released this
19 Aug 17:15
Major changes
Complete changelog
#19490 - Fix RESTEasy Reactive race
#19486 - Ability to configure the registry URL from an env var
#19481 - Fix typo in config reference docs
#19471 - SimpleQuarkusRestTestCase#testFormMap sometimes fails with NPE
#19459 - Make roles unique when creating users in Keycloak dev services
#19458 - Fix minor DevServices for Keycloak typos
#19440 - Filter out duplicate JMX registration message
#19437 - Make sure logging is up when flyway starts
#19430 - Make sure projects based on non-recommended platform versions can still list relevant extensions
#19429 - Improve additional build args documentation
#19424 - Update event bus documentation to explain how to access an executor managed by Quarkus
#19419 - Add last-updated metadata attribute to the PlatformCatalog as reported by Maven metadata
#19411 - Fixed errors in pom
#19408 - Fix handling multipart requests manually
#19407 - Rename
#19404 - RESTEasy Reactive build failure with MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
#19403 - Prevent an infinite loop in AeshConsole write
#19400 - Queue the log messages if the queue compaction leads to new space
#19392 - Dev mode freezes when quitting and console log colors are switched off
#19383 - Gradle listExtension - fails on new release or project out of date with latest release
#19381 - QuarkusDelayedHandler prints an error and throws a log message away even if the queue was compacted
#19378 - Make separate schema compiling really work
#19377 - JPA Converter with auto-apply
#19358 - Fix Dev Console open browser error on windows
#19357 - Fix abstract method error in REST client
#19355 - RR routing fixes
#19349 - Ability configure extension registries from the environment variables
#19347 - Ignore unknown indexed property names in @configroot
#19345 - Minor naming changes for the doc
#19344 - Schedule reflective type hierarchy visits instead of processing it recursively
#19343 - Add Surefire test results for Gradle integration tests
#19341 - Reactive rest client doesn't support resource locator and subresource
#19313 - Ability to set registry client cache policy to "always" refresh from env
#19305 - Add build reporting extension and include report into uploaded archives
#19299 - RESTEasy reactive endpoint 404
#19290 - [Update to Quarkus 2.1.1.Final] Throw when press 'w' in DevConsole
#19262 - Spurious warning when handling string list properties from YAML
#19045 - Kafka JMX registration causes issues with continuous testing
#18542 - Resteasy-reactive routing does not work when paths are shared across classes.
#16874 - JPA Converter with auto-apply not working
#8371 - Should be ManagedExecutor in the Reactive Messaging Doc
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