released this
27 Apr 07:48
Major changes
Complete changelog
#8841 - Gradle: make sure project compile configurations can be found
#8816 - Fix issue with .env file and workingDir property
#8812 - .env file at project root replaced with symbolic link pointing back to the same location
#8807 - Building container image with multistage script should setup user 100…
#8800 - Upgrade JBoss Threads to 3.1.1.Final
#8799 - fix: clarify kubernetes documentation and fix various typos / formatting issues
#8794 - Don't always trust Maven's '-f' arg value when resolving the current project pom.xml
#8789 - More "writing the greeting extension guide" fixes
#8788 - Fix case where MongoDB and MariaDB extensions fail in native
#8787 - Add commons-compress to kubernetes-client to avoid TypeNotPresentException for TarArchiveInputStream
#8785 - quarkus-hibernate and quarkus-mongodb-client incompatibility
#8784 - Fixed the docs build
#8781 - Moved custom manifest tests out of maven IT to its own packaging IT module
#8780 - Fix elytron-security performance issue due to missing bean scope
#8778 - Improve how nested MDC scopes are handled in the Jaeger extension
#8777 - Avoid NPE in QuarkusProdModeTest when bootstrap fails
#8775 - Qute docs bugs
#8774 - Fix some code format issue on the extension author guide
#8773 - docs: update the minimum required maven version to 3.6.2
#8771 - Docs: greeting extension fixes
#8752 - Qute: documentation bug
#8751 - Qute: this
usage in each
#8749 - Qute: consider renaming one form of with
to let
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