a: Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
      input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
      * Any dimensions in `input_dimensions` are not unique.
C13b: Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
      input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
      * For any i in `input_dimensions`, i < 0.
C13c: Given `input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] +
      input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]`:
      * For any i in `input_dimensions`, i >= N.
C14a: `dim(rhs, kernel_input_feature_dimension != dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) / feature_group_count`.
C15a: `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % batch_group_count != 0`.
C16a: `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count != 0`.
C17a: size(`kernel_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C18a: Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
      [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
      * Any dimensions in `kernel_dimensions` are not unique.
C18b: Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
      [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
      * For any i in$ `kernel_dimensions`, i < 0.
C18c: Given `kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions +
      [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension]`:
      * For any i in `kernel_dimensions`, i >= N.
C19a: size(`output_spatial_dimensions`) != N - 2.
C20a: Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * Any dimensions in `output_dimensions` are not unique.
     b) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `output_dimensions`, i < 0.
     c) Given `output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] +
     output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]`:
     * For any i in `output_dimensions`, i >= N.
C21a: `feature_group_count <= 0`.
C22a: `batch_group_count <= 0`.
C23a: `feature_group_count` != 1 and `batch_group_count` != 1.
C24a: size(`precision_config`) != 2.
C25a: For result_dim in [0, N):
      `dim(result, result_dim)` != `dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) / batch_group_count`, if `result_dim = output_batch_dimension`.
C25b: For result_dim in [0, N):
      `dim(result, result_dim)` != `dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension)`, if `result_dim = output_feature_dimension`.
C25c: For result_dim in [0, N):
      `dim(result, result_dim)` != `num_windows` otherwise, where:
        * `output_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim] = result_dim`.
        * `lhs_dim = input_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
        * `rhs_dim = kernel_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim]`.
        * `dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(lhs, lhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(lhs, lhs_dim) - 1) * lhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
        * `padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] = padding[spatial_dim, 0] + dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] + padding[spatial_dim, 1]`.
        * `dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(rhs, rhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(rhs, rhs_dim) - 1) * rhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1`.
        * `num_windows = (padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] == 0 || dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] > padded_input_shape[lhs_dim]) ? 0 : floor((padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] - dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim]) / window_strides[spatial_dim]) + 1`.
C26a: rank(result) != N.
C27a: element_type(`lhs`) != element_type(`rhs`).

* (new C24) is left untouched as there are still pending action item
regarding the number of precision config values allowed in #879.

closes #2092
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ghpvnist authored Apr 23, 2024
1 parent ace3f39 commit 51ec8d1
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Showing 5 changed files with 773 additions and 603 deletions.
36 changes: 22 additions & 14 deletions stablehlo/dialect/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2216,24 +2216,32 @@ def StableHLO_ConvolutionOp : StableHLO_Op<"convolution",

%result = "stablehlo.convolution"(%lhs, %rhs) {
window_strides = array<i64: 4, 4>,
padding = dense<0> : tensor<2x2xi64>,
lhs_dilation = array<i64: 2, 2>,
rhs_dilation = array<i64: 1, 1>,
window_reversal = array<i1: false, false>,
dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.conv<[b, 0, 1, f]x[0, 1, i, o]->[b, 0, 1, f]>,
feature_group_count = 1 : i64,
batch_group_count = 1 : i64,
precision_config = [#stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>, #stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>]
} : (tensor<1x4x4x1xi32>, tensor<3x3x1x1xi32>) -> tensor<1x2x2x1xi32>
%result = stablehlo.convolution(%lhs, %rhs)
dim_numbers = [b, 0, 1, f]x[0, 1, i, o]->[b, 0, 1, f],
window = {
stride = [4, 4],
pad = [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
lhs_dilate = [2, 2],
rhs_dilate = [1, 1],
reverse = [0, 0]
} {
feature_group_count = 1 : i64,
batch_group_count = 1 : i64,
precision_config = [#stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>, #stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>]
} :
(tensor<1x4x4x1xi64>, tensor<3x3x1x1xi64>) -> tensor<1x2x2x1xi64>
let arguments = !con(
HLO_Tensor:$lhs, /*convolution_i1*/
HLO_TensorOrPerAxisQuantizedTensor:$rhs), /*convolution_i2*/
StableHLO_ConvolutionAttributes.attributes /*convolution_i3, convolution_i4,
convolution_i5, convolution_i6, convolution_i7, convolution_i8,
convolution_i9, convolution_i10, convolution_i11, convolution_i12,
convolution_i13, convolution_i14, convolution_i15, convolution_i16,
convolution_i17, convolution_i18, convolution_i19*/

let results = (outs HLO_TensorOrPerAxisQuantizedTensor);
let hasVerifier = 1;
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