25773 commits
to main
since this release
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #20864 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.7.Final
- #20860 - Upgrade to SmallRye Metrics 3.0.3
- #20843 - Update to proton-j 0.33.10
- #20842 - Enhance OidcClient to pass custom headers to the token endpoint
- #20837 - Enable all charsets in native image for quarkus-tika
- #20835 - Enhance OidcClient to pass custom headers to the token endpoint
- #20825 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.0.0.Final
- #20794 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 4.1.3
- #20791 - CI - Clean the Gradle temp directory
- #20780 - Support certificate thumbprints as OIDC key identifiers
- #20772 - Qute docs - few clarifications
- #20770 - Gradle: determine the source directories from the compileTask.getSource()
- #20765 - Mailer templates - make the underlying template instance accessible
- #20761 - Qute - fail fast if template extension class contains no suitable method
- #20755 - 2.4.0.CR1 Generated Bean Injection not working as before
- #20743 - Optimised integration between Context Propagation and Mutiny
- #20739 - Qute type-safe validation - validate namespace extension methods
- #20738 - OIDC should support the certificate thumbprints as key identifiers
- #20734 - Use test classes and resources dirs for artifacts with tests classifier
- #20731 - WebSocket Client ignores maxFrameSize property
- #20713 - Fix some gradle-extension-plugin apply bugs
- #20701 - Qute: namespace issue in included templates
- #20696 - Upgrade to Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.CR10
- #20687 - Qute loop docs - improve the iteration metadata description
- #20675 - outputFile and appendOutput params for quarkus:dependency-tree
- #20669 - Qute type-safe validation improvements
- #20667 - Extract test-only dependencies from the bootstrap-bom
- #20663 - Introducing Kafka Streams DevUI
- #20662 - Upgrade build-reporting-maven-extension to 1.0.5
- #20655 - Handle quarkus-extension.yml generation quarkus extension plugin
- #20635 - Allow to do a blocking smallrye-jwt authentication
- #20621 - Qute - validate expressions that start with a namespace coming from a TemplateData annotation
- #20590 - Only record config properties coming from ConfigSources
- #20536 - Enable access for Qute Template Instance within a Mail Template Instance
- #20006 - Add missing @PathParam value in examples