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Version 1.9.2

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@AsparagusEduardo AsparagusEduardo released this 16 Sep 15:13
· 1170 commits to master since this release
## How to update
- If you haven't set up a remote, run the command `git remote add RHH`.
- Once you have your remote set up, run the command `git pull RHH expansion/1.9.2`.


📜 = Uses a migration script.

  • Remove unused BattleScript_WindPowerActivatesEnd2 in #5257
  • Refactored in-battle disobedience to fix bug in #5245

💥 Hardlock/Softlock/Crash/Compiling fixes 💥

  • Fixed hardlock when Hyperspace Fury is used by Hoopa Unbound by @AlexOn1ine in #5237
  • Fixed compile error when OW_POKEMON_OBJECT_EVENTS is TRUE but P_HISUIAN_FORMS is FALSE around Basculin by @hjk321 in #5256
  • Fixed hardlock when the AI cannot choose moves due to its opponent having Wonder Guard by @Pawkkie and Wiz in #5317
  • Fixed multiple Pledge move hardlocks
    • Fixed potential hardlock when attempting to use Pledge moves on the same turn that the user would wake up by @PhallenTree in #5330
    • Fixed hardlock when the opponent's combo doesn't happen when cancelled by sleep by @hedara90 and @PhallenTree in #5339
    • Fixes hardlock when the opponent's combo doesn't happen when cancelled by freeze by @PhallenTree in #5340
    • Fixed hardlock when the opponent's combo doesn't happen when cancelled by Powder by @hedara90 in #5341

🧬 General 🧬


  • Fixed loading into the wrong version of a map after saving in areas with multiple layouts by @hedara90 in #5347

🐉 Pokémon 🐉




  • Reenabled unused female Indeedee overworld sprite by @Cafeei in #5285
  • Fixed G-Max Corviknight and Centiskorch's expanded names by @PhallenTree in #5296
  • Fixed G-Max Cinderace back sprite by @hedara90 in #5295
  • Fixed Shiny Mothim' by @Cafeei in #5333
  • Fixed multiple battle sprite issues by @kittenchilly in #5142
    • Sprite issues:
      • Bombirdier, Mega Absol/Aerodactyl/Latias/Latios/Salamence, Orthworm and Veluza.
    • Shiny issues:
      • Bombirdier, Kilowattrel, Landorus, Magearna, Mega Diancie/Medicham, Galarian Ponyta, Shroodle, Spidops and Wattrel.
  • Fixed multiple overworld Pokémon sprites - Part 1 by @Cafeei in #5241
    • "Blinking pixels":
      • Dwebble, Krookodile, Servine, Throh and Vulpix.
    • Shiny Palettes
      • Crustle, Excadrill, Lillipup, Serperior, Servine, Sigilyph, Swoobat, Tranquil and Venipede.
    • Misc fixes:
      • Archen, Basculin, Blitzle, Crustle, Escavalier, Krokorok, Krookodile, Sawsbuck, secondary, Serperior, Snivy, Throh, Woobat, Zebstrika
  • Fixed multiple overworld Pokémon sprites - Part 2 by @Cafeei in #5333
    • Palette Fixes:
      • Shiny Riolu/Snover, Oshawott, Kabutops, Shieldon, Kingler and Groudon.
    • Fixed "Blinking pixels":
      • Abomasnow, Aggron, Alakazam, Ariados, Articuno, Azumarill, Barboach, Bayleef, Bibarel, Blastoise, Celebi, Charmeleon, Cherrim, Chinchou, Cloyster, Corphish, Corsola, Crawdaunt, Cubone, Dewott, Doduo, Dusknoir, Electabuzz, Espeon, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, Feraligatr, Flaafy, Flareon, Floatzel, Furret, Gastly, Girafarig, Giratina, Gligar, Gloom, Golbat, Grumpig, Hariyama, Heatran (just reduced), Hoppip, Jolteon, Jumpluff, Kricketot, Larvitar, Leafeon, Lileep, Lumineon, Luxio, Luxray, Machamp, Magneton, Mantine, Mantyke, Marowak, Meowth, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Mime Jr, Moltres, Numel, Oshawott, Phione, Pinsir, Politoed, Porygon-Z, Probopass, Quilava, Qwilfish, Rampardos, Rapidash, Regirock, Sceptile, Scizor, Seel, Shieldon, Shiftry, Slowking, Smoochum, Sneasel, Spheal, Steelix, Sudowoodo, Suicune, Swellow, Swinub, Tentacruel, Togekiss, Togepi, Vaporeon, Vibrava, Wartortle, Wooper, Yanma, Yanma, Yanmega, Zangoose, Zapdos, Zubat
    • Misc. Sprite Fixes: Dewott, Misdreavus, Oshawott, Torkoal and Victini.
  • Overworld sprite fixes by @Liamjd14 (with help from @hedara90 to solve conflicts) in #5334
    • Palette Fixes: Shieldon.
    • Misc. Sprite Fixes Torkoal.
    • "Blinking pixels":
      • Ambipom, Armaldo, Crawdaunt, Crobat, Donphan, Flaaffy, Flygon, Grovyle, Hoppip, Igglybuff, Illumise, Jumpluff, Ledian, Ledyba, Mamoswine, Mantine, Marshtomp, Meganium, Mightyena, Miltank, Numel, Prinplup, Raikou, Roserade, Skarmory, Skiploom, Spinarak, Staraptor, Stunky, Torkoal, Wooper, Xatu, Yanma
  • Overworld Pokémon sprite changes by @Liamjd14 in #5336
    • Fixed "blinking pixels":
      * Alolan Graveler/Golem/Alolan/Ninetales
      * Dawn Wings Necrozma
      * Hisuian Growlithe/Arcanine
      * Winter Sawsbuck
    • Added missing Shiny Palettes
      • Calyrex Ice/Shadow Rider, Origin Dialga/Palkia, White-Striped Basculin, Therian Enamorus and Low-Key Toxtricity.
    • Removed Gigantamax Low-Key Toxtricity using base Low-Key follower sprites.
    • Fixed Shiny palettes
      • Alolan Marowak/Raichu, Eternal Flower Floette, Flabébé (All), Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash
      • Typhlosion-Hisui follower shiny stomach color wrong - done
    • Other sprite/palette fixes
      • Alolan Exeggutor/Marowak/Persian/Raichu/Sandshrew, Hisuian Sligoo/Goodra and Winter Sawsbuck.

⚔️ Battle General ⚔️



  • Fixed Slateport Battle Tent/Battle Factory issues by @SarnPoke in #5281
    • Choosing the "SWAP" option no longer shows invalid Pokémon ("??????????").
    • Reloading after choosing "REST" no longer resets the player's challenge party to invalid Pokémon ("??????????").
  • Fixed Starting Status happening Wild Battles from a previous Trainer Battle by @PhallenTree in #5248
  • Fixed bugged behavior caused by Z-Moves and disobedience by @hedara90 in #5245
  • Fixed Entry Hazards targeting wrong side of the field if the opponent fainted by @PhallenTree in #5262
  • Fixed being able to use multiple of the same Gimmick in Double Battles by @AgustinGDLV in #5235
  • Fixed Terastallization not granting immunity to Tar Shot by @AlexOn1ine in #5302
  • Fixed Cmd_trainerslidein/out using the incorrect function by @ghoulslash in #5326

🤹 Moves 🤹


  • Added Charge's Gen 9 behavior via B_CHARGE config by @AlexOn1ine in #5274
  • Added Powder's Gen 7+ behavior of not causing damage when under Heavy Rain via B_POWDER_RAIN by @PhallenTree in #5370


  • Fixed move descriptions missing periods (Decorate, Collision Course, Electro Drift) by @Pawkkie and Kasen in #5221
  • Fixed Confide not being blocked by Crafty Shield interaction by @hedara90 in #5202
  • Fixed message for switch out moves by @kittenchilly in #5258
  • Fixed Ice Fang's descriptions using the opposite of what they're supposed to do based on B_USE_FROSTBITE by @laserXdolphin in #5273
  • Fixes to Instruct by @PhallenTree in #5262
    • Fixed Instruct bypassing AtkCanceler checks (Instruct allowed the target to act while asleep, flinched, etc.) and its interaction with First Turn Only moves (Fake Out, First Impression, Mat Block).
    • Fixed Instruct's animation using the attacker and target of the called move.
  • Fixed Scale Shot's effect not activating if the opponent fainted before all hits finished by @AlexOn1ine in #5292
  • Fixed Round not preserving turn order for non-Round users if there's a switch out at the beginning of the turn by @AlexOn1ine in #5292
  • Fixed Max Moves ignoring absorbing abilities (+ test) by @PhallenTree in #5296
  • Fixed attack string for Max Moves not being printed if it's blocked by Max Guard by @hedara90 in #5312
  • Fixed some Pledge move combo issues by @PhallenTree in #5330
    • Fixed Pledge move combos attempting to be executed multiple times in a turn, causing mons to decrement sleep timer multiple times during the turn or causing infinite loops.
  • Fixed potential issue with custom non-sound moves that use EFFECT_ATTACK_UP_USER_ALLY or EFFECT_PERISH_SONG being blocked by Soundproof anyway by @AlexOn1ine in #5301
  • Fixed Pledge combinations not being absorbed by absorption Abilities (Sap Sipper, Storm Drain, etc.) by @hedara90 in #5364
  • Fixed Toxic Thread decreasing speed by 2 stages instead of 1 by @AsparagusEduardo in #5369
  • Fixed Destiny Bond not working if the user was fainted by a multi-Hit move's non-first hit by @AlexOn1ine in #5377
  • Fixed Powder interactions by @PhallenTree in #5370
    • Fixed Magic Guard not protecting against Powder's secondary damage when using a Fire-type move.
    • Fixed Fire/Water Pledge combination being cancelled by Powder.
    • Fixed Fire Z-Moves not playing their animations and not granting their secondary effects when the user is under Powder's effect
  • Fixed After You/Shell Trap not updating battlers' actions correctly by @PhallenTree in #5384

🎭 Abilities 🎭


🧶 Items 🧶


  • Fixed berries missing their timing after passive damage by @AlexOn1ine in #5300
  • Fixed Micle Berry not increasing accuracy on the next turn by @AlexOn1ine in #5358

🤖 Battle AI 🤖


  • AI is encouraged to use "always crit" moves on partner with Anger Point by @SarnPoke in #5244


  • Fixed AI not seeing the power of Max Moves by @AlexOn1ine in #5299
  • Fixed minor wrong order in AI_CalcDamage that made Nature Power not be considered for Z-Moves by @AlexOn1ine in #5155
  • Fixed AI not considering Tera Blast/Tera Storm by @AlexOn1ine in #5155
  • Fixed AI_IsMoveEffectInPlus reading the incorrect stat for secondary effects that reduce stats by 2 stages by @ghoulslash and @Pawkkie in #5366

🧹 Other Cleanup 🧹


🧪 Test Runner 🧪



  • Moved ASSUMEs to inside GIVEN blocks to prevent them from being added correctly to the totals in the test summary by @AsparagusEduardo in #5308

📚 Documentation 📚


  • Fixed test system documentation saying that make check TESTS="Spikes" could be done with single quotes instead of double quotes by @AsparagusEduardo in #5266

📦 Branch Synchronisation 📦

pret's base pokeemerald

  • N/A

merrp/aarant's followers

New Contributors

Full Changelog: expansion/1.9.1...expansion/1.9.2