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andreaslyn committed May 19, 2021
1 parent 65ed8c8 commit c166541
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Showing 4 changed files with 95 additions and 82 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contrib/HoTTBookExercises.v
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Expand Up @@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ End Book_7_1.
(** Exercise 7.9 *)

(** Solution for the case (oo,-1). *)
Definition Book_7_9_oo_neg1 `{Univalence} (AC_oo_neg1 : forall X : HSet, IsPureChoosable X) (A : Type)
Definition Book_7_9_oo_neg1 `{Univalence} (AC_oo_neg1 : forall X : HSet, HasChoice X) (A : Type)
: merely (exists X : HSet, exists p : X -> A, IsSurjection p)
:= @HoTT.Projective.projective_cover_AC AC_oo_neg1 _ A.

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47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions theories/Colimits/Quotient/Choice.v
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Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ Require Import

(** The following is an alternative (0,-1)-projective predicate. Given a family of quotient sets [forall x : A, B x / R x], for [R : forall x : A, Relation (B x)], we merely have a choice function [g : forall x, B x], such that [class_of (g x) = f x]. *)
(** The following is an alternative (0,-1)-projectivity predicate on [A]. Given a family of quotient equivalence classes [f : forall x : A, B x / R x], for [R : forall x : A, Relation (B x)], we merely have a choice function [g : forall x, B x], factoring [f] as [f x = class_of (g x)]. *)

Definition IsQuotientChoosable (A : Type) :=
Definition HasQuotientChoice (A : Type) :=
forall (B : A -> Type), (forall x, IsHSet (B x)) ->
forall (R : forall x, Relation (B x))
(pR : forall x, is_mere_relation (B x) (R x)),
(forall x, Reflexive (R x)) ->
(forall x, Symmetric (R x)) ->
(forall x, Transitive (R x)) ->
forall (f : forall x : A, B x / (R x)),
forall (f : forall x : A, B x / R x),
hexists (fun g : (forall x : A, B x) =>
forall x, class_of (R x) (g x) = f x).

Section choose_isquotientchoosable.
Section choose_has_quotient_choice.
Context `{Univalence}
{A : Type} {B : A -> Type} `{!forall x, IsHSet (B x)}
(P : forall x, B x -> Type) `{!forall x (a : B x), IsHProp (P x a)}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ Section choose_isquotientchoosable.
: B a / RelClassEquiv a
:= (prechoose i a).1.

End choose_isquotientchoosable.
End choose_has_quotient_choice.

(** The following section derives [IsTrChoosable 0 A] from [IsQuotientChoosable A]. *)
(** The following section derives [HasTrChoice 0 A] from [HasQuotientChoice A]. *)

Section isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
Context `{Univalence} (A : Type) (qch : IsQuotientChoosable A).
Section has_tr0_choice_quotientchoice.
Context `{Univalence} (A : Type) (qch : HasQuotientChoice A).

Local Definition RelUnit (B : A -> Type) (a : A) (b1 b2 : B a) : HProp
:= Build_HProp Unit.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Section isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
by apply qglue.

Lemma isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable : IsTrChoosable 0 A.
Lemma has_tr0_choice_quotientchoice : HasTrChoice 0 A.
intros B sB f.
transparent assert (g : (forall a, B a / RelUnit B a)).
Expand All @@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ Section isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
apply qch.

End isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
End has_tr0_choice_quotientchoice.

Lemma istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable (A : Type)
: IsTrChoosable 0 A -> IsQuotientChoosable A.
Lemma has_quotient_choice_tr0choice (A : Type)
: HasTrChoice 0 A -> HasQuotientChoice A.
intros ch B sB R pR rR sR tR f.
set (P := fun a b => class_of (R a) b = f a).
Expand All @@ -154,24 +154,25 @@ Proof.
apply h.

Global Instance isequiv_istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable
Global Instance isequiv_has_tr0_choice_to_has_quotient_choice
`{Univalence} (A : Type)
: IsEquiv (istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable A).
: IsEquiv (has_quotient_choice_tr0choice A).
srapply isequiv_iff_hprop.
- apply istrunc_forall.
- apply isquotientchoosable_to_istr0choosable.
- apply has_tr0_choice_quotientchoice.

Definition equiv_istr0choosable_isquotientchoosable `{Univalence} (A : Type)
: IsTrChoosable 0 A <~> IsQuotientChoosable A
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable A) _.
Definition equiv_has_tr0_choice_has_quotient_choice
`{Univalence} (A : Type)
: HasTrChoice 0 A <~> HasQuotientChoice A
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (has_quotient_choice_tr0choice A) _.

(** The next section uses [istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable] to generalize [quotient_rec2], see [choose_quotient_ind] below. *)
(** The next section uses [has_quotient_choice_tr0choice] to generalize [quotient_rec2], see [choose_quotient_ind] below. *)

Section choose_quotient_ind.
Context `{Univalence}
{I : Type} `{!IsTrChoosable 0 I}
{I : Type} `{!HasTrChoice 0 I}
{A : I -> Type} `{!forall i, IsHSet (A i)}
(R : forall i, Relation (A i))
`{!forall i, is_mere_relation (A i) (R i)}
Expand All @@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
by apply qglue.

(** Given suitable preconditions, we will show that [ChooseProp P a g] is inhabited, rather than directly showing [P q]. This turns out to be beneficial because [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition. *)
(** Given suitable preconditions, we will show that [ChooseProp P a g] is inhabited, rather than directly giving an inhabitant of [P g]. This turns out to be beneficial because [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition. *)

Local Definition ChooseProp
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
by induction (hset_path2 idpath pa).

(* Since [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition, we can apply [istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable] and strip its truncation in order to derive [ChooseProp P a g]. *)
(* Since [ChooseProp P a g] is a proposition, we can apply [has_quotient_choice_tr0choice] and strip its truncation in order to derive [ChooseProp P a g]. *)

Lemma chooseprop_quotient_ind
(P : (forall i, A i / R i) -> Type) `{!forall g, IsHSet (P g)}
Expand All @@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ Section choose_quotient_ind.
: ChooseProp P a g.
pose proof
(istr0choosable_to_isquotientchoosable I _ A _ R _ _ _ _ g) as h.
(has_quotient_choice_tr0choice I _ A _ R _ _ _ _ g) as h.
destruct h as [h p].
apply path_forall in p.
Expand Down
122 changes: 67 additions & 55 deletions theories/Projective.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,32 +8,32 @@ Require Import Limits.Pullback.

(** * Projective types *)

(** To quantify over all truncation levels including infinity, we parametrize [IsProjective] by a [Modality]. When specializing to [IsProjective purely] we get an (oo,-1)-projective predicate. When specializing to [IsProjective (Tr n)] we get an (n,-1)-projective predicate. *)
(** To quantify over all truncation levels including infinity, we parametrize [IsOProjective] by a [Modality]. When specializing to [IsOProjective purely] we get an (oo,-1)-projectivity predicate, [IsProjective]. When specializing to [IsOProjective (Tr n)] we get an (n,-1)-projectivity predicate, [IsTrProjective]. *)

Definition IsProjective (O : Modality) (X : Type) : Type
Definition IsOProjective (O : Modality) (X : Type) : Type
:= forall A, In O A -> forall B, In O B ->
forall f : X -> B, forall p : A -> B,
IsSurjection p -> merely (exists s : X -> A, p o s == f).

(** An (oo,-1)-projective predicate [IsPureProjective]. *)
(** (oo,-1)-projectivity. *)

Notation IsPureProjective := (IsProjective purely).
Notation IsProjective := (IsOProjective purely).

(** An (n,-1)-projective predicate [IsTrProjective]. *)
(** (n,-1)-projectivity. *)

Notation IsTrProjective n := (IsProjective (Tr n)).
Notation IsTrProjective n := (IsOProjective (Tr n)).

(** A type X is projective if and only if surjections into X merely split. *)
Proposition iff_isprojective_surjections_split
Proposition iff_isoprojective_surjections_split
(O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsProjective O X <->
: IsOProjective O X <->
(forall (Y : Type), In O Y -> forall (p : Y -> X),
IsSurjection p -> merely (exists s : X -> Y, p o s == idmap)).
- intros isprojX Y oY p S; unfold IsProjective in isprojX.
- intros isprojX Y oY p S; unfold IsOProjective in isprojX.
exact (isprojX Y _ X _ idmap p S).
- intro splits. unfold IsProjective.
- intro splits. unfold IsOProjective.
intros A oA B oB f p S.
pose proof (splits (Pullback p f) _ pullback_pr2 _) as s'.
Expand All @@ -45,38 +45,38 @@ Proof.
apply E.

Corollary equiv_isprojective_surjections_split
Corollary equiv_isoprojective_surjections_split
`{Funext} (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsProjective O X <~>
: IsOProjective O X <~>
(forall (Y : Type), In O Y -> forall (p : Y -> X),
IsSurjection p -> merely (exists s : X -> Y, p o s == idmap)).
exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_isprojective_surjections_split O X)).
exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_isoprojective_surjections_split O X)).

(** ** Projectivity and the axiom of choice *)

(** In topos theory, an object X is said to be projective if the axiom of choice holds when making choices indexed by X. We will refer to this as [IsChoosable], to avoid confusion with [IsProjective] above. In similarity with [IsProjective], we parametrize it by a [Modality]. *)
(** In topos theory, an object X is said to be projective if the axiom of choice holds when making choices indexed by X. We will refer to this as [HasOChoice], to avoid confusion with [IsOProjective] above. In similarity with [IsOProjective], we parametrize it by a [Modality]. *)

Class IsChoosable (O : Modality) (A : Type) :=
ischoosable :
Class HasOChoice (O : Modality) (A : Type) :=
hasochoice :
forall (B : A -> Type), (forall x, In O (B x)) ->
(forall x, merely (B x)) -> merely (forall x, B x).

(** An (oo,-1)-choice predicate [IsPureChoosable]. *)
(** (oo,-1)-choice. *)

Notation IsPureChoosable := (IsChoosable purely).
Notation HasChoice := (HasOChoice purely).

(** An (n,-1)-choice predicate [IsTrChoosable]. *)
(** (n,-1)-choice. *)

Notation IsTrChoosable n := (IsChoosable (Tr n)).
Notation HasTrChoice n := (HasOChoice (Tr n)).

Global Instance ischoosable_sigma
Global Instance hasochoice_sigma
`{Funext} {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} (O : Modality)
(chA : IsChoosable O A)
(chB : forall a : A, IsChoosable O (B a))
: IsChoosable O {a : A | B a}.
(chA : HasOChoice O A)
(chB : forall a : A, HasOChoice O (B a))
: HasOChoice O {a : A | B a}.
intros C sC f.
set (f' := fun a => chB a (fun b => C (a; b)) _ (fun b => f (a; b))).
Expand All @@ -85,43 +85,55 @@ Proof.
apply tr.
apply chA.

Proposition iff_isprojective_ischoosable
(O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsProjective O X <-> IsChoosable O X.
Proposition isoprojective_ochoice (O : Modality) (X : Type)
: HasOChoice O X -> IsOProjective O X.
refine (iff_compose (iff_isprojective_surjections_split O X) _).
- intros splits P oP S.
specialize splits with {x : X & P x} pr1.
pose proof (splits _ (fst (iff_merely_issurjection P) S)) as M.
clear S splits.
strip_truncations; apply tr.
destruct M as [s p].
intros chX A ? B ? f p S.
assert (g : merely (forall x:X, hfiber p (f x))).
- rapply chX.
intro x.
exact (transport _ (p x) (s x).2).
- intros choiceX Y oY p S.
unfold IsConnMap, IsConnected in S.
pose proof (fun b => (@center _ (S b))) as S'; clear S.
pose proof (choiceX (hfiber p) _ S') as M; clear S'.
strip_truncations; apply tr.
exists (fun x => (M x).1).
exact (fun x => (M x).2).
exact (center _).
- strip_truncations; apply tr.
exists (fun x:X => pr1 (g x)).
intro x.
exact (g x).2.

Proposition hasochoice_oprojective (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsOProjective O X -> HasOChoice O X.
refine (_ o fst (iff_isoprojective_surjections_split O X)).
intros splits P oP S.
specialize splits with {x : X & P x} pr1.
pose proof (splits _ (fst (iff_merely_issurjection P) S)) as M.
clear S splits.
strip_truncations; apply tr.
destruct M as [s p].
intro x.
exact (transport _ (p x) (s x).2).

Proposition iff_isoprojective_hasochoice (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsOProjective O X <-> HasOChoice O X.
- apply hasochoice_oprojective. exact _.
- apply isoprojective_ochoice.

Proposition equiv_isprojective_ischoosable
Proposition equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice
`{Funext} (O : Modality) (X : Type) `{In O X}
: IsProjective O X <~> IsChoosable O X.
: IsOProjective O X <~> HasOChoice O X.
nrapply (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried
(iff_isprojective_ischoosable O X)); try exact _.
refine (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_isoprojective_hasochoice O X)).
apply istrunc_forall.

Proposition ispureprojective_unit : IsPureProjective Unit.
Proposition isprojective_unit : IsProjective Unit.
apply (iff_isprojective_ischoosable purely Unit).
apply (isoprojective_ochoice purely Unit).
intros P trP S.
specialize S with tt.
strip_truncations; apply tr.
Expand All @@ -133,14 +145,14 @@ Section AC_oo_neg1.
(** ** Projectivity and AC_(oo,-1) (defined in HoTT book, Exercise 7.8) *)
(* TODO: Generalize to n, m. *)

Context {AC : forall X : HSet, IsPureChoosable X}.
Context {AC : forall X : HSet, HasChoice X}.

(** (Exercise 7.9) Assuming AC_(oo,-1) every type merely has a projective cover. *)
Proposition projective_cover_AC `{Univalence} (A : Type)
: merely (exists X:HSet, exists p : X -> A, IsSurjection p).
pose (X := Build_HSet (Tr 0 A)).
pose proof ((equiv_isprojective_ischoosable _ X)^-1 (AC X)) as P.
pose proof ((equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice _ X)^-1 (AC X)) as P.
pose proof (P A _ X _ idmap tr _) as F; clear P.
destruct F as [f p].
Expand All @@ -154,10 +166,10 @@ Section AC_oo_neg1.

(** Assuming AC_(oo,-1), projective types are exactly sets. *)
Theorem equiv_isprojective_ishset_AC `{Univalence} (X : Type)
: IsPureProjective X <~> IsHSet X.
: IsProjective X <~> IsHSet X.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
- intro isprojX. unfold IsProjective in isprojX.
- intro isprojX. unfold IsOProjective in isprojX.
pose proof (projective_cover_AC X) as P; strip_truncations.
destruct P as [P [p issurj_p]].
pose proof (isprojX P _ X _ idmap p issurj_p) as S; strip_truncations.
Expand All @@ -166,7 +178,7 @@ Section AC_oo_neg1.
apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
exact (isinj_section h).
- intro ishsetX.
apply (equiv_isprojective_ischoosable purely X)^-1.
apply (equiv_isoprojective_hasochoice purely X)^-1.
rapply AC.

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions theories/Spaces/Finite/Finite.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Defined.

(** ** The finite axiom of choice, and projectivity *)

Definition finite_choice {X} `{Finite X} : IsPureChoosable X.
Definition finite_choice {X} `{Finite X} : HasChoice X.
intros P oP f; clear oP.
assert (e := merely_equiv_fin X).
Expand All @@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ Proof.
exact (tr (sum_ind P IH (Unit_ind e))).

Corollary isprojective_fin_n (n : nat) : IsPureProjective (Fin n).
Corollary isprojective_fin_n (n : nat) : IsProjective (Fin n).
apply (iff_isprojective_ischoosable _ (Fin n)).
apply (iff_isoprojective_hasochoice _ (Fin n)).
rapply finite_choice.

Expand Down

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