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Polkadot v0.8.28

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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Feb 12:03

Upgrade priority: Low (upgrade at your convenience)

This release includes a breaking change to the database schema - Once you have upgraded to v0.8.28, you will not be able to revert to v0.8.27 without re-syncing your database.

This release contains changes for new session keys. There have been changes to the Parachain Id key (which is slashable) to account for parachains, as well as a new 6th key, approval keys, which are non-slashable. Validators will need to rotate their keys to generate a new set in order to validate on parachains.
If they do not rotate keys, old keys will still work for Polkadot/Kusama block production / finalization, but validators will not be able to validate on parachains and will miss out on a substantial amount of rewards.
Validators will need to rotate their keys after the runtime upgrade for the corresponding network has been enacted, and their node needs to be synced past the block which this enactment has occurred.

  • The corresponding v2028 runtime upgrade for Kusama is tentatively planned for Feb 8th.
  • The corresponding v28 runtime upgrade for Polkadot is tentatively planned for between Feb 15 - Feb 19.
  • The corresponding v48 runtime upgrade for Westend has already been enacted.

Native runtimes:

  • Polkadot: 28
  • Kusama: 2028
  • Westend: 48

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29)
  • rustc 1.51.0-nightly (a62a76047 2021-01-13)

WASM runtimes built with srtool using rustc 1.49.0-nightly (fd542592f 2020-10-26).

Proposal hashes:

  • polkadot_runtime-v28.compact.wasm - 0x8e2a831f00c994558f75a7a4ef1d71d173a87365079280952ec2a4b56a36275b
  • kusama_runtime-v2028.compact.wasm - 0x1f1a0bf14374230c20cb5e9333b0fa807ec969aceb3c5f0d5488f1f94b9b7358


  • Switch to Wasmtime for parachain execution (#2265)
  • repair Dockerfile /data path (#2231)
  • CI: add rococo build and conteinerization (#2217)



Extrinsics changes details


Note: The calls removed from Treasury have been split into their own Bounties and Tips module - see paritytech/substrate#7536 for more information.

[Spec] version: 27 -> 28
[Metadata] version: 12
 [Modules] num: 28 -> 30
           [+] modules: Bounties, Tips
                [System] idx: 0 (calls: 10 -> 9, storage: 16)
                         [-] calls: suicide
                         [+] storage: upgradedToDualRefCount
                         [-] storage: extrinsicsRoot
                  [Babe] idx: 2 (calls: 2, storage: 12 -> 13)
                         [+] storage: nextAuthorities
               [Staking] idx: 7 (calls: 24 -> 25, storage: 35)
                         [+] calls: kick
     [ElectionsPhragmen] idx: 17 (calls: 6, storage: 5)
                         [+] calls: cleanDefunctVoters
                         [-] calls: reportDefunctVoter
                     [submitCandidacy] idx: 3 -> 2 (args: 1)
                   [renounceCandidacy] idx: 4 -> 3 (args: 1)
                        [removeMember] idx: 5 -> 4 (args: 2)
                                       (LookupSource, bool)
                             [members] type: Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)> -> Vec<SeatHolder>
                           [runnersUp] type: Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)> -> Vec<SeatHolder>
                              [voting] value: (BalanceOf,Vec<AccountId>) -> Voter
                          [candidates] type: Vec<AccountId> -> Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)>
              [Treasury] idx: 19 (calls: 17 -> 3, storage: 9 -> 3)
                         [-] calls: reportAwesome, retractTip, tipNew, tip, closeTip
                             proposeBounty, approveBounty, proposeCurator, unassignCurator, acceptCurator
                             awardBounty, claimBounty, closeBounty, extendBountyExpiry
                         [-] storage: tips, reasons, bountyCount, bounties, bountyDescriptions


Note: The calls removed from Treasury have been split into their own Bounties and Tips module - see paritytech/substrate#7536 for more information.

[Spec] version: 2027 -> 2028
[Metadata] version: 12
 [Modules] num: 30 -> 32
           [+] modules: Bounties, Tips
                [System] idx: 0 (calls: 10 -> 9, storage: 16)
                         [-] calls: suicide
                         [+] storage: upgradedToDualRefCount
                         [-] storage: extrinsicsRoot
                  [Babe] idx: 1 (calls: 2, storage: 12 -> 13)
                         [+] storage: nextAuthorities
               [Staking] idx: 6 (calls: 24 -> 25, storage: 35)
                         [+] calls: kick
     [ElectionsPhragmen] idx: 16 (calls: 6, storage: 5)
                         [+] calls: cleanDefunctVoters
                         [-] calls: reportDefunctVoter
                     [submitCandidacy] idx: 3 -> 2 (args: 1)
                   [renounceCandidacy] idx: 4 -> 3 (args: 1)
                        [removeMember] idx: 5 -> 4 (args: 2)
                                       (LookupSource, bool)
                             [members] type: Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)> -> Vec<SeatHolder>
                           [runnersUp] type: Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)> -> Vec<SeatHolder>
                              [voting] value: (BalanceOf,Vec<AccountId>) -> Voter
                          [candidates] type: Vec<AccountId> -> Vec<(AccountId,BalanceOf)>
   [TechnicalMembership] idx: 17 (calls: 7, storage: 2)
              [Treasury] idx: 18 (calls: 17 -> 3, storage: 9 -> 3)
                         [-] calls: reportAwesome, retractTip, tipNew, tip, closeTip
                             proposeBounty, approveBounty, proposeCurator, unassignCurator, acceptCurator
                             awardBounty, claimBounty, closeBounty, extendBountyExpiry
                         [-] storage: tips, reasons, bountyCount, bounties, bountyDescriptions