You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 29
Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Dec 8, 2016
2 revisions
Deletes the account of currently logged in user, deleting from the server all information associated with it.
Account's phone number can be used to create new account, but only once in two weeks.
Option | Description |
reason |
Optional reason of account deletion. |
deleteAccount('I have no reasons')
Test script
Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions
- getAuthState
- setAuthPhoneNumber
- resendAuthCode
- checkAuthCode
- checkAuthPassword
- requestAuthPasswordRecovery
- recoverAuthPassword
- resetAuth
- checkAuthBotToken
- getPasswordState
- setPassword
- getRecoveryEmail
- setRecoveryEmail
- requestPasswordRecovery
- recoverPassword
- getMe
- getUser
- getUserFull
- getGroup
- getGroupFull
- getChannel
- getChannelFull
- getSecretChat
- getChat
- getMessage
- getMessages
- getFile
- getFilePersistent
- getChats
- searchPublicChat
- searchPublicChats
- searchChats
- addRecentlyFoundChat
- deleteRecentlyFoundChat
- deleteRecentlyFoundChats
- getCommonChats
- getChatHistory
- deleteChatHistory
- searchChatMessages
- searchMessages
- sendBotStartMessage
- sendInlineQueryResultMessage
- forwardMessages
- sendChatSetTtlMessage
- deleteMessages
- deleteMessagesFromUser
- editMessageText
- editMessageCaption
- editMessageReplyMarkup
- editInlineMessageText
- editInlineMessageCaption
- editInlineMessageReplyMarkup
- getInlineQueryResults
- answerInlineQuery
- getCallbackQueryAnswer
- answerCallbackQuery
- setGameScore
- setInlineGameScore
- getGameHighScores
- getInlineGameHighScores
- deleteChatReplyMarkup
- sendChatAction
- sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification
- openChat
- closeChat
- viewMessages
- openMessageContent
- createPrivateChat
- createGroupChat
- createChannelChat
- createSecretChat
- createNewGroupChat
- createNewChannelChat
- createNewSecretChat
- migrateGroupChatToChannelChat
- changeChatTitle
- changeChatPhoto
- changeChatDraftMessage
- addChatMember
- addChatMembers
- changeChatMemberStatus
- getChatMember
- downloadFile
- cancelDownloadFile
- setFileGenerationProgress
- finishFileGeneration
- exportChatInviteLink
- checkChatInviteLink
- importChatInviteLink
- blockUser
- unblockUser
- getBlockedUsers
- importContacts
- searchContacts
- deleteContacts
- getUserProfilePhotos
- getStickers
- getStickerSets
- getArchivedStickerSets
- getTrendingStickerSets
- getAttachedStickerSets
- getStickerSet
- searchStickerSet
- updateStickerSet
- viewTrendingStickerSets
- reorderStickerSets
- getRecentStickers
- addRecentSticker
- deleteRecentSticker
- clearRecentStickers
- getStickerEmojis
- getSavedAnimations
- addSavedAnimation
- deleteSavedAnimation
- getRecentInlineBots
- getWebPagePreview
- getNotificationSettings
- setNotificationSettings
- resetAllNotificationSettings
- setProfilePhoto
- deleteProfilePhoto
- changeName
- changeAbout
- changeUsername
- changePhoneNumber
- resendChangePhoneNumberCode
- checkChangePhoneNumberCode
- getActiveSessions
- terminateSession
- terminateAllOtherSessions
- toggleGroupEditors
- changeChannelUsername
- toggleChannelInvites
- toggleChannelSignMessages
- changeChannelAbout
- pinChannelMessage
- unpinChannelMessage
- reportChannelSpam
- getChannelMembers
- deleteChannel
- getCreatedPublicChannels
- closeSecretChat
- getSupportUser
- getWallpapers
- registerDevice
- getDeviceTokens
- setPrivacy
- getPrivacy
- getOption
- setOption
- changeAccountTtl
- getAccountTtl
- deleteAccount
- getChatReportSpamState
- changeChatReportSpamState
- setBotUpdatesStatus
- setAlarm
- sendText
- sendAnimation
- sendAudio
- sendDocument
- sendPhoto
- sendSticker
- sendVideo
- sendVoice
- sendLocation
- sendVenue
- sendContact
- sendGame
- sendForwarded