You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 29
Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 10, 2017
5 revisions
Generates new chat invite link, previously generated link is revoked.
Available for group and channel chats.
Only creator of the chat can export chat invite link.
The newly generated link will replace (revoke) the current invite link.
Option | Description |
chat_id |
Chat identifier. |
Generates new chat invite link for
{ ID = "ChatInviteLink", invite_link_ = "https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEPfvW51xat27vi2-A" }
Test script
Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions
- getAuthState
- setAuthPhoneNumber
- resendAuthCode
- checkAuthCode
- checkAuthPassword
- requestAuthPasswordRecovery
- recoverAuthPassword
- resetAuth
- checkAuthBotToken
- getPasswordState
- setPassword
- getRecoveryEmail
- setRecoveryEmail
- requestPasswordRecovery
- recoverPassword
- getMe
- getUser
- getUserFull
- getGroup
- getGroupFull
- getChannel
- getChannelFull
- getSecretChat
- getChat
- getMessage
- getMessages
- getFile
- getFilePersistent
- getChats
- searchPublicChat
- searchPublicChats
- searchChats
- addRecentlyFoundChat
- deleteRecentlyFoundChat
- deleteRecentlyFoundChats
- getCommonChats
- getChatHistory
- deleteChatHistory
- searchChatMessages
- searchMessages
- sendBotStartMessage
- sendInlineQueryResultMessage
- forwardMessages
- sendChatSetTtlMessage
- deleteMessages
- deleteMessagesFromUser
- editMessageText
- editMessageCaption
- editMessageReplyMarkup
- editInlineMessageText
- editInlineMessageCaption
- editInlineMessageReplyMarkup
- getInlineQueryResults
- answerInlineQuery
- getCallbackQueryAnswer
- answerCallbackQuery
- setGameScore
- setInlineGameScore
- getGameHighScores
- getInlineGameHighScores
- deleteChatReplyMarkup
- sendChatAction
- sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification
- openChat
- closeChat
- viewMessages
- openMessageContent
- createPrivateChat
- createGroupChat
- createChannelChat
- createSecretChat
- createNewGroupChat
- createNewChannelChat
- createNewSecretChat
- migrateGroupChatToChannelChat
- changeChatTitle
- changeChatPhoto
- changeChatDraftMessage
- addChatMember
- addChatMembers
- changeChatMemberStatus
- getChatMember
- downloadFile
- cancelDownloadFile
- setFileGenerationProgress
- finishFileGeneration
- exportChatInviteLink
- checkChatInviteLink
- importChatInviteLink
- blockUser
- unblockUser
- getBlockedUsers
- importContacts
- searchContacts
- deleteContacts
- getUserProfilePhotos
- getStickers
- getStickerSets
- getArchivedStickerSets
- getTrendingStickerSets
- getAttachedStickerSets
- getStickerSet
- searchStickerSet
- updateStickerSet
- viewTrendingStickerSets
- reorderStickerSets
- getRecentStickers
- addRecentSticker
- deleteRecentSticker
- clearRecentStickers
- getStickerEmojis
- getSavedAnimations
- addSavedAnimation
- deleteSavedAnimation
- getRecentInlineBots
- getWebPagePreview
- getNotificationSettings
- setNotificationSettings
- resetAllNotificationSettings
- setProfilePhoto
- deleteProfilePhoto
- changeName
- changeAbout
- changeUsername
- changePhoneNumber
- resendChangePhoneNumberCode
- checkChangePhoneNumberCode
- getActiveSessions
- terminateSession
- terminateAllOtherSessions
- toggleGroupEditors
- changeChannelUsername
- toggleChannelInvites
- toggleChannelSignMessages
- changeChannelAbout
- pinChannelMessage
- unpinChannelMessage
- reportChannelSpam
- getChannelMembers
- deleteChannel
- getCreatedPublicChannels
- closeSecretChat
- getSupportUser
- getWallpapers
- registerDevice
- getDeviceTokens
- setPrivacy
- getPrivacy
- getOption
- setOption
- changeAccountTtl
- getAccountTtl
- deleteAccount
- getChatReportSpamState
- changeChatReportSpamState
- setBotUpdatesStatus
- setAlarm
- sendText
- sendAnimation
- sendAudio
- sendDocument
- sendPhoto
- sendSticker
- sendVideo
- sendVoice
- sendLocation
- sendVenue
- sendContact
- sendGame
- sendForwarded