released this
18 Sep 12:59
Major changes
#11893 - Add a RESTEasy Multipart extension
#880 - Introduce a RESTEasy Multipart extension
Complete changelog
#12167 - Fix a remaining old datasource config reference in the Vault doc
#12166 - Update instructions to set fast-jar flag in codestarts
#12165 - hibernate-orm-panache-kotlin: Fix compilation error of example in doc
#12164 - Upgrade SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.0.9
#12163 - Kotlin Panache doc: Fix broken link
#12155 - Improve JBang integration
#12152 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.18 to 2.14.19
#12151 - Upgrade to Quarkus HTTP 3.0.15.Final
#12149 - Documentation/Scripting: Missing 'init' parameter added
#12148 - Fix the capability to connect to MySQL in XA mode
#12143 - Set HTTPS scheme in the final OIDC redirect URI
#12140 - Check for null context (oidc logout flow)
#12130 - quarkus-oidc does not build final redirect uri with https when using force-redirect-https-scheme=true
#12126 - Improve MongoDB with Panache documentation around ObjectId
#12122 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.17 to 2.14.18
#12118 - Fixes Quarkus version and images dir in scripting guide
#12114 - fix: use own AddEnvVarDecorator to prevent it from being skipped
#12110 - Rename the Micrometer guide for more consistency
#12109 - Proofread Scripting with jbang guide
#12103 - Prevent potential infinite loop in AutoAddScopeProcessor
#12102 - Hang in build when upgrading to 1.8.0 when library class' superclass is not present on classpath
#12101 - Lazily init Jaeger
#12097 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.16 to 2.14.17
#12095 - Restore port sysprop values in VertxHttpRecorder
#12087 - quarkus.http[s].test-port system properties are lost on app restart triggered by @testprofile
#12083 - Document how to use QuarkusTestProfile#testResources
#12081 - Document how to use QuarkusTestProfile.testResources()
#12072 - Fix smallrye-jwt documentation typo
#12067 - Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory error with native mode in
#12066 - Fix documentation related with forwarding headers
#12065 - Add Tika extension dev mode test
#12063 - Quarkus kubernetes sidecars EnvVar do not work
#12062 - Quarkus Tika's configuration quarkus.tika.tika-config-path
not work in quarkus:dev
#12061 - Fix test package declaration
#12058 - OpenAPI/SwaggerUI displaying EntityManager schema for PanacheEntity Pojo
#12055 - Non-standard proxy forwarded headers are not being parsed
#12052 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.15 to 2.14.16
#12050 - Microprofile OASFilter only executed during build - not in runtime
#12045 - Register String constructors for reflection
#12041 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 3.0.15.Final
#12040 - Smallrye-JWT config property naming bug
#12035 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.14 to 2.14.15
#12033 - Fix typo in the OpenAPI Guide
#12032 - More security documentation updates
#12031 - Make sure that Funqy types are registered for reflection
#12029 - Micrometer extension didn't work with the security-oauth2 extension
#12019 - Funqy QueryObjectReader not working in native image.
#12018 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.13 to 2.14.14
#12014 - Add a hint to OIDC and Hibernate Multitenancy docs about passing a tenant id
#12010 - Use MetricsCapabilityBuildItem
#12009 - Rest Client - support injection for @RegisterClientHeaders
#12007 - ArC - normalize @nAmed qualifier when the name is defaulted
#12000 - Application crash with both Micrometer and Fault Tolerance extension
#11999 - Manage org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime
#11994 - Prevent potential infinite loop
#11991 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.14.12 to 2.14.13
#11984 - doesn't work on Ubuntu and Mint
#11949 - Simplify tenant resolution for the OIDC/Hibernate Multitenancy combination
#11940 - Disable random port usage in tests
#11936 - Beans enabled via build profile/properties should not be alternatives
#11893 - Add a RESTEasy Multipart extension
#11892 - Adding @IfBuildProfile("prod") annotation to one grpc service throws away all other services
#10323 - UTF-8 encoding problem with MultiPart/RestEasy
#9301 - Microprofile rest client - Can't inject config/beans to clientheaderfactory also in 1.4.2.Final
#880 - Introduce a RESTEasy Multipart extension
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