released this
17 May 14:50
Complete changelog
#25603 - Hibernate Reactive 1.1.5.Final
#25587 - Fix parameter name in Gradle extension plugin log and docs
#25583 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.6.9.Final
#25579 - Allow to fully disable the safeguards introduced by VertxContextSafetyToggle
#25577 - No need to use response methods returning a Future, if not used
#25571 - Upgrade to Hibernate Reactive 1.1.5.Beta2
#25567 - Gradle extension plugin suggests incorrect DSL update when the deployment extension is not found
#25555 - Get rid of a lambda in Arc runtime code
#25553 - Get rid of a lambda in Vertx runtime code
#25552 - ArC - improved message for some occurrences of ContextNotActiveException
#25550 - Get rid of a lambda in config runtime code
#25534 - Use the same default for accept backlog as Vert.x uses
#25527 - Ensure that ParamConverter classes can access request scoped beans
#25523 - Add note about using @BeanParam instead of @Form
#25520 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.8.5 to 1.8.6
#25512 - Fixed warning message parameter order
#25508 - Warning in doc for using Kotlin with older versions of Mandrel
#25506 - Add Optional converter
#25503 - @Form replacement in Reactive RestClient
#25498 - Minor documentation improvements
#25494 - Add notes about extensions using both RESTEasy flavors
#25490 - Double quote channel name when it contains dots
#25485 - OpenAPI: Make sure auto security also works for @Authenticated
#25482 - Make Quarkus restart when a change to Flyway scripts is made
#25481 - Document guidelines for RESTEasy implementation-agnostic extensions
#25479 - Ensure ObjectId is initialized at runtime
#25476 - Mongo id duplication
#25471 - Fix broken links
#25470 - DevUI: Fix case where there is a body
#25450 - Always connect grpcWS on document ready
#25449 - Can't send request via gRPC DevUI
#25448 - Improve Logging with Panache stubs
#25446 - Fix Apicurio include in dev-services.adoc
#25444 - Fix comparison in ensureProjectCoords method in AppModelGradleResolver class
#25443 - Fix comparison in ensureProjectCoords method in AppModelGradleResolver class
#25442 - Support optional for BeanParams
#25437 - Kafka topic name with dot is failing
#25436 - Register TimestampDeserializer and SqlDateDeserializer for reflection
#25427 - AppCDS: Make container-based generation opt-out
#25419 - IntelliJ code flow analysis confused by io.quarkus.logging.Log
#25413 - Quarkus testing with @ParameterizedTest using Optional broken with Java 17 + 18 (xstream)
#25410 - Select Java17 builder image for native when project built with Java 17
#25408 - Make sure that disabled jobs are paused in Quartz
#25407 - Avoid NPE when scheduled method identity has been renamed
#25405 - Upgrades to Infinispan 13.0.10.Final
#25401 - Relocate the profile names of quarkus.config.locations
#25400 - Fix NPE when returning null CloudEvent in Knative Funqy
#25395 - Make RESTEasy * Links visible again
#25390 - Harmonize the usage of charset in the Content-Type headers for RESTEasy Reactive
#25385 - Register Resource classes for reflection when custom MessageBodyWriter classes exist
#25376 - Trigger restart when deleting previously existing watched file
#25374 - Print a Warning when the kubernetes service discovery is used without the kubernetes client
#25357 - Native build will java 17 project fail because using a java 11 image
#25346 - Allow setting kotlinc compiler arguments in dev task/mojo
#25345 - Keycloak with policy-enforcer enabled: Request has already been read
#25331 - Deleting a watched file in dev mode doesn't trigger a restart
#25305 - Jackson deserialisation Timestamp in native mode
#25286 - Correct some minor errors in security-openid-connect guide
#25242 - Document behavior of @QuarkusIntegrationTest
w/ container networks
#25214 - Disabled schedulers are not disabled
#25199 - Upgrade to GraalVM 22.1
#25186 - Config quarkus.config.locations is evaluated before applying profile
#25168 - Examples for excludes, includes for jacoco configuration
#25010 - Document limitation of @QuarkusIntegrationTest
using Docker image
#24986 - Make RESTEasy Reactive handlers calls monomorphic
#24931 - NullPointerException with Quartz and Quarkus 2.8.0.Final when a job identity is changed
#24504 - SwaggerUI does not support @authenticated methods
#24444 - stork-service-discovery-kubernetes
extension requires some extra configutation that is not documented
#23939 - Optional not working with @QueryParam in BeanParam
#23573 - Confusing, if not downright wrong, warning message
You can’t perform that action at this time.