MetaRuby is a library that allows to (ab)use the Ruby type system to create reflexive programs: create a specialized modelling API (a.k.a. "a DSL") at the class/module level and then get access to this model information from the objects.
This page will describe the various functionality that metaruby provides to help modelling in Ruby.
This page will reuse one of the most overused example of modelling: a car and colors.
Using MetaRuby, models can either be represented by Ruby classes or by Ruby modules. You use the first one when you want to model something from which an object can be created, in our example: a car. You use the second for things that cannot be instanciated, but can be used as attributes of another object, in our example: a color.
Another point of terminology: metamodel. The metamodel is the model-of-the-model, i.e. it is the bits and pieces that allow to describe a model (the model itself describing an object). As you will see, metamodels in MetaRuby are all described in modules.
The metamodel of models that are represented by classes must include {MetaRuby::ModelAsClass} and are then used to extend said class
module Models
module Car
include MetaRuby::ModelAsClass
class Car
extend Models::Car
Then, creating a new Car model is done by subclassing the Car class:
class Peugeot < Car
# Call methods from the modelling DSL defined by Models::Car
This creates a named model, i.e. a model that can be accessed by name. Another way is to create an anonymous model by calling {MetaRuby::ModelAsClass#new_submodel new_submodel}:
model = Car.new_submodel do
# Call methods from the modelling DSL defined by Models::Car
Note that this mechanism naturally extends to submodels-of-submodels, e.g.
class P806 < Peugeot
# Call methods from the modelling DSL defined by Models::Car
The metamodel of models that are represented by modules must include {MetaRuby::ModelAsModule} and are then used to extend said module
module Models
module Color
include MetaRuby::ModelAsModule
module Color
extend Models::Color
Then, creating a new Color model is done by calling {MetaRuby::ModelAsModule#new_submodel new_submodel} on Color
red = Color.new_submodel
A common pattern is to define a method on the Module class, that creates new models and assigns them to constants. MetaRuby provides a helper method for this purpose, that we strongly recommend you use:
class Module
def color(name, &block)
MetaRuby::ModelAsModule.create_and_register_submodel(self, name, Color, &block)
Which can then be used with:
module MyNamespace
color 'Red' do
# Call methods from the color modelling DSL defined by Models::Color
The new Red color model can then be accessed with MyNamespace::Red
A model hierarchy can be built by telling MetaRuby that a given model provides another one, for instance:
color 'Yellow' do
provides Red
provides Green
And, finally, a class-based model can provide a module-based one:
class Peugeot < Car
# All peugeots are yellow
provides Yellow
One important part of the whole modelling is to list attributes of the things that are getting modelled. The important bit being the definition of what should happen when creating a new submodel for an existing model. Even though we will use the class-as-model representation in all the following examples, the exact same mechanisms are available in the model-as-module. The only difference is that a class-as-model is a submodel of all its parent classes while a class-as-module is a submodel of all the other modules it provides.
These are attributes that hold at most one value (and possibly none). The typical example is the predicate (boolean attribute)
module Models::Car
include MetaRuby::ModelAsClass
# Attribute inherited along the hierarchy of models
class SportsCar < Car
# Make the default number of doors of all sports car 2
number_of_doors 2
class ASportsCar < SportsCar
# Actually, this one has a trunk
number_of_doors 3
class AnotherSportsCar < SportsCar
Car.number_of_doors => nil
SportsCar.number_of_doors => 2
ASportsCar.number_of_doors => 3
AnotherSportsCar.number_of_doors => 2 # Inherited from SportsCar
These are attributes that hold a set of values. When taking into account the hierarchy of models, the set for a model X is the union of all the sets of X and all its parents:
module Models::Car
include MetaRuby::ModelAsClass
# Attribute inherited along the hierarchy of models
inherited_attribute("material", "materials")
class Car
extend Models::Car
materials << 'iron' # all cars contain iron
class Peugeot < Car
materials << 'plastic' # additionally, all peugeot cars contain plastic
Car.each_material.to_a => ['iron']
Peugeot.each_material.to_a => ['iron', 'plastic']
Car.all_materials => ['iron']
Peugeot.all_materials => ['iron', 'plastic']
Car.self_materials => ['iron']
Peugeot.self_materials => ['plastic']
In certain situations, elements of the sets that we represented in the previous section can actually have names (where the names are actually part of the modelling).
module Models::Car
include MetaRuby::ModelAsClass
# Attribute inherited along the hierarchy of models
inherited_attribute("door_color", "door_colors")
def number_of_doors
class Car
extend Models::Car
door_colors['driver'] = Color # There is a driver door, but we don't know
# the color
door_colors['other'] = Color # There is another door, but we don't know
# the color
class Peugeot < Car
# All peugeot have a red driver door and a green trunk door
door_colors['driver'] = Red
door_colors['trunk'] = Green
Car.self_door_colors => {'driver' => Color, 'other' => Color }
Car.all_door_colors => {'driver' => Color, 'other' => Color }
Peugeot.self_door_colors => {'driver' => Red, 'trunk' => Green }
Peugeot.self_door_colors => {'driver' => Red, 'other' => Color, 'trunk' => Green }
In some cases, one need to modify the values inherited from the parent models before they can become proper attributes of the child model, commonly because the objects stored in the attributes refer to the model they are part of. For instance, let's assume we have a Door object defined thus:
Door = Struct :car_model, :color
Car.doors['driver'] =, Color)
Car.doors['other'] =, Color)
Peugeot.find_door('driver').car_model => Car
In most cases, we would like to have this last value be Peugeot. This can be done by defining a promotion method on the metamodel before the inherited attribute is defined:
module Models::Car
# Called to promote a door model from its immediate supermodel to this
# model
def promote_door(door_name, door)
# You have to create a new door object !
door = door.dup
door.car_model = self
# Define the attribute *after* the promotion method
inherited_attribute("door", "doors")
The last bit that MetaRuby takes care of is to register all models that have been defined, allowing to browse them by type. For instance, all models based on the Car model can be enumerated with:
Because this mechanism keeps a reference on all model objects, it is necessary to clear the registered submodels dealing with e.g. tests that create submodels on the fly. This is done by calling {MetaRuby::Registration#clear_submodels clear_submodels} in the tests teardown:
This will only clear anonymous models. Models that are created either by subclassing a model class or by using {MetaRuby::ModelAsModule.create_and_register_submodel} are marked as {MetaRuby::Registration#permanent_model?} and therefore protected from removal by #clear_submodel
If you need to customize the submodel creation process, for instance by providing options to the subprocess, do so by overloading #setup_submodel. Do NOT overload #new_submodel unless you really know what you are doing, and pass the options as an option hash