This repository contains the ROS 2 interface developed for the mobile robot Shelfino of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento, Italy.
Check projects/
for the description of the projects.
The topics provided by the interface are:
TOPIC | Description |
/scan | Data from the Lidar |
/odom | Data of the odometry (sensor fusion of the RealSense and encoders data) |
/t265 | Data from the RealSense camera |
/joint_states | Data from the encoders of the wheels |
/cmd_vel | Topic to control the movement of the robot acting on the velocities |
/robot_description | The urdf description of the shelfino robot |
/tf_static | The fixed transform between the base_link frame and the base_laser frame |
/tf | The tranforms between the robot and the odom frame, and between the wheels and the robot body |
Check the complete documentation of this repository.