Romancal 0.15.0 (DMS build 24Q3_B14)
RAD v 0.19.4, cumulative changes since v0.19.0
- Changed image units from e/s to DN/s.
- Add flux step schema
- Add L2 and L3 catalog schema
- Add L2 and L3 segmentation map schema
Roman Datamodels v 0.19.2, cumulative changes since v0.19.0
- Move dqflags to roman_datamodels from romancal
- Updates for FPS and TVAC schemas
- Add Bit Mask to Resample
- Add 'basic' schema to 'wfi_mosaic'
- Change image units from e/s to DN/s
- Improve handling of individual image metadata.
Romancal v 0.15.0
- The high-level processing pipeline can now resample images onto skycells
- New capability to compute skycells matching input images
- Allow DQ flags to be specified by the user in resample step
- Populate the l3 product individual_image_meta block, which tracks the metadata from input L2 images.
- Include the input L2 file names on disk in the meta.resample information
- Populate level 3 WCS keywords
- Include logs in L3 products
- Move dqflags to roman_datamodels
- Make PSF fitting the default in source detection, and improve PSF fitting.
- Resampling now populates weight maps and context images.
- Improve outlier detection.
- Add a flux calibration step to the mosaic pipeline.
- Add new a new SourceCatalog step with Webb heritage.
- Add a new test of astrometric accuracy.
- Updates to read-the-docs
- Updates for unit and regression tests
New Contributors
- @larrybradley made their first contribution in #1186
Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.15.0